Jupiter’s at its strongest in 50 years for the New Year

Oscar Cainer predicts your 2018

Yesterday I wrote that 2018 will find Jupiter, the planet of luck, rising to the peak of its power for the first time in more than 50 years, bringing with it optimism, wisdom and enlightenment.

I believe this moment heralds breakthroughs for all of us, particularly in the areas of money and love. With lucky Jupiter’s energy, we all stand a very good chance of feeling more favoured and wealthier this year, in remarkably different ways. 

We can expect surprises both financial and material, on a personal and a global scale.

As 2018 comes to a close, we may be astonished at the emotional journey we have made. Our relationships will have changed, and for the better.

So what does this year mean for your financial prospects — and your relationships?

We can expect surprises both financial and material, on a personal and a global scale.

We can expect surprises both financial and material, on a personal and a global scale.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

This year brings a chance to appreciate the tangible results of the past few years’ ups and downs — and from May you’ll feel an unexpected sense of calm.

Jupiter’s movements throughout the year nourish your investments in both financial and spiritual matters, but you’ll need to keep a steady hand on the tiller.

Working with others will be especially profitable as you realise there is far less preventing you improving your financial situation than you’d previously thought. If you share your ideas and resources, 2018 holds the potential for a financial breakthrough.

As to relationships, you will enjoy a new emotional landscape. A more rewarding way of relating to others will follow, making key relationships work better.

Emma Watson, April 15 (age 27)

Emma Watson, April 15 (age 27)

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

At the first taste of something new, you will be able to tell if it fits into your world — so when it comes to finances, don’t be worried by the unfamiliar.

Listen to your instincts, which will lead towards decisions that can shape your future comfort and security. A wise investment is possible, just as long as you’re willing to try something new.

Jupiter, the planet of integrity and luck, spends much of the year in your opposite sign, so when it comes to love, your moves will need to be clear and morally justifiable. Your powers of charm and persuasion will be enhanced and, as you become more fluent in speaking your truth, relationships will become easier and more satisfying.

You will attract others and end the year with a revitalised, possibly new, range of people who support you.

George Clooney, May 6 (age 56)

George Clooney, May 6 (age 56)

Gemini (May 22 – June 22)

This year Jupiter, the planet of hope and opportunity, traverses the part of the zodiac that affects your day-to-day routines. If you focus on the details, you’ll grow into a role you always envisaged making your own.

If you have faith in your vision, you’ll find that your route through the year is enriching on many levels, particularly financial.

In relationships, the cosmos will encourage you to use your intuition. Your analytical mind and powerful mental agility can work with your heart. Sensitivity and emotional receptivity are your key words this year.

Jupiter’s path across the sky towards its celestial home will restore your faith in others, too. Stay open-minded, open-hearted and optimistic.

Prince William, June 21 (age 35)

Prince William, June 21 (age 35)

Cancer (June 23 – July 23)

It’s often the most creative people who achieve success — and as adventurous Jupiter spends the year in the part of the sky that governs your resourcefulness, that bodes well for your prospects.

Demonstrate your creative qualities and not only can you traverse boundaries that have long held you back, but you’ll be rewarded handsomely. In relationships, Saturn, the great cosmic teacher, will be travelling through your opposite sign, giving you the tools to express your needs to someone you care about.

You are so consumed by your emotions sometimes, it’s hard to understand what you really want from the key people in your life. Saturn will help you to commit.

Cheryl Tweedy, June 30 (age 34)

Cheryl Tweedy, June 30 (age 34)

Leo (July 24 – August 23)

It’s your past that will provide the wisdom and vision needed to make a real difference to your comfort and financial security this year.

Jupiter, planet of wealth, optimism and exploration, will encourage your greatest asset — your ability to trust your instincts. Jupiter’s links to Neptune will help bring people to support your vision, too, so stay true to your ideals.

For the first time in 18 months, Mars will energise your relationships with passion and excitement, potentially creating impressive fireworks. There will be glorious moments but watch out for explosive incidents, too, as tempers flare.

Jennifer Lawrence, August 15 (age 27)

Jennifer Lawrence, August 15 (age 27)

Virgo (August 24 – Sept 23)

As Jupiter makes encouraging links to Neptune and Pluto, your ability to form valuable connections will mushroom.

You have always had warmth and empathy but as you grow more comfortable about expressing yourself, your natural talents will increase. Focus on what you know to be of true value and you’ll end 2018 feeling richer emotionally and perhaps financially, too.

