Jewish pupils ‘avoid certain universities over fear of anti-Semitism’, Labour student leader warns

  • Melantha Chittenden, national chairman of Labour Students, issued the warning
  • She said the problem is widespread and pinned blame on the Labour party
  • Called on Jeremy Corbyn to launch a crackdown and tackle problem ‘head-on’

Anti-Semitism within Labour is deterring Jewish youngsters from applying to some universities, a student leader warns.

Melantha Chittenden, the national chairman of Labour Students, said the problem is widespread and pinned the blame on her own party.

She has now called on leader Jeremy Corbyn to launch a crackdown. Her comments follow complaints from students that anti-Semitism has become more socially acceptable among young Labour members who sympathise with the Palestinian cause.

Melantha Chittenden, the national chairman of Labour Students, has warned that anti-Semitism within Labour is deterring Jewish youngsters from applying to some universities

Miss Chittenden told Radio 1’s Newsbeat: ‘It’s stopping Jewish students from being able to go to the campuses they want to or even engage in activities they want to on campus.’ She called on Mr Corbyn to tackle the problem ‘head-on’.

One Jewish sixth former in Manchester said he was scared of going to some universities because he would not feel welcome. The pupil, called Sam, said: ‘My parents said they wouldn’t feel comfortable with me going, so I didn’t apply.’

Another youngster said: ‘If I am involved in an anti-Semitic incident I want there to be people who can help me through it.’

Labour has faced anti-Semitism claims for years and the ex-president of the National Union of Students was accused of ‘anti-Semitic rhetoric’ in 2016. A Labour spokesman said all complaints are taken seriously and fully investigated. 

She has now called on leader Jeremy Corbyn to launch a crackdown (pictured here at Labour Live)

She has now called on leader Jeremy Corbyn to launch a crackdown (pictured here at Labour Live)
