Jessa Duggar’s video is flooded with comments from PORN accounts, star accused of buying followers

Jessa Duggar’s latest YouTube video has been flooded with comments from what appear to be porn accounts.

On January 11, the 29-year-old mother-of-four revealed that she and her husband, Ben Seewald, had purchase a new ‘fixer-upper’ and have been renovating it to move in. 

The video had earned nearly 300,000 views and scores of comments congratulating the former reality star, but not all of them belong to fans with a ‘servant’s heart,’ as the Duggars might say.

About a dozen comments have come from users with names like ‘Sandy – F*** Me Check My Profile’ and ‘[Soffy] H0T Girl L!ve Cam,’ each of whom have profile pictures featuring scantily-clad women.

Jessa, 29, recently revealed that she, her husband Ben Seewald, and their four kids bought a new home and are fixing it up

A YouTube video about the renovation process has received a surprising number of comments with profile pictures featuring nearly-naked women

A YouTube video about the renovation process has received a surprising number of comments with profile pictures featuring nearly-naked women

All of the avatars show women in lingerie, some with just a closeup on their torso

All of the avatars show women in lingerie, some with just a closeup on their torso

All of the avatars show women in lingerie, some with just a closeup on their torso 

The suspicious commenters’ names include ‘Mia _ T[A]P Me!! To Have [S]EX With Me’ and ‘Sussy – Go To My Live Channel.’

Several have a woman’s name plus the directive ‘F**k Me Check My Profile.’

And if it wasn’t clear what those accounts were getting at, all of the avatars show women in lingerie, some with just a closeup on their torso.

However, most don’t see to be fully-functioning accounts: On their individual pages, several have posted the exact same video, which shows a still of a mostly-nude woman on a bed.

Other accounts also appear to be brand new with a single video posted.

The comments they have been leaving have not been X-rated: In fact, they’ve all been congratulating Jessa and talking about her kids.

However, several of the comments are duplicates, and they all appear to have been copied and pasted from other comments left by genuine fans.

They all have used names like 'Sandy - F*** Me Check My Profile' and '[Soffy] H0T Girl L!ve Cam'

They all have used names like ‘Sandy – F*** Me Check My Profile’ and ‘[Soffy] H0T Girl L!ve Cam’

‘Spambots’ are a phenomenon on YouTube, and often have nothing to do with the pages they comment on. Rather, they’re set up by users who share links in hopes of directing traffic to other websites.

Sometimes, though, social media users pay companies for a bunch of fake followers.

These faux-followers come in bulk amounts, and can make an account appear more popular — or score more lucrative sponsorship deals.

On Reddit, some critics of the Duggars have speculated that Jessa may have bought followers but was unaware of what she might get.

‘As someone who has done social media for a job this is definitely bought bots,’ wrote one commenter. 

‘You can buy comments from people and specifically write what you want in the comment. It will generate it from a random account also using the service and a lot of them are thirsty catfish porn accs trying to seem legit with multiple comments from lots of different “people,”‘ said another.

‘She just bought some bots to comment things on her video,’ wrote one more.

Most don't see to be fully-functioning accounts: On their individual pages, several have posted the exact same video, which shows a still of a mostly-nude woman on a bed

Most don’t see to be fully-functioning accounts: On their individual pages, several have posted the exact same video, which shows a still of a mostly-nude woman on a bed

The comments could be coming from spambots that have nothing to do with Jessa. However, some people say it may be a sign that she bought followers and engagement for her page

The comments could be coming from spambots that have nothing to do with Jessa. However, some people say it may be a sign that she bought followers and engagement for her page

Regardless of whether Jessa unintentionally welcomed the X-rated accounts to comment or not, she fundamentalist Christian would likely be scandalized by her new ‘fans.’  

Jessa’s upbringing involves strict rules governing male-female relationships, as well as conservative modesty standards.

Girls and women in the family were expected to cover up most of their skin, dressing exclusively in dresses and skirts and layering extra shirts under tops that dipped too low.  

