Kemi Badenoch: Steel vital to industry – we WILL keep making it

Talks: Kemi Badenoch in Israel, which is an attractive market for the UK

Kemi Badenoch, the Business and Trade Secretary, has changed her tune on steel. The UK, she says, needs to find a way to support our industry, because it is vital to the long-term strength of the economy.

‘The reality is that steel is very, very challenging but we do need steel, certainly from an economic resilience perspective,’ she says. ‘We can’t just decide that we’re going to rely on China. But how to make sure that that is value for money, not just for the businesses and communities but for taxpayers is a very complex question.’

Her latest remarks are quite a volte-face from her blunt comment last month that landed her in hot water after just one day in her new job at the Department for Business.

Labour reacted with predictable outrage at her statement that ‘nothing is ever a given’ when asked whether we really need to manufacture steel in the UK.

Although she is now taking a more supportive line, her initial response revealed the harsh reality in a sector understood to be on the brink of receiving £600 million in Government support. That rescue package will be just the latest subsidy keeping it alive in the face of mounting pressure from cheap international imports.

Steel is just one of the new headaches facing Badenoch, one of the unsuccessful Tory leadership candidates who lost out to Liz Truss and is the third person to take on the Cabinet business brief since September. She has added the business portfolio to the trade job she already held, which last week took her to Israel where she was interviewed by The Mail on Sunday. Another tricky task will be telling Chancellor Jeremy Hunt what businesses think of his plans to hike corporation tax – and explaining to them why the Government seems intent on pressing ahead.

Firms, which are already being squeezed by surging costs and rising interest rates, are crying out for the planned increase from 19 per cent to 25 per cent in April to be scrapped.

‘I would be lying if I said they weren’t telling me that they wanted lower corporation tax,’ Badenoch says. ‘But we also saw what happened when we tried to lower taxes in a way that the markets didn’t find acceptable last September. What this Government is about is sound money and we need to make sure that we are balancing the books.’

The Government also looks to have made progress with the Windsor Framework, resolving thorny issues over Northern Ireland. Some hoped this would help the UK to pursue a trade deal with America.

Not so, according to Badenoch, who says the momentum for a deal under Donald Trump has faded under the Biden administration.

‘The truth is, the US is not doing trade agreements with anyone. They have close relationships with labour unions who think FTAs [free-trade agreements] take their jobs away.

‘I’d obviously love to have a US-UK FTA but what I’m not doing is just chasing after the US if there are multiple opportunities.’

Among those opportunities is a trade deal with Israel, hence her trip last week. Negotiators are seeking to replace a three decade-old deal inherited from the EU which, according to Badenoch ‘treats Israel like an agrarian economy’.

Today, Israel’s glut of tech start-ups and its multi-billion pound infrastructure plans make it an attractive market for the UK to pursue a deal focused on services.

And Badenoch, 43, knows what she’s talking about. After studying engineering at university, she started her career in the IT industry, where she was a software engineer; she later moved into finance and had a stint as digital director at The Spectator before she entered Parliament in 2017.

That FTA with Israel could see Britain steal a march on other major economies whose trade agreements with the country currently focus on goods. Elsewhere though, there is catching up to do. America’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is pouring hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies into renewable energy and other green industries.

Europe has responded with plans for its own vast programme of state aid. But Britain seems caught in the middle. Badenoch has already expressed her frustration, writing to her US counterpart last December to claim the IRA would hit global supply chains in batteries, electric vehicles and renewables. She maintains her scepticism today but says her response would be ‘under the radar’ and ‘you will see the fruits of it soon’.

‘We may have to look again at exactly how we manoeuvre the policy options to respond to what other countries are doing.’

But she played down the idea of heavy subsidies for a particular industry. This, she says, ‘means someone else isn’t getting something’.

In addition to her other roles, Badenoch is Minister for Women and Equalities. She helped spearhead a recent Government-backed review on women leaders, which tracks the progress of female directors into company boardrooms.

More than 40 per cent of FTSE 350 board seats are now held by women. But when asked her thoughts on the sluggish progress at the top of blue-chip companies, where there are just nine female FTSE 100 chief executives, she swiftly turns the question on its head.

Hot topic: The UK steel industry relies on subsidies

Hot topic: The UK steel industry relies on subsidies

Her constituents, she says, ask her why she is concerned with ‘looking after the wealthy women rather than those of us on the ground. We’ve had lots of good work on women on boards,’ she adds, citing a series of reviews by leading City figures into breaking the glass ceiling. But, she says, ordinary women are less concerned with scaling the corporate peaks than about finding decent childcare.

She is looking at ‘what we can do to make life easier for parents and easier for employers to support their workers.’ Badenoch, a mother of three young children, speaks from personal experience.

Her job takes her around the world and husband Hamish, who has a senior role at Deutsche Bank is ‘very hands on’. He has written entertainingly in The Spectator magazine about his life as a political spouse, including emptying the dishwasher and advising on her outfits in the leadership debates, remarking that she ‘always looks amazing’.

Unlike one of her recent predecessors as Business Secretary, Jacob Rees-Mogg, she is not against working from home. Nor does she follow Rees-Mogg’s practice of leaving notes on civil servants’ empty desks. ‘But we do have to make sure that people are actually doing the work and there are other ways to do that,’ she says.

‘There are loads of people who come into the office and don’t do anything either,’ she quips.

Surely she does not mean people in her office? Badenoch lets out a hearty laugh.
