Judgmental non parents reveal what they backed down on after having children themselves

People who were judgmental of parents have revealed what they ended up changing their minds about once they had children themselves.

Parents took to Mumsnet to share the things they said they would never do before giving birth, which they ended up doing.

A UK-based poster took to the forum to ask people to share their own experiences, with people revealing a range of things they’d U-turned on, from taking their children to McDonald’s to never lying to them.

Writing the original post asking for people to share their own stories, the anonymous poster said: ‘I have a friend that loves commenting on how all her friends parent their kids and all the rods they make for their own backs and how she’d do it differently blah blah. 

People have revealed that their ideas about parenting changed after they actually had children (stock image)

‘She has so much to say about everything. I have two children and whilst she never comments on my parenting I often wonder if she comments about it to her other friends. 

‘Anyway, friend has just had first baby (1 month) and has already backtracked on a few things such as co-sleeping etc. I must admit, I’m looking forward to the toddler years.

‘What did you have to backtrack on after you had kids that you never thought you would? Also tell me your funny stories of judgy friends who had kids and had to eat all their words!’

Among the responses, one person admitted: ‘I realised never taking them to Mc Donald’s was unrealistic…Not lying to them – Christmas…’

An anonymous UK-based poster asked people to share what parenting ideas they backtracked on once they had their own children

An anonymous UK-based poster asked people to share what parenting ideas they backtracked on once they had their own children

And another added: ‘Screen time. I was going to be organising wholesome activities all the time obviously. Now I shove the TV on and hide regularly.’

Another also referenced television, adding: ‘Toddlers watching screens. Used to judge parents when I saw children in prams holding a phone watching TV.

‘Regularly have to put CBeebies on my phone to stop my daughter having mega tantrums in public.’

And a further respondent said: ‘Letting children watch TV/use devices. My two-year- old can operate YouTube without assistance. In my defence I’m very heavily pregnant and I never have the sound on if we’re in public.’ 

Parents revealed a range of ideas they quickly changed their minds on once they had their own food - from junk food to screen time

Parents revealed a range of ideas they quickly changed their minds on once they had their own food – from junk food to screen time

Meanwhile, another poster revealed they had a family member who had previously been judgemental about food, writing: ‘I have a brother-in-law who used to say awful things about parents giving chocolate to their toddlers and I used to say wait until you have your own. 

‘They now use chocolate buttons to get nephew in the car seat, on the potty, in his pushchair, on a supermarket trolley. He used to comment on screen time as well so now it’s chocolate buttons with Peppa Pig on their lap.’ 

A few respondents noted that they had always pledged not to use dummies – and been unable to stick to that pledge.


A number of parents revealed that they had never wanted their children to use dummies - until they had them, and now use them

A number of parents revealed that they had never wanted their children to use dummies – until they had them, and now use them

One admitted: ‘Dummy is the one that leaps to mind – my son had one until he was nearly 4!

‘But I was one of the first of my friends to have children, so luckily I never made judgy comments to friends (just inside my head when looking at strangers’ kids).’

Another agreed, adding: ‘Dummies. I have no idea why now but a dummy saved me after 6 weeks of barely any sleep. And now I have two toddlers- screen time. No explanation needed.’ 

This was a popular theme, with another parent writing: ‘Dummies. I was adamant my daughter wouldn’t have one. She was born preterm and was so unsettled. I battled for 2 months before giving her one and then was finally able to put her down for the first time without screaming. Son never needed one.’

One of the more surprising ideas a parent had to ditch was having children was toothpaste flavour

One of the more surprising ideas a parent had to ditch was having children was toothpaste flavour

And a further respondent noted: ‘Most things. Dummies, Screen time, Sugary snacks.

‘I thought I was going to sleep train from 6 weeks and babies just needed to learn to cry. Ended up co-sleeping for… well I am still am with son and he is 3 so its been 6 years since I slept alone.’

On a totally different note, another mother adding an unlikely idea she’d abandoned, admitting: ‘Bubblegum flavoured toothpaste! Realised the constant battle of mint toothpastes was just not worth it.’ 

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Read more at DailyMail.co.uk