In one episode, Michelle even had TLC blur her knees when they appeared on camera. In another, Jennifer — who was five or six years old at the time — was told by Jim Bob that her knee-length Hello Kitty dress, worn with tights, was too short and she needed to change.

They shared a family code word, ‘Nike,’ which would be uttered in the presence of an immodestly dressed woman — or an image of an immodestly dressed woman — to notify the boys to look down at their shoes.

Joy Anna, then just a little girl herself, demonstrated how it was her responsibility to cover the television screen to protect her brothers from seeing immodestly dressed women.

Jessa's upbringing involves strict rules governing male-female relationships, as well as conservative modesty standards

Jessa’s upbringing involves strict rules governing male-female relationships, as well as conservative modesty standards

Parents Jim Bob and Michelle required the girls to wear dresses and skirts that covered their knees until they grew up and got married

Parents Jim Bob and Michelle required the girls to wear dresses and skirts that covered their knees until they grew up and got married

In 2019, oldest sister Jana was mocked for appearing to Photoshop an image of herself at a local festival to cover up the bodies of two other women in the background

In 2019, oldest sister Jana was mocked for appearing to Photoshop an image of herself at a local festival to cover up the bodies of two other women in the background 

In 2019, oldest sister Jana was mocked for appearing to Photoshop an image of herself at a local festival to cover up the bodies of two other women in the background. Followers noticed that she appeared to digitally edit longer skirts on two women who weren’t dressed to her own modesty standards. 

Grown Duggar kids also don’t date in the modern sense, but might meet and get to know a member of the opposite sex through group events. If there is mutual interest, a boy and girl might begin a courtship, which the Duggars describe as ‘dating with a purpose’ — that purpose, of course, being marriage.

During that time, all interaction is chaperoned, and Jim Bob and Michelle even supervise text messages. The closest physical contact is a ‘side-hug,’ which prevents chest-to-chest contact. 

Upon getting engaged, dates are still chaperoned — but couples often graduate to front-hugging and holding hands. Still, any other physical contact is a no-no until vows are exchanged. 

Most of the Duggars, including Jessa and Ben, shared their first kiss on their wedding day. 

Porn, naturally, is off-limits. 

When oldest brother Josh was arrested last year, investigators found that he had the porn accountability software Covenant Eyes on his computer

When oldest brother Josh was arrested last year, investigators found that he had the porn accountability software Covenant Eyes on his computer 

Josh had previously called himself a 'hypocrite' for having an 'addiction' to pornography in 2016

Josh had previously called himself a ‘hypocrite’ for having an ‘addiction’ to pornography in 2016 

Upon Josh's arrest, Jessa and Ben released a statement condemning pornography in 'any form,' conflating child sexual abuse material with pornography made by consenting adults

Upon Josh’s arrest, Jessa and Ben released a statement condemning pornography in ‘any form,’ conflating child sexual abuse material with pornography made by consenting adults

In fact, when Jessa’s oldest brother Josh, 33, was arrested for downloading child porn in April — for which he has since been convicted — Jessa and Ben released a statement condemning pornography in ‘any form,’ conflating child sexual abuse material with pornography made by consenting adults. 

‘We are saddened to hear of the charges against Josh. As Christians, we stand against any form of pornography or abuse and we desire for the truth to be exposed, whatever that may be,’ the said.

And in 2015, when it was publicly revealed that oldest brother Josh had molested his sisters, the family seemed to be more scandalized by his admission that he had a ‘pornography addiction.’

‘I have been the biggest hypocrite ever,’ Josh confessed at the time. ‘While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife.’

After his arrest in the spring of 2021 on child pornography charges, it was discovered that Josh had a program called Covenant Eyes on his computer.

The software is designed to take screenshots of ‘concerning’ content accessed by the user. The screenshots are then sent to the user’s ‘accountability partners’ for review.

Josh’s wide Anna was his ‘accountability partner’; however, Josh accessed child sexual abuse material through maneuvers that blocked Covenant Eyes from seeing it.  
