Joe Biden under fire for multiple ‘no comment’ responses on Maui wildfire as critics say there’s something ‘REAL fishy’ about the federal response to the disaster which has killed over 111

President Biden is facing growing criticism due to his nonchalant responses to the devastating wildfires in Maui that have killed at least 111.

First asked about the blaze on Sunday, the president told a reporter ‘no comment’ as he lounged on the beach near his Delaware vacation home. His response prompted outrage by Republicans and from even some of his Democratic allies.

And while on a leisurely bike ride along the Delaware coast, Biden simply replied he’s ‘looking at it’ when asked by another reporter about whether he wanted to discuss the tragedy in Maui. 

On Tuesday, Biden appeared to forget the name Maui, referring to the island in a speech in Milwaukee as ‘the one where you see on television all the time.’

Later in the speech, Biden cleaned up his language and said he and First Lady Jill would visit Hawaii ‘as soon as we can’ but didn’t want to ‘get in the way’ of recovery efforts as the death toll grows. 

The White House officially announced on Wednesday the president and Jill will travel to Maui on Monday ‘to meet with first responders, survivors, as well as federal, state, and local officials, in the wake of deadly wildfires.’ 

The 80-year-old smiled as he got into his waiting motorcade, but refused to answer questions about Hawaii

‘Can you tell us about your Hawaii trip?’ asked a reporter on Thursday curious to get more details about the planned stop.

‘No, not now,’ Biden responded, earning him even more backlash.

Biden will jet over to Maui from Lake Tahoe – where he arrives Friday for a vacation. The president had originally been planning to spend six days at the ritzy Nevada vacation spot but opted to cut the trip short following blowback. 

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was also grilled inside the White House briefing room about why Biden hadn’t addressed the matter at length or announced a trip.

She pushed back at criticism of the president’s handling of the wildfires in Maui, insisting on Wednesday before the official announcement, ‘we are taking this incredibly seriously.’

‘You’re going to continue to hear from the president. He’s eager to head out to Maui, to see for himself,’ she told CNN’s This Morning.

The president also ignored multiple shouted questions by reporters throughout the week, who wanted an update on the federal response to the disaster. 

He quickly ran past the pack of White House reporters and ignored questions about the fire response while walking across the South Lawn to Marine One on multiple occasions throughout the week.  

On Friday at Camp David, Biden ignored questions after a photo op with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President President Yoon Suk-yeol.

The leaders are expected to sign a new security pledge, agreeing to consult one another should a crisis arise in the Pacific, a plan that China roasted as forming ‘exclusive groups and cliques’ and comes as North Korea is expected to test a new round of missiles.

Biden’s initial ‘no comment’ remark prompted outrage from even some of his Democratic allies. 

‘I campaigned for you,’ said former Hawaii legislator Kaniela Ing on Monday on X. ‘Now, when I lose dozens of my friends, family, and neighbors. This?’ 

Instagram influencer Rogan O’Handley wrote on Twitter, now known as ‘X,’ that the more we learn about Hawaii, ‘the more we learn why Joe Biden has consistently responded with ‘no comment.’ 

‘There is something REAL fishy going on here,’ he continued.

‘President Biden completely ignored the people of East Palestine. Now, he’s giving the people of Maui the same treatment,’ Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, wrote on X.

Before Biden announced his visit, Republicans compared his lack of a visit to East Palestine, Ohio – where a train derailed and spilled toxic chemicals, displacing 100s. Biden had promised to visit the Ohio town but never did. 

‘Hey, maybe if we change the name of Maui to Ukraine, maybe they will pay attention to us,’ said former Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, arguing a one-time $700 payment pales in comparison to the tens of billions the U.S. has spent defending Ukraine against Russia. 

Following the criticism, President Biden promised to offer assistance to Maui for ‘as long as it takes’ ahead of his trip to the island.

‘The entire nation is with you as you recover, rebuild and grieve,’ Biden said in a recorded message given Thursday to Good Morning America.

The wildfire that broke out August 8 in the town of Lahaina is now the deadliest in more than a century, and the fifth-deadliest on record for the U.S. 

‘We’ll be with you for as long as it takes, I promise you,’ the president added. He noted the federal government has already taken action to send hundreds of emergency personnel and thousands of meals and supplies to the tourist town ravaged by flames. 

Some 2,200 buildings have been decimated by the inferno and around 1,300 people remain missing. 

Crews are expected to continue searching the charred debris and have deployed cadaver dogs to search for survivors. 

More than 3,000 people have registered for federal assistance, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and that number is expected to grow.

FEMA is providing $700 to displaced residents to cover the cost of food, water, first aid and medical supplies, in addition to qualifying coverage for the loss of homes and personal property.

The Biden administration is also seeking $12 billion more for the government’s disaster relief fund, as part of its supplemental funding request to Congress.

Joe and Jill Biden are seen on Sunday enjoying the beach with friends

Joe and Jill Biden are seen on Sunday enjoying the beach with friends

An urban search and rescue crew searches for human remains at a home destroyed by the West Maui Fire, in Lahaina on the island of Maui, Hawaii Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023

An urban search and rescue crew searches for human remains at a home destroyed by the West Maui Fire, in Lahaina on the island of Maui, Hawaii Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023 

Some 2,200 buildings have been decimated by the blaze

Meanwhile the Maui County Emergency Management Agency has also come under attacks for its response to the fire and how citizens were alerted of the danger. 

The agency’s administrator Herman Andaya defended the department’s decision not to sound Lahaina’s alarm system, arguing the alarms are typically used for tsunamis and citizens would have been trained to run for the hills – where the fire was closing in from. 

‘The public is trained to seek higher ground in the event that the siren is sounded,’ Andaya said during a press conference. 

‘Had we sounded the siren that night, we’re afraid that people would have gone mauka [to the mountainside] and if that was the case then they would have gone into the fire,’ Andaya said. 

But Andaya resigned Thursday following backlash to the botched response. 
