Jessica Hood shares reason she hasn’t allowed her husband to see her naked for six years

Mother-of-four shares the heartbreaking reason she hasn’t allowed her husband to see her naked for six years – and the post strikes a chord with most women

  • Jessica Hood said she lacks confidence around her husband since having kids 
  • They only have sex in the dark and she hates it when he touches her stomach
  • The mother-of-four knows this feeling is common and aims to break her fear
  • Her detailed confession has been praised by other mothers on social media 

A Melbourne mother-of-four has revealed why she does not allow her husband to see her naked – and has done so for six years.

Jessica Hood shared an image to her ‘House of Hoods’ Instagram page with a meaningful, detailed caption explaining how she lacks body confidence around her husband since having kids.

‘From the moment my first born arrived my body has been covered in front of my husband. I’m confident but not with my husband,’ she said.

Jessica Hood (pictured with her husband) shared an image to her ‘House of Hoods’ Instagram page with a detailed caption explaining how she lacks body confidence around her husband since having children

¿From the moment my first born arrived my body has been covered in front of my husband. I¿m confident but not with my husband,¿ she said

‘From the moment my first born arrived my body has been covered in front of my husband. I’m confident but not with my husband,’ she said

The 31-year-old fears her husband will see her and ‘run away’ or will be ‘disgusted’ and ‘turned off’.

‘I know it hurts him and although I feel like I’m accepting my body more and more every day, I’m afraid he won’t accept it,’ she continued.

‘He tells me all the time he doesn’t care but what if it’s different when he actually sees me? All of me? My saggy tummy, my stretch marks, my cellulite, my rolls. I’m not the girl I was when we first met.’

Jessica also revealed they only have sex in the dark, she never gets dressed in front of him and she feels anxious when he touches her stomach.

Jessica revealed they only have sex in the dark, she never gets dressed in front of him and she feels anxious when he touches her stomach

Jessica revealed they only have sex in the dark, she never gets dressed in front of him and she feels anxious when he touches her stomach

The lengthy caption slowly transforms into a seemingly poetic verse of an emotional plea, as Jessica describes herself as a woman who has lost herself, her identity, her physique and her sparkle since becoming a mother.

While she knows this feeling is common among women, she says ‘one day’ she will no longer be self-conscious of her flaws and her body.

‘But I don’t want to feel this way forever. He deserves me. All of me,’ she said.

‘Just give me time. One day you will get all of me.’

While she knows this feeling is common among women, she says ¿one day¿ she will no longer be self-conscious of her flaws and her body

While she knows this feeling is common among women, she says ‘one day’ she will no longer be self-conscious of her flaws and her body

The confession was praised on social media with many other women saying they too have shield away from their husbands after having children.

‘Thank you for putting into words what so many of us struggle to say,’ one woman said.

Another added: ‘This made me sad. We all have had these insecurities at some point or another, you’re not alone. You are beautiful.’