Julianne Moore, Lady Gaga want gun control after Las Vegas

Lady Gaga and Julianne Moore are speaking out after the horrific terror attack that left at least 58 people dead and 515 injured in Las Vegas on Sunday night.

The Hollywood stars both took to Twitter on Monday, demanding that politicians get to work on enacting stricter gun control laws in the wake of the tragedy, which is now the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. 

‘Cheap sound bites don’t protect innocent lives,’ read a tweet on Moore’s account, as she pointed out this is the eighth mass shooting just this year.

Lady Gaga took a more direct approach in getting her message out, tweeting at the President and Speaker of the House while stating that ‘blood in on the hands’ of the men and women of Congress.


Julianne Moore

Hollywood heavyweights: Lady Gaga (left) and Julianne Moore (right) called on Congress to enact stricter gun control laws after the mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday night

Response: 'Prayers are important but @SpeakerRyan @RealDonaldTrump blood is on the hands of those who have power to legislate. #GunControl act quickly,' said Gaga (above)

Response: ‘Prayers are important but @SpeakerRyan @RealDonaldTrump blood is on the hands of those who have power to legislate. #GunControl act quickly,’ said Gaga (above)

Retweet" 'Thoughts and prayers from politicians and lawmakers do NOTHING to prevent mass shootings. Cheap sound bites don't protect innocent lives,' said Moore (above)

Retweet” ‘Thoughts and prayers from politicians and lawmakers do NOTHING to prevent mass shootings. Cheap sound bites don’t protect innocent lives,’ said Moore (above)

‘Prayers are important but @SpeakerRyan @RealDonaldTrump blood is on the hands of those who have power to legislate. #GunControl act quickly,’ wrote Lady Gaga on Twitter.

That post was in response to one from Speaker Ryan in which he wrote: ‘America woke up to heartbreaking news from Las Vegas. We stand united in our shock, our condolences, & our prayers.’

The Commander-in-Chief and Representative from Wisconsin had yet to respond to Gaga’s tweet as of Monday afternoon

In addition to offering up their condolences and prayers, President Trump and Speaker Ryan also ordered that all flags be flown at half-mast to pay tribute to the victims.

That was not enough however for Gaga, who when first commenting on the attack wrote: ‘This is terrorism plain and simple. Terror bares no race, gender or religion. Democrats & Republicans please unite now #guncontrol.’

Gaga then encouraged her followers to joinin a ’20 minute moment of meditation/silence/prayer’ on her Instagram Live feed at 3:30pm PST ‘for the calming of the [world].’

She went on to explain: ‘My intention is to connect us all through inner peace. I believe we can calm inflammation in the world by calming each other.’

The Grammy-winning singer also posted a flyer telling her followers how they could donate blood to help the relief effort as many hospitals in Las Vegas are now at or near capacity. 

Cause: Moore helped to found the group Everytown in 2014, which is committed to preventing gun violence (above in June at a gun control march)

Cause: Moore helped to found the group Everytown in 2014, which is committed to preventing gun violence (above in June at a gun control march)

Lashing out: The Oscar-winning actress then called the deaths a 'senseless loss of life' while urging people to call their representatives

Lashing out: The Oscar-winning actress then called the deaths a ‘senseless loss of life’ while urging people to call their representatives

Terror squad: 'This is terrorism plain and simple. Terror bares no race, gender or religion. Democrats & Republicans please unite now #guncontrol,' wrote Gaga (above)

Terror squad: ‘This is terrorism plain and simple. Terror bares no race, gender or religion. Democrats & Republicans please unite now #guncontrol,’ wrote Gaga (above)

Switching things up: Gaga then encouraged her followers to join in a '20 minute moment of meditation/silence/prayer' on her Instagram Live feed at 3:30pm PST 'for the calming of the [world].'

Switching things up: Gaga then encouraged her followers to join in a ’20 minute moment of meditation/silence/prayer’ on her Instagram Live feed at 3:30pm PST ‘for the calming of the [world].’

Moore meanwhile took aim at the men and women on Capitol Hill by retweeting human rights advocate Greg Hogben, who wrote: ‘Thoughts and prayers from politicians and lawmakers do NOTHING to prevent mass shootings. Cheap sound bites don’t protect innocent lives.’

The Oscar-winning actress then wrote: ‘I mourn this senseless loss of life. What will it take, #Congress, for you to act? @Everytown @MomsDemand #endgunviolence.’

That was followed by a number her followers could text, with Moore posting an image of two young concertgoers huddled together as they took cover during the shooting, writing: ‘Today we mourn for Las Vegas, tomorrow we fight for them. Join the movement to end gun violence: Text ACT to 64433.’

Moore was honored for her work preventing gun violence with the group Everytown for Gun Safety back in 2016 at the Variety Power of Women event. 

The actress spoke of her efforts to keep the news of the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting away from her then-10-year old daughter while accepting her award at the event, saying that she eventually finally realized that was impossible.

That is why she helped found Everytown in 2014 she explained, saying she realized that it was more important to take action against gun violence. 

‘I firmly believe that this is not a partisan issue,’ Moore told those in attendance. 

‘It is a safety issue.’

That same year, Lady Gaga was one of the 180 celebrities who signed an open letter from Billboard urging Congress to pass stricter gun control laws.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk