Karl Stefanovic clashes with businesswoman for criticising Celeste Barber’s $52million fundraiser 

Karl Stefanovic locked horns with a businesswoman who criticised comedian Celeste Barber for trying to dictate where her $52million bushfire relief donations will go.

Tania Burstin, founder of crowdfunding site MyCause, called Barber ‘attention-grabbing’ on the Today Show on Monday morning. 

The comedian’s online appeal last month attracted more than one million donations from across the world as catastrophic bushfires devastated the country. 

She told donors the funds would go towards several charities, including wildlife relief. 

But a legal roadblock could mean the donations never reach those it was intended for, prompting Barber to call in lawyers to remedy a dispute over the funds.

Tania Burstin, founder of crowdfunding site MyCause, called Barber ‘attention-grabbing’ on the Today Show on Monday morning

A visibly irritated Karl Stefanovic defended Celeste Barber's fundraising efforts and slammed Ms Burstin's 'whining'. Pictured with co-host Sylvia Jeffreys

A visibly irritated Karl Stefanovic defended Celeste Barber’s fundraising efforts and slammed Ms Burstin’s ‘whining’. Pictured with co-host Sylvia Jeffreys

Ms Burstin slammed Barber for trying to redirect where the funds are donated.

‘I think that her words, trying to now bring in the legal fight and try to move where the funds are going is attention grabbing because the funds can’t be moved,’ she said. 

‘She’s done an amazing job, but she said that the funds were going to places that unfortunately the funds are not going to.

‘The funds have been donated to RFS. That is where people understood the funds were going to but, unfortunately, she misled people by saying the funds were going to wildlife charities or to Victoria.’

Barber directed the money to the RFS Brigades Donations Fund, but was unaware donations sent to this fund is only used on training, resources and fire equipment – not the volunteers and their families or fire-affected communities. 

Despite her criticism of Barber, the MyCause managing director acknowledged her ‘amazing’ fundraising efforts. 

‘I think it’s terrific and her fundraising has been incredible and ground breaking,’ Ms Burstin said.

Barber's online appeal last month attracted more than one million donations from across the world as catastrophic bushfires devastated the country. Pictured at the Fire Fight Australia bushfire relief concert at ANZ Stadium on Sunday

Barber’s online appeal last month attracted more than one million donations from across the world as catastrophic bushfires devastated the country. Pictured at the Fire Fight Australia bushfire relief concert at ANZ Stadium on Sunday

But a visibly irritated Stefanovic defended Barber’s efforts and slammed Ms Burstin’s ‘whining’.  

‘If people are listening around the country right now, they would say what is this woman, that’s you, whining about this morning?,’ he said.

‘Celeste Barber has gone above and beyond to raise money for the RFS. There is obviously devil in the detail that needs to be sorted but overall why are you so upset, given how much money has been she’s raised and how much good she’s done?’ 

Ms Bustin responded: ‘There is no confusion, the funds were donated to RFS New South Wales.’

Stefanovic doubled down on his criticism of the show’s guest, bluntly asking: ‘What is your beef?’

‘I don’t have a beef,’ she responded. ‘I am just concerned that people are mislead that their funds are going to to fire-ravaged communities and wildlife, which unfortunately they’re not.’ 

So far, none of the $51.2 million has been spent due to RFS rules that state donations directed to the trustee of the service must be spent on firefighting equipment and training, not on families or charities   

NSW RFS spokesman James Morris says the service wants to distribute the money in line with Barber’s wishes but it isn’t confident it could be done because of legal reasons.

‘We have our lawyers working with Celeste’s lawyers to find a way this can be done,’ he told AAP on Sunday.

‘Everyone is being amicable about it and we are working together to hopefully come to a solution.

‘The NSW RFS trust exists solely for the purpose of supporting the volunteer-based fire and emergency service to assist with the cost of purchasing and maintaining firefighting equipment and providing training to volunteers.’  

Barber directed the money to the RFS Brigades Donations Fund, but was unaware donations sent to this fund is only used on training, resources and fire equipment. Pictured at the Fire Fight Australia bushfire relief concert at ANZ Stadium on Sunday

Barber directed the money to the RFS Brigades Donations Fund, but was unaware donations sent to this fund is only used on training, resources and fire equipment. Pictured at the Fire Fight Australia bushfire relief concert at ANZ Stadium on Sunday

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk