A mum of twins has sent a heartbreaking message from beyond the grave to her family – telling her husband, ‘You will have no idea how much I will miss you.’
Jenny Thirlaway, 46, from Wallsend, North Tyneside, died on Tuesday, July 17, just over a year after being diagnosed with incurable bowel cancer.
In a Facebook post published the day after she died, she left a tear jerking message to her 3,000 followers, urging them to do something kind in her memory and for the ladies to wear red lipstick.
In response, many of her followers have taken to posting pictures of themselves holding red lipstick alongside the hashtag #redlippieforJenny
‘I’ll miss you more than you will ever know,’ Jenny with husband Scott

She told husband Scott: ‘I know with 100 percent of my heart, mind, and soul that our children are in the safest hands with you as their dad’

Jenny helped her husband Scott through his own battle with non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Jenny, pictured with her twins Molly and Jack, nine, told her thousands of followers to ‘go and do a random act of kindness’
‘Go out and do a random act of kindness for someone,’ Jenny, mum to Molly and Jack, nine, bravely said. ‘Just pick a stranger and do something kind.
‘For all you ladies out there, red lippy is a must for the day.
‘Last but not least get yourself into a bar and order yourself an amaretto sour and toast love, kindness, friendship and fun.’
In her heart wrenching message, Jenny said she would miss husband Scott, 44, who she cared for while he fought his own battle with cancer.
Cruelly, the couple found out about Jenny’s cancer as Scott was told he was going into remission.
Jenny said: ‘Scott, my incredible other half, thank you for being at my side, teaching me lessons in patience, being humble and dignity.
‘You have no idea how much I will miss you. I know with 100 percent of my heart, mind, and soul that our children are in the safest hands with you as their dad.’

Jenny’s heartbreaking final message was posted on her Facebook the day after she died
Jenny wrote her last message at 11.45am on Tuesday, shortly before she died, and left instruction for them to be posted to her blog called’Elvis may have left the building but Jenny is in no hurry to leave the bloc’ after she was gone.
Hundreds of her followers, who had followed her battle since her diagnosis last year, left messages of condolence and support.
Leah Bowman said: ‘RIP Jenny. Wear that red lipstick and show them all how to party up there.’
Linzi Gardner, posting a picture of some red lipstick, said: ‘Reading this on holiday in Spain just been for red lipstick will wear it tonight #redlippyforjenny.’

Jenny died on Tuesday, July 17, after being diagnosed with incurable bowel cancer just over a year ago
Jenny was given around a year to live in May 2017 after suffering bowel cancer symptoms in February that year.
She previously said ”Just after Christmas [2016], I noticed that after having drinks with friends, I would have a sore stomach and diarrhoea the next day.
‘Then, at the end of February, I had stomach pain. It was worse than being in labour. Still, I thought it was something like a burst cyst.’
‘My life has been one thing after another and you can’t change that but I’m sure there are worse people off than me.

She gained over 3,000 online followers after her diagnosis, and kept her blog ‘Elvis may have left the building but Jenny is in no hurry to leave the bloc’ going through her illness

She told husband Scott, ‘I know with 100 percent of my heart, mind, and soul that our children are in the safest hands with you as their dad’
‘I’ve had a great life, I’ve always done what I’ve had to do and I’ve always had good fun.
‘If I can bring up the children to be kind, laugh and have fun, then that will shape their future. It will determine how they look on death as they grow up when I’m not here.’
Jenny’s final Twitter messages were also poignantly brave. She commented on July 15: ‘Hi guys. I’m not doing so great now so will probably have a last post in the next few days.
‘I’ve asked my friend to link in with fb but if not can one of blog followers update on here. Cheers guys. Keep going and keep being your awesome selves.’