Jupiter’s path across the sky also brings optimism, energy and growth as it makes powerful links to planets in the relationship area of your chart. This year, with Saturn residing in your solar house of romance, if you can let go of the quest for perfection you may just find your near-perfect match.

Cameron Diaz, August 30 (age 45)

Cameron Diaz, August 30 (age 45)

Libra (Sept 24 – Oct 23)

Jupiter, King of the Gods and ruler of all things opulent, spends most of 2018 affecting your sense of what resources you need to feel content — but any feelings of lack will be balanced by increased luck. 

In May there will be an opportunity to invest, so do something forward-thinking. There is a strong chance you will receive help from others. From May, some of the volatility in your relationships will start to ease. 

That doesn’t mean you won’t have your share of surprises, but you will have greater control. You have charm and style. 

As you finally get more choice about the direction you take, the dance you weave will become more attractive to others.

Kate Winslet, October 5 (age 42)

Kate Winslet, October 5 (age 42)

Scorpio (Oct 24 – Nov 22)

Some people seem to have more than their fair share of luck. If there’s a storm brewing, they avoid the raindrops. 

I can’t promise you’ll remain dry in 2018 but the cosmic indication is that you’ll ride out any squalls and take advantage of the winds of fortune. 

Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, is in your sign, and makes its first precise conjunction with your traditional ruler, Mars, for 36 years. 

Be bold and optimistic. As for relationships, Jupiter’s harmonious links with Neptune suggest the romantic dreams you once dismissed as fantastical will be within reach as a new sense of optimism enables you to pursue your desires freely.

Leonardo DiCaprio, November 11 (age 43)

Leonardo DiCaprio, November 11 (age 43)

Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21)

If life is like a classroom, in 2018 your class is being led by a new figure. Fastidious, strict Professor Saturn is being replaced by free-thinking Professor Jupiter in your sign. 

Don’t abandon all Saturn’s ideas, though: its new position still encourages you t o conserve where you can. 

But you can expect a breakthrough in your work environment and will start to enjoy the fruits of your labours. 

In your relationships, you’ll experience a growing awareness of Jupiter’s imminent return to your sign. 

People will co-operate with your ideas more and, as Jupiter allows you to express passion and joy, you will find out how lucky and loved you are.

Taylor Swift, December 13 (age 28)

Taylor Swift, December 13 (age 28)

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20)

Saturn happily moved back home, into your sign, just before the start of 2018. His stay brings you the authority to take control of your life, including finances. You will be able to direct proceedings to ensure that your efforts are sustainable and successful. 

In relationships, your pragmatism, determination and ability to know intuitively how to help people are the traits that will deepen your connections this year. 

When your playful side is awakened in May, you can experience a new approach to relationships. As your natural qualities are appreciated, your more mischievous side can flourish. Humour is your secret weapon and you can use it to great effect this year.

Duchess of Cambridge, January 9 (age 35)

Duchess of Cambridge, January 9 (age 35)

Aquarius (Jan 21 – Feb 19) 

Whenever your ruler changes signs, it’s time to plan for a brighter future. In 2018, your financial prospects look particularly bright. 

Jupiter will encourage you to broaden your horizons — its enthusiasm links time and again with glamorous Neptune’s vision of how you’d like your personal circumstances to be — so dress for success. 

In relationships, your innovative attitude often challenges people with more traditional mindsets. 

In 2018, you needn’t feel that way any more. Jupiter’s passage towards its celestial home will help those close to you appreciate your brilliant originality. If you’ re bold enough to embrace the future, someone special will embrace you.

Jennifer Aniston, February 11 (age 48)

Jennifer Aniston, February 11 (age 48)

Pisces (Feb 20 – March 20)  

Your financial picture is vibrant. As Jupiter, your traditional ruler, moves towards his celestial second home in 2018, he helps you realise a long-term goal. 

An area of life that has proved problematic can become a source of strength. It won’t be an instant transformation but it will be richly rewarding. In relationships, Jupiter opens your mind to new possibilities and ways of looking at the world. 

Its harmonious links with Neptune (which is in your sign) will help to inspire you. It is hard to overstate the significance of such a powerful relationship between your two ruling planets. What you learn will electrify your heart with an emotional ‘eureka’. 

You will be able to understand what you need from someone, and what they desire from you.

Daniel Craig, March 2, (age 49)

Daniel Craig, March 2, (age 49)

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