Jody Allen on how to clean your house with $3 of products

While you may have managed to shave a few dollars off your grocery bill, as soon as you throw cleaning products into the mix of your supermarket trolley then it’s easy for the finances to go awry.

But now, Jody Allen has revealed how you can clean your entire home using just AUD $3 of cleaning products.

The thrifty Queensland-based mother has become famous for cutting her family of four’s grocery bill down to just $50 a week – and now she’s turned her eagle eye towards cleaning.

Here, FEMAIL reveals how you too can make your home sparkling on a budget.

Thrifty mother, Jody Allen (pictured), revealed her top tips for cleaning your house using just $3 of cleaning products 

The Queensland-based mother previously became famous for cutting her family of four's grocery bill down to just $50 a week

The Queensland-based mother previously became famous for cutting her family of four’s grocery bill down to just $50 a week

According to Jody, the average Australian spends around $25 per shop on cleaning products:

‘Since I moved to the country a long time ago now, it has totally changed how I view cleaning products,’ she wrote on her blog. 

‘We aren’t allowed to put any chemicals down the sink as it will kill our sewerage treatment plant’.

This has led the 41-year-old mum to stop buying bleach, chemical sprays and oven cleaners – and instead move over towards more natural products. 

Detailing her current cleaning cabinet, Jody explained that she has now filled it with soapnuts (pictured) - which she uses for the dishwasher and laundry

Detailing her current cleaning cabinet, Jody explained that she has now filled it with soapnuts (pictured) – which she uses for the dishwasher and laundry

'I [also] use lemons to clean my microwave and freshen up the dishwasher's bad breath!,' Jody explained on her blog (stock image)

‘I [also] use lemons to clean my microwave and freshen up the dishwasher’s bad breath!,’ Jody explained on her blog (stock image)

Jody (pictured with her kids) swears by natural products over harsh chemicals and ingredients

Jody (pictured with her kids) swears by natural products over harsh chemicals and ingredients

Jody has a book (pictured), which is out now

Jody has a book (pictured), which is out now

Detailing her current cleaning cabinet, Jody explained that she has now filled it with soapnuts.

This is a dried berry, which, according to Jody ‘creates suds and is a great substitute for washing liquid’.

‘I [also] use lemons to clean my microwave and freshen up the dishwasher’s bad breath!,’ she wrote. 

The thrifty mum admitted she swears by Bicarbonate of soda – the ‘fantastic all-round cleaner of just about everything’.

She also uses white vinegar for making clothing soft, ‘getting whites whiter and general cleaning’. 

Finally in her cabinet, Jody swears by white salt:

‘These simple items will clean, sanitise and freshen your entire home, including the laundry!,’ she explained.

The thrifty mum admitted she swears by Bicarbonate of soda - the 'fantastic all-round cleaner of just about everything' (stock image)

The thrifty mum admitted she swears by Bicarbonate of soda – the ‘fantastic all-round cleaner of just about everything’ (stock image)

According to Jody, the average Australian spends $25 on cleaning products every time they go shopping (stock image)

According to Jody, the average Australian spends $25 on cleaning products every time they go shopping (stock image)


* Do a stock take of your kitchen and eat your way through this food first.

* Get a plastic container and put all of your vegetables that are close to their use by date inside it; eat them first.

* Crunch the numbers, work out a realistic figure for a grocery bill and cut what you don’t need.

* Look at old fundraiser cookbooks to get simple, delicious meal ideas.

* Shop as your grandmother would have done and avoid packaged things.

* Embrace alternative shopping methods such as lay-bys, where Ms Allen bought much of her meat.

* Grow your own fruit and vegetables.

* Download discount apps like Groupon and buy your toiletries there.

* Avoid supermarkets as much as possible.

* If you do go to supermarkets, forget the middle aisles; you only need the outer aisles.

* Make every meal you cook go towards a second in some way.

* Think about what you can do today that will make life easier tomorrow; take the meat out of the freezer.

* Don’t take your kids shopping – they cost you money. 

For those uncertain how and when to use soapnuts, Jody explained that they have myriad purposes.

For around three cents per wash, you can use 5-6 dried berries in a sock or small linen bag, put into the washing machine with your dirty washing.

Alternatively, the popular blogger said you can use three or four in place of dishwasher tablets.

Jody also said the functional dried berry will also make a great addition to your beauty routine:

‘Grab five dried soapnuts and three cups of boiling water. Steep the soapnuts in the water for 20 minutes. Allow cooling. Massage the liquid into wet hair and gently run it through,’ she wrote. 

Previously speaking to Daily Mail Australia, Jody revealed her shopping secrets and how exactly she feeds her young family for just $50 a week:

‘Avoid the supermarket as much as humanly possible,’ she told FEMAIL.

‘If you do go to the supermarket, the best thing I can tell you is to avoid the middle aisles. 

‘Everything you need is on the outer aisles – bread, eggs, milk and vegetables. It’s just packaged stuff in the middle.’

She also swears by keeping a plastic container in the fridge, which she calls the ‘use by container’:

‘I throw all of the vegetables in there that are approaching their use-by date,’ she said.

‘I made sure we ate those first, so nothing went to waste.’

To read more from Jody Allen, please click here. She also has a book, The $50 Weekly Shop, out now.