Justin Trudeau’s government awards MEDAL to ‘champion of diversity’ trans activist who got Canada’s oldest rape shelter defunded for refusing to house transgender women

A transgender activist who had city funding stripped from Canada’s oldest rape shelter has been awarded a medal as a ‘champion of diversity’.

Morgane Oger, a transgender woman, was given a Meritorious Service Medal by Canadian Governor-General Mary Simon on December 7.

Official photos show her receiving the award alongside dozens of other Canadians honored for their ‘exceptional deeds’.

Oger said she was ‘feeling so grateful’ to get a medal for ‘furthering the legal protections of transgender Canadians’.

Morgane Oger (left), a transgender woman, was given a Meritorious Service Medal by Canadian Governor-General Mary Simon (right)

Official photos show her receiving the award alongside dozens of other Canadians honored for their 'exceptional deeds'

Official photos show her receiving the award alongside dozens of other Canadians honored for their ‘exceptional deeds’

An award citation called Oger a ‘champion of diversity’ who changed perceptions of LGBTQI+ rights and worked ‘tirelessly’ to make them law.

‘She forged alliances across party lines that propelled changes to provincial and federal legislation protecting individuals against discrimination based on gender identity or expression,’ it read.

‘Her courage, vision and perseverance have helped redefine the fundamental issue of equality and have advanced inclusiveness for gender-diverse Canadians.’

Oger was chosen for the award in 2018 and it was unclear why it took five years for her to actually receive it.

‘It feels really, really, really nice. We don’t live in a day and age where medals come about very often, and the campaign to bring equality still has a lot of road ahead of us,’ she said at the time.

Oger was at the time spearheading an effort to strip Vancouver Rape Relief of city funding because it refused to shelter transgender women.

Oger spearheaded an effort in 2019 that got Vancouver Rape Relief stripped of city funding because it refused to shelter transgender women

Oger spearheaded an effort in 2019 that got Vancouver Rape Relief stripped of city funding because it refused to shelter transgender women

Months after the funding was stripped, the shelter was repeatedly vandalized in August 2019 and a dead rat was nailed to the front door

Months after the funding was stripped, the shelter was repeatedly vandalized in August 2019 and a dead rat was nailed to the front door

Vancouver City Council in March 2019 pulled its CAN$34,000 a year grant from 2020 unless the shelter, the oldest in Canada that began in 1974, changed its policy.

‘Trans women are women and sex work is work. Trans women and sex workers deserve care and protection,’ Councilor Christine Boyle said at the time.

‘I can’t support orgs who exclude them, so I won’t be supporting city funding for Vancouver Rape Relief.’

Councilor Sarah Kirby-Yung said added: ‘They have done fantastic work and are a valuable service, but we wanted to make sure they extend it for everyone. If we are giving public funds, we need to give it to organizations that are inclusive.

‘I don’t want to live in a community that is not inclusive and reject people especially if someone is going through trauma.’

Oger told the council as it deliberated that the shelter was violating the city’s trans equality and inclusion criteria, adopted in 2016, and was saying transgender women were men, not women.

The shelter said being stripped of funding was ‘discrimination against women in the name of inclusion’ and accused the city of trying to ‘coerce us to change our position’.

'Kill TERFS, trans power,' was written on the windows, in reference to 'trans-exclusionary radical feminists', who reject the concept of transgender identity

‘Kill TERFS, trans power,’ was written on the windows, in reference to ‘trans-exclusionary radical feminists’, who reject the concept of transgender identity

Another abusive message scrawled on the shelter's windows in August 2019

Another abusive message scrawled on the shelter’s windows in August 2019

Vancouver Rape Relief argued the women it sheltered didn’t feel safe around anyone who wasn’t ‘born female’ after being abused by their male partners. 

‘Being born female still means being trained, socialized and forced to submit to male domination. The fact that we are born female and raised as girls to adulthood as women shapes our lives in profound ways,’ it said.

‘We do not have the experience to offer services to people without the same life experience… this is not our work.’ 

It also said the city funding was only used for education outreach, which was accessible to anyone.

VRR has an annual budget of about $1 million, mostly provided by the province of British Columbia, and made up the city’s shortfall with increased donations.

‘Biting hands that feed it: Tax-funded Vancouver Rape Relief pushes prejudice in an indignant online rant about discrimination despite a one-year grace period to catch up to Canada’s discrimination laws,’ Oger wrote after the council’s decision. 

The shelter in 2005 won a long-running civil rights case brought by transgender woman Kimberly Nixon after she was rejected from a training program for volunteer counselors.

It argued that having grown up with the privileges of being a man, she would not be able to provide effective counseling to women.

‘Even deep voices, male insignia like baseball caps and boots can make women nervous,’ Lee Lakeman, a founder of the center, wrote in 2006.

Transgender activists attacked the shelter and vandalised its windows

Transgender activists attacked the shelter and vandalised its windows

Oger at the time implied that though the vandalism was unacceptable, the shelter brought it on itself

Oger at the time implied that though the vandalism was unacceptable, the shelter brought it on itself

The shelter was originally ordered to pay Nixon $7,500 but this was overturned by the British Columbia Supreme Court.

Months after the funding was stripped, the shelter was repeatedly vandalized in August 2019 and a dead rat was nailed to the front door.

‘Kill TERFS, trans power,’ was written on the windows, in reference to ‘trans-exclusionary radical feminists’, who reject the concept of transgender identity.

Oger at the time implied that though the vandalism was unacceptable, the shelter brought it on itself. 

‘Regrettably but predictably, VRR choosing to ignore Canada’s civil rights laws causes blow-back,’ she wrote.

‘I empathize VRR feel threatened by the predictable response to their conduct. As I have previously offered, I am ready to help VRR get out of their mess if they wish to.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk