Jordan De Goey saga: Outrage as Collingwood AFL star blames ADHD for Bali nightclub video scandal 

Controversial AFL star Jordan De Goey is under fire after using ADHD disorder as an excuse for his wild antics during a mid-season break in Bali.

The 26-year-old Collingwood forward has issued a groveling apology and was slapped with a $25,000 suspended fine over his off-field antics.

De Goey spent much of his time off at Bali, where footage emerged of him carving up the dance floor at a nightclub where he mimicked a sexual act with his tongue to the camera and attempted to expose a woman’s breast as she laid on the bar.

A remorseful De Goey revealed on Tuesday he was diagnosed with ADHD late last year and was trying to become more aware of his actions.

He has been slammed by Pies fans, critics, advocacy groups and ADHD patients for using the condition as an excuse for his off-field decisions, which often land him in trouble.

De Goey also came under fire from the domestic violence advocacy group Full Stop Australia.

‘Attributing disrespectful and abusive behaviour to an ADHD diagnosis is an insult to people with ADHD,’ chief executive Hayley Foster told the Herald Sun.

‘ADHD does not cause disrespectful attitudes ­towards women and girls.’

Public commentators Joe Hildebrand and Samantha Maiden weighed into the ongoing saga on breakfast television this morning.

Public commentators Joe Hildebrand (left) and Samantha Maiden (right) weighed into the latest Jordan De Goey scandal on Sunrise on Wednesday

While both believed De Goey didn’t do anything wrong in Bali, they questioned his decision to blame ADHD.

‘At the end of the day, if AFL players are going to earn these massive salaries, they do have some responsibility to represent the club and I think there is also a bit of anger about him using the ADHD diagnosis,’ Maiden told Sunrise on Wednesday.

‘It’s very difficult to get an ADHD diagnosis, I’d like to know if it was from a psychiatrist or psychologist, to excuse his behaviour.’

De Goey’s excuses also didn’t go down well with Hildebrand, who described the excuse ‘as old as the hills.’

‘I’ve gotten in all sorts of trouble for saying I’m sick of people using medical conditions that suddenly, miraculously get diagnosed, often in retrospect to excuse behaviour they have already committed,’ he began.

Sometimes you just go out, do something stupid and screw up.

‘Sometimes you are dumb, drunk and make idiotic decisions and get caught. It doesn’t mean you are mentally ill, it doesn’t mean suddenly you have this mysterious condition you have been living with all your life that you only miraculously discover when you are in the dock or courthouse of public opinion.

‘I think that is pretty nauseating and pretty offensive to people with ADHD.’

Jordan De Goey (pictured partying in Bali last week) has blamed ADHD for the some of the regretful off-field decisions he makes

Jordan De Goey (pictured partying in Bali last week) has blamed ADHD for the some of the regretful off-field decisions he makes

Hildebrand says most people will believe De Goey was just drunk and behaved like an idiot.

‘It’s not this great journey of self-discovery you have to go on to think ‘Why is my behaviour impacting on my life decisions like this?’ he said.

‘You were just being an absolute idiot. That’s all there is to it, really.’

Sunrise co-host Natalie Barr added: ‘That’s what we called it in the old days, just being a dick.’

De Goey is a polarising player among Collingwood supporters.

While some argued he did nothing wrong, and the latest saga has been blown out of proportion by the media, many demanded he take more accountability for his actions.

‘Overpaid entitled footballer blaming ADHD for lewd behaviour, filming lewd behaviour, sharing lewd behaviour on social media,’ one fan commented on the club’s Facebook page.

Another added: ‘Jordy, if you wanna go run amok go, don’t post it or get your mates to post it on socials and lastly don’t blame ADHD for your behaviour. Own it.’

Questions were also raised about leniency of the punishment issued by the club.

Jordan De Goey (pictured with a female Collingwood fan in 2020) says he was diagnosed with ADHD late last year

Jordan De Goey (pictured with a female Collingwood fan in 2020) says he was diagnosed with ADHD late last year

De Goey won’t have to pay a cent of the $25,000 fine if he stays out of trouble for the rest of the season.

‘Where there is a pattern of disrespectful and abusive behaviour over time, the risk is higher, and we would expect the club to respond with a stronger sanction,’ Ms Foster said.

‘This was an opportunity for the Collingwood Football Club to set the standard for respectful behaviour towards women and girls.’

Former NRL gender advisor Catherine Lumby described De Goey’s punishment as a slap on the wrist.

‘I think a suspended fine, you know, suggests that they’re not really backing up the strong language they put mind their criticism of the incident,’ she told the Today show on Wednesday.

De Goey’s future with Collingwood beyond this season is in jeopardy after the club withdrew a two-year contract extension.

The contrite 26-year-old finally was accountable for his behaviour – before stating being diagnosed with ADHD last year often results in regretful life mistakes

He has apologised for his actions but is no certainty to play in this Sunday’s must-win clash against GWS Giants to remain in touch with the top eight.

‘The actions shown in the video footage are disrespectful and I accept that I have betrayed the trust the club showed in me by allowing me to take my mid-season break overseas,’ De Goey’s statement read.

‘I fully accept that as an AFL player, I have a unique leadership role in the community and with that role comes responsibility.

‘My actions have fallen short of the standards expected of me as a person, as an AFL footballer and as a representative of the Collingwood Football Club.

‘I had worked hard this year to establish trust and confidence in me to make better decisions and through no one’s fault but my own, I have undone that trust.

‘Late last year, I was diagnosed with ADHD and I am trying to become more aware of why I make mistakes that I do. I have again made a mistake – this is an ongoing journey for me – and I remain absolutely committed to changing.

Collingwood CEO Mark Anderson has come under heavy public fire for De Goey's punishment

Collingwood CEO Mark Anderson has come under heavy public fire for De Goey’s punishment
