Jeremy Corbyn on holiday in Mexico making NHS criticism

His Twitter account has been churning out criticism of the Government over the NHS crisis.

But as ministers have been active and Theresa May went to hear the problems of hospital staff yesterday, Jeremy Corbyn was relaxing in sunny Mexico.

The Labour leader has attacked Transport Secretary Chris Grayling and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt for going missing, while he has been more than 5,000 miles away over Christmas and New Year. 

Yesterday he issued a message saying: ‘It is not good enough for Theresa May to say NHS problems are ‘frustrating’ and ‘disappointing’ when the Tory Government has caused this crisis. 

Nurses, doctors and patients are pleading with her to properly fund our health service, but she is ignoring them.’

Mr Corbyn jetted off to Mexico on Christmas Day and was still there yesterday morning. He is pictured with wife Laura Alvarez centre, Irma Erendira Sandoval second left, and John Ackerman right

The Prime Minister visited Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey yesterday, and apologised for cancelled operations. 

She said: ‘I recognise that it is difficult … I know it’s frustrating, I know it’s disappointing for people, and I apologise.’ 

Mrs May spent an hour and a half speaking to staff and patients at the hospital, which had 99.8 per cent occupancy on New Year’s Eve, and thanked those who worked over the Christmas period for their efforts.

Mr Hunt also apologised to patients for the wave of cancellations on Wednesday, saying it was ‘absolutely not what I want’.

Meanwhile, Mr Corbyn had jetted off to Mexico on Christmas Day and was still there yesterday morning. 

Labour declined to say when he might return to work, although sources last night suggested he was no longer in the North American country. 

Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said Mr Corbyn had no right to criticise hardworking ministers while he was enjoying a break in the sun. 

He added: ‘This is the rank hypocrisy of the Left at its most breathtaking. It is shameless.’

Mr Corbyn appeared keen to keep details of his holiday secret, with aides ordered to give no details of his whereabouts. 

The Prime Minister (pictured right) visited Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey yesterday, and apologised for cancelled operations. She said: 'I recognise that it is difficult...I know it's frustrating, I know it's disappointing for people, and I apologise.'

The Prime Minister (pictured right) visited Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey yesterday, and apologised for cancelled operations. She said: ‘I recognise that it is difficult…I know it’s frustrating, I know it’s disappointing for people, and I apologise.’

His official Twitter account gives no indication he is abroad, instead providing daily criticism of the Government.

But other Twitter users posted pictures suggesting Mr Corbyn has spent most of the festive period on holiday. 

On Christmas Day, Luke Leighfield posted an airport picture of himself with the politician, saying: ‘Merry Christmas from us and Jeremy Corbyn. We’re all off to Mexico!’

Yesterday, Left-wing academics John Ackerman and Irma Erendira Sandoval posted pictures of themselves with Mr Corbyn at a restaurant in Mexico.

The party leader’s wife, Laura Alvarez, is Mexican. Mr Corbyn made a similar trip last year, departing Britain on Christmas Day to enjoy a break in the sun.

Labour has previously denied reports that he insists on days off in lieu if he has to work over a weekend and that he likes to take a nap in the afternoon.