Justin Dilosa who covered up brutal murder of young mum and dumped her body in a creek learns his fate – and the family of victim Danielle Easey are furious

The family of a murdered mum reacted in shock after learning the man who attempted to cover up her murder by callously dumping the body could be out of jail next month. 

Justin Kent Dilosa, 37, was jailed for six years by the NSW Supreme Court on Monday, with a non-parole period of four years after he pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact to Danielle Easey’s murder by his ex-partner, Carol Marie McHenry.

However, with Justice Deborah Sweeney backdating the sentence to Dilosa’s arrest in September, 2019 it has made him immediately eligible for parole for his part in concealing the murder of the 29-year-old woman on August 17, 2019.

The NSW State Parole Authority later said Dilosa would not be considered for release until late January, 2024.

Danielle Easey was murdered at the age of 29 on August 17, 2019 on the NSW Central Coast and her body dumped in a creek only to be found two weeks later

As the sentence was read out Ms Easey’s family in the courtroom’s public gallery called out ‘we know you did it’ and ‘an eye for an eye, you dog’, according to the Newcastle Herald.

Earlier Ms Easey’s mother, Jennifer Collier, read out an emotional victim impact statement about Dilosa’s actions after he found out she had been been fatally bludgeoned and stabbed by McHenry at her Narara home near Gosford in NSW.

Ms Collier asked why, when he was told by Carol of the vicious attack on Danielle, he failed to turn the car around and render first aid.

‘Did you call the police or an ambulance? No. You did none of those things. You did nothing at all. 

She seethed at Dilosa for saying he drove to his friend’s house, destroyed evidence, and took drugs ‘while my baby, my child lay either dying or dead. You didn’t care one bit’. 

Ms Collier said her daughter’s body was wrapped up and kept in a car like she ‘nothing’. 

‘She was something. She was someone special. Not only to me, but to everyone who knew her. And you threw her away like she was rubbish. You disgusting, evil person.’

Justin Kent Dilosa, 37, has been sentenced to six years jail for his part in disposing of evidence and Easey's body but with the sentence backdated he will be eligible for parole in January

Justin Kent Dilosa, 37, has been sentenced to six years jail for his part in disposing of evidence and Easey’s body but with the sentence backdated he will be eligible for parole in January

Ms Easey’s father, Colin Easey, and her sister, Jessica Douglas, also read emotional victim impact statements on Monday.

Ms Douglas said he sister was treated like ‘garbage’.

‘How dare you treat her so disgracefully. You have no regard for human life and I can’t comprehend it. ‘You have shown us what true evil really is. I hope that every time you close your eyes, you are haunted by Danielle’s face and what you’ve done.

Before he was sentenced on Monday Dilosa read out a prepared letter claiming he was remorseful for his actions and the ‘pain and distress’ he had caused. 

He said his ‘thoughtless and insensitive’ actions did not allow police to return Ms Easey’s body to her family. 

‘I’m sorry that I did not treat Danielle’s body with the respect that she deserved. My actions were inconsiderate, unforgivable, and wrong. 

‘Danielle deserved better. I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do to make Danielle’s family and friends feel better, but I know there is not.’

Carol Marie McHenry was jailed for a maximum of 22 years and six months for brutally murdering Easey

Carol Marie McHenry was jailed for a maximum of 22 years and six months for brutally murdering Easey

Justice Sweeney said she accepted Dilosa was motivated by a ‘misguided loyalty’ to McHenry and had acted spontaneously although later on there was planning evident on his part.

She said his  ‘callous’ actions added to Ms Easey’s family’s heartache and anxiety. 

Ms Easey’s decomposing body was found inside a protective suit, wrapped in a doona, wrapped in plastic and finally wrapped in duct tape on August 31 in Cockle Creek near the M1 motorway at Killingworth near the NSW city of Newcastle.

The Central Coast woman had extensive scalp lacerations, skull depressions and stab wounds to her back, consistent the Crown says with being attacked with a hammer and a knife. 

Dilosa admitted to driving the ‘makeshift coffin’ containing the body around for several days before dumping it to protect the real killer McHenry, his former partner.

McHenry was last year found guilty of murdering Ms Easey and defrauding her mother and jailed for a maximum of 22 years and six months, with a non-parole period of 15 years and six months, making her first eligible for parole in 2035.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk