Jealous man gave Syrian ex-girlfriend’s sex tape to family

  • A 19-year-old left a sex tape of himself and his ex-girlfriend in her letterbox
  • The tape, held on a USB, was with a note threatening it would be released widely
  • He was attempting to blackmail the woman into resuming their relationship
  • On Monday, he pleaded guilty to blackmail and distributing an invasive image

A 19-year-old man provided a sex tape of his ex-girlfriend to her family in an attempt to blackmail her into staying in a relationship with him.

After his relationship with the woman dissolved, he put a USB containing the tape into her letterbox, along with a note threatening to release the video to the wider Syrian community if she did not resume being his girlfriend. 

He also sent an explicit image of the woman to her new partner, The Advertiser reported. 

The man pleaded guilty in an Adelaide court on Monday to blackmail and distributing an invasive image.

A jealous teenager left a USB containing a sex tape of his ex girlfriend in her family letterbox alongside a threatening note in an attempt to blackmail her into resuming their relationship (stock image)

District Court Judge Sophie David said the man’s threat to release it to the Syrian community, considering their strong views on promiscuity and sex before marriage, meant he knew it would have an immense impact on his former partner.

The court heard the man’s threat to release the video to the Syrian community forced his ex to flee Adelaide.

The woman told the court in a victim impact statement her former boyfriend’s actions left her feeling ‘cheap and gross’. 

‘To have to choose between selling myself to ensure [he] would keep our private life private or experience the consequences of his actions… was the most distressing choice of my life,’ she said. 

‘It was humiliating to have to remain in a relationship with someone you loathe in fear of the repercussions of the actions they threatened you with.

The man, whose own lawyer described his actions as ‘appalling’ and ‘manipulative’, will be sentenced next month.