Just Stop Oil zealot who caused chaos with M25 protest begs for £3,000 so he can travel to his court hearings – but only manages to raise a measly £10

  • David Mann, 51, took part in disruptive M25 closure protests in November 2022
  • Now, the climate change activist begs for money via GoFundMe to pay for fines

A Just Stop Oil protestor has been left begging for cash so that he can attend his court hearing – but only received £10 towards it.

David Mann took to GoFundMe to complain about the more than £1,000 in fines that he has racked up due to his disruptive climate change protests and demonstrations as he set to reach a target of £3,000.

The 51-year-old from Ipswich, Suffolk was one of 35 people arrested for bringing the M25 to a standstill in November 2022 after the group scaled gantries to protest about oil and gas licences.

The self-proclaimed ‘earth protector’, who is also a backer of Insulate Britain as well as Extinction Rebellion has previously boasted about his arrests.

However, the bemused David has only received a measly £10 donation to help him get towards his court hearing.

David Mann, the self-proclaimed ‘earth protector’ set up a GoFundMe page to help pay towards his court hearings after taking part in Just Stop Oil M25 standstill

The 51-year-old from Ipswich, Suffolk was one of 35 people arrested for bringing the M25 to a standstill in November 2022 and set a target of £3,000 to raise - he managed to receive £10

The 51-year-old from Ipswich, Suffolk was one of 35 people arrested for bringing the M25 to a standstill in November 2022 and set a target of £3,000 to raise – he managed to receive £10 

The disruptive and controversial group scaled gantries between junctions 8 and 9 at various locations on the motorway and protested about oil and gas licences

The disruptive and controversial group scaled gantries between junctions 8 and 9 at various locations on the motorway and protested about oil and gas licences

Just Stop Oil activists who caused ‘massive disruption’ on the M25 in ‘deliberate defiance’ of an injunction have been spared jail by a High Court judge

The climate change protest group statement read at the time: ‘From today, Just Stop Oil will halt its campaign of civil resistance on the M25.

‘We are giving time to those in government who are in touch with reality to consider their responsibilities to this country at this time.

‘We ask that the prime minister consider his statement at COP27, where he spoke of the catastrophic threat posed by the ravages of global heating, the 33 million people displaced by floods in Pakistan, and the moral and economic imperative to honour our pledges.’

The group also claimed that they acted on behalf of the people to ‘Uphold law and order and protect civil society.’

The group scaled gantries between junctions 8 and 9 at various locations on the motorway.

The stunt meant that the busy motorway was brought to a standstill for four days before the police made their arrests and cleared the passage.

An ambulance was allegedly among the vehicles stranded by the stunts, which meant the emergency vehicle took ‘ages and ages’ to get through the blockage, according to another trapped motorist.

David Mann said: ‘I’ve been involved in environmental activism for over 10 years with a large number of arrests for Insulate Britain, Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion.

‘This has caused me to be arrested and taken to court for peaceful demonstrations.

Disruption: One of the stunts by Just Stop Oil on the M25 near Godstone in Surrey in November 2022

Disruption: One of the stunts by Just Stop Oil on the M25 near Godstone in Surrey in November 2022

Members of the environmental protest group Just Stop Oil were detained after they tried to block the M25 in east London by climbing a gantry at Junction 25

Members of the environmental protest group Just Stop Oil were detained after they tried to block the M25 in east London by climbing a gantry at Junction 25

David Mann's GoFundMe appeal to help raise funds towards his court costs, travel and fines

David Mann’s GoFundMe appeal to help raise funds towards his court costs, travel and fines

Eco nut David added: ‘I have a lot of court trials coming up in London which will cost me £100 in travel.

‘And I already have over £1000 in fines I’m paying.

‘Also to be able to continue my work in environmentalism I’m a reiki master, a spiritual healer and an earth protector.

‘Working to make the world a better place for us and future generations.’

Despite David posting on the appeal on GoFundMe on January 26th, the activist has only managed to get £10 towards his cause leaving him £2,900 short of his target.

This isn’t the first time that David has attempted to use an online appeal to gather funds, he did so in January last year after his benefits had been cut. 

Extinction RebellionPakistan

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk