Josh Reynolds describes weeks since he was charged as one of the most difficult periods of his life

NRL star Josh Reynolds has fired back at ex-girlfriend Arabella Del Busso after the domestic violence charges levelled against him were dropped.

The West Tigers player broke his silence on the scandal on Wednesday, describing the weeks since he was charged as the ‘most tumultuous and difficult’ period of his life.

Reynolds, 30, pleaded not guilty to assault occasioning bodily harm after Del Busso accused him of leaving her with bruises to her arm and leg in an alleged attack last year. 

Del Busso has since been accused by Reynolds, and several other men, of duping them out of cash by faking pregnancies, miscarriages, a cancer diagnosis, and deaths in the family.

It was also revealed her real name is Donna Preusker and Arabella Del Busso is one of nine aliases she has used over the years.

‘It’s shocking… I had who knows living with me for however long, and that scares me,’ Reynolds told 9News.

‘There’s no Netflix series, there’s nothing that’s as good as her ploy. Like I said I before, I feel silly but she played with my emotions, she really did.’


Josh Reynolds spoke out for the first time since his charges were dropped on Wednesday, describing the past nine weeks as the ‘most tumultuous and difficult’ period of his life

Reynolds, 30, pleaded not guilty to assault occasioning bodily harm after ex-girlfriend Arabella Del Busso (pictured) accused him of leaving her with bruises to her arm and leg in an alleged attack last year

Reynolds, 30, pleaded not guilty to assault occasioning bodily harm after ex-girlfriend Arabella Del Busso (pictured) accused him of leaving her with bruises to her arm and leg in an alleged attack last year

During their one-year relationship, Del Busso allegedly feigned three pregnancies that ended in ‘miscarriages’ and event went as far to alter photos to appear pregnant.

Reynolds said he always wanted to be a father and claimed Del Busso used that to her advantage. 

‘I’ve always wanted to be a dad, it’s not to be at the moment, but she was smart. She knew what to do,’ he added.

‘I can stand here and say: Arabella, whatever your name is, you said to me that you’re gonna bring me and my mum down, but we’re still standing. We’re still here.

‘You tried to bring me, my family, my mum down and it didn’t work.’

NSW Police announced earlier they planned to submit an application to withdraw charges against Reynolds at his next court appearance in Sydney Downing Centre in April.

The footy star expressed his relief while thanking his supporters in a statement.


This morning I was notified that the New South Wales Police have withdrawn the charges against me.

The last 9 weeks, since I was charged, have been one of the most tumultuous and difficult periods of my life. 

During this time my personal life was aired to the public and most importantly my character and principles were questioned. 

Whilst I am relieved, I believe the charges against me should never have been brought. I was always an innocent man and I am happy the legal system has proved this. 

I am relieved in the fact that I can now get on with my life and move forward.

I would like to thank my mum for always standing by my side. I love you.

I would like to thank my manager George and my lawyer Dan for never losing faith in me and standing by me through some of my darkest moments.

I also would like to thank my family and closest friends who have showed great strength and support for me throughout this time. I wouldn’t have got through this without you.

I would also like to thank the fans that never doubted my true character.

I am glad Todd Greenberg, the NRL and Wests Tigers stood by me throughout this saga and their support was important to me.

I am looking forward to getting stuck into footy and giving my all for my team mates and Club in 2020.

Ms Del Busso's mother said her daughter used numerous fake names like Belladonna Di Donato, Bella Melbourne, and Donna Barcelona

Ms Del Busso as a high school student. Her mother kicked her out of home when she was a teenager

Ms Del Busso’s mother Isobel Preusker revealed her daughter has used numerous fake names like Belladonna Di Donato, Bella Melbourne, and Donna Barcelona

Reynolds has since claimed Del Busso was likely never pregnant on any occasion during their relationship

Reynolds has since claimed Del Busso was likely never pregnant on any occasion during their relationship 

‘During this time my personal life was aired to the public and most importantly my character and principles were questioned,’ he said. 

‘Whilst I am relieved, I believe the charges against me should never have been brought. I was always an innocent man and I am happy the legal system has proved this.

‘I am relieved in the fact that I can now get on with my life and move forward.’ 

Reynolds thanked his mother, manager and lawyer for standing by him through some of his ‘darkest moments’.

‘I would also like to thank the fans that never doubted my true character,’ he added.   

Reynolds was earlier in the month given the green light by the NRL to continue playing despite the allegation.

Wests Tigers chief executive Justin Pascoe said the decision was a great outcome.

‘This news comes as a great relief to Josh as well as our club,’ Mr Pascoe said in a statement.

The allegation against Reynolds dragged him through the courts for nine long weeks and put his NRL career in jeopardy

The allegation against Reynolds dragged him through the courts for nine long weeks and put his NRL career in jeopardy 

Del Busso has now been accused of lying about her pregnancies and using fake names

Reynolds' lawyers alleged Ms Del Busso only filed her domestic violence complaint after she learned he was going to tell police about her alleged deceit

Reynolds’ lawyers alleged Ms Del Busso only filed her domestic violence complaint after she learned he was going to tell police about her alleged deceit 

‘Josh has carried himself extremely well throughout what has no doubt been a very stressful time for him and his family, and we look forward to him continuing to play a key role for this club on and off the field in the years to come.’

Reynolds has maintained his innocence since he was accused of leaving Del Busso with bruising to her right arm and left leg during an incident in Caringbah South on September 12.

Del Busso reported the incident to police on December 11.

Reynolds would later accuse her of faking three pregnancies and pretending she had a miscarriage to dupe him out of cash.

Ms Del Busso and Reynolds attend a rugby league game during their relationship, which only happened because she claimed he got her pregnant at their first meeting

Ms Del Busso and Reynolds attend a rugby league game during their relationship, which only happened because she claimed he got her pregnant at their first meeting

Reynolds made his pre-season debut against Penrith on Saturday after the NRL opted not to ban him while the case was ongoing

Reynolds made his pre-season debut against Penrith on Saturday after the NRL opted not to ban him while the case was ongoing

His lawyer Dan McGirr said police made the decision after conducting a ‘thorough investigation’ into the matter.

‘They saw they had no merit,’ Mr McGirr said. ‘He’s very relieved as you can imagine.’

Del Busso meanwhile has said she is ‘shocked’ by the police’s decision to not pursue her case.

Her lawyer Rhys Roberts said they have yet to be told as to why the charges were dropped and will be seeking a ‘full’ explanation from police.  

Leaked footage showed the shirtless player verbally abusing Ms Del Busso, 30, as she sat on his bed, but did not show any assault.

Reynolds was seen in the video saying she ‘scared the f*** out of me’ and is seen asking her to leave.

‘Can you get out. Of my house. I want you out now. I want you out now or I’m going to f***ing flip it,’ he said.

Two months after the Reynolds was arrested and dragged through the courts several times, his lawyer Daniel McGirr was on Wednesday morning informed the case was over.