Jilted girlfriend from Preston jailed over death threats

A jilted girlfriend who sent her ex-lesbian lover death threats when she returned to the father of her child has been jailed for 15 months.

Joanna Moffat, 31, from Preston, launched a hate-fuelled campaign of harassment against her ex-girlfriend Donna Bamber when she moved back in with Ste Lewis, 35, and their six-year-old son.

Moffat had already served a six month jail term for an arson attack on the couple’s car, threats and graffiti.

But shortly after her release she repeatedly breached her restraining order by continuing to harass her former lover and Mr Lewis with death threats and insults over social media and by telephone.

Joanna Moffat, 31, from Preston, launched a hate-fuelled campaign of harassment against her ex-girlfriend Donna Bamber when she moved back in with Ste Lewis, 35, and their son, six

The couple, who spent £200 installing CCTV at their home in Leyland, even caught her driving up to their home. 

Speaking after Moffat was jailed for 15 months at Preston Crown Court, Miss Bamber, 30, said: ‘I don’t think she will stop at this.’ 

Despite marrying another woman after their split, Moffat continued to threaten and intimidate Miss Bamber, her partner and their son. 

She was jailed and given a five year restraining order in 2016 after torching their car, throwing bricks at their possessions, daubing graffiti about them and sending threatening messages.

But just weeks after her release she returned to her campaign of harassment.  

Miss Bamber, who has been left suffering anxiety, bravely spoke about the torment her family had suffered at the hands of her ex-girlfriend.

She said: ‘It had a massive impact on my life. I blocked her from everything and told her never to contact me again but she’s obsessed.

‘She rang my voicemail with a voice changer and drove around my house in the middle of the night.

‘She threatened to harm my child. She’s a sick person…who does that?

‘I was scared she was going to do something while I was asleep at night and I was scared for my son because she said she was going to kill us. She’s a dangerous person.

‘I have thought about moving loads of times. I have had to buy a CCTV system with eight cameras.’

Moffat was jailed for 15 months at Preston Crown Court (pictured) after admitting two charges of harassment and 10 breaches of the restraining order

Moffat was jailed for 15 months at Preston Crown Court (pictured) after admitting two charges of harassment and 10 breaches of the restraining order

Moffat, who has another harassment conviction against a previous partner, admitted two charges of harassment and 10 breaches of the restraining order at Preston Crown Court.

Recorder Gary Woodall told her: ‘You began a campaign of intimidation against your former partner, initially involving arson, criminal damage, threatening phone calls and the like. 

‘It’s clear you did not come to terms with the separation and that led to harassment…the same type of offence for which you are to be sentenced now.

‘You were made subject to a restraining order prohibiting you contacting the victims for five years. Having served that sentence you were released but it’s clear you didn’t learn your lesson.’ 


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk