Kidnap gang jailed for more than 35 years after pretending

A gang has been jailed for more than 35 years for bundling a man into their car in front of his terrified family and threatening him with rape if they did receive £2,000. 

A trial heard father-of-two Daniel Wilson was beaten up and thrown into a truck in his pyjamas after his captors turned up at his front doorstep claiming to be police officers.

Nigel Collins, 38, Alex Callcut, 31, Tyssen Newland, 36 and Ross Bright, 30, were jailed after Mr Wilson was driven to a gym in London and threatened with rape if he did not tell his wife to pay a £2,000 ransom for his release.

Tyssen Newland (left) was jailed for 14 years, while Nigel Collins (right) was sentenced to 10 years by a judge at Cambridge Crown Court

Beautician Sofia Wilson told Cambridge Crown Court of how she helplessly watched her husband being beaten up and kidnapped on the evening of December 18 2016.

She said she was carrying her one-year-old son in her arms as she and her screaming six-year-old daughter watched him forced into a dark-coloured Mitsubishi Warrior in Eye, Cambridgeshire.

Speaking of the moment Calcutt stopped Mr Wilson closing his door with his foot, she said: ‘I was at the door and I said you’re definitely not the police, you look like you’re here to kill somebody.

‘The bigger one was so angry, he was just punching him, kicking him and just doing anything to get him out of the house and my daughter was screaming and screaming and screaming.

‘I said, “please I’ve got my children” and one of them said “I’ve got a wife and kids”.

‘I followed them out, I had Harrison in my arms still and they dragged him across a lawn, across a road to where they were parked.’

Collins and Calcutt covered Mr Wilson’s head with a jumper and bundled him into the truck outside the family home where Newland was waiting in the backseat.

The trio told the terrified father, aged in his 20s, he owed them £20,000 and “you’re going to tell people you owe the money” before beating him around the head.

He was forced to call members of his family to pay a £2,000 ransom as Collins, of Ilford, east London, drove them to The Unorthodox Gym in Dagenham, London.

They met Bright, who led the group inside, before Mr Wilson was threatened with rape and brutalised as the gang demanded his release ransom.

Jurors were shown the bloodied grey Marvel t-shirt, white socks and blue shorts he was wearing that night after they later pushed him out of the car with his head still covered.

The court heard he suffered a broken nose, black eye and bruises on his face.

The foursome were identified after he went into a nearby pub and asked the landlord for help who called the police.

Bright and Newland pleaded guilty to conspiracy to kidnap while Collins and Callcut denied the charge and were found guilty following a trial.

A fifth person, 38-year-old Nina Siaperas, who is also known as Nina Cranstoun, of in Ilford, East London, who also denied conspiracy to kidnap, was cleared by jurors.

Alex Callcut (left) was also handed a ten-year stretch, while Ross Bright (right) was given three-and-a-half years

Mrs Wilson was accused of lying after the trial heard she later did not tell police she got her brother take £2,000 in cash from her home to his captors the day after the attack.

She claimed she was trying to keep her brother ‘out of it’ after she was accused by defence counsel of knowing ‘there was more than meets the eye’ over the money.

Newland, of Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, was sentenced to 14 years in prison; Callcut, of Romford, and Collins, of Ilford, were both given 10 years; and Bright, of Romford, was jailed for three-and-a-half years.

All four men have been made subject of a life-long restraining order prohibiting them from contacting the victim or his family.

Detective Chief Inspector Jerry Waite, from the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit, said: ‘Mobile phone evidence shows the defendants met on December 18 in the afternoon at the Unorthodox Gym before Newland, Collins and Callcut set off to Peterborough.

‘The length of the sentences issued today just shows the severity of this crime which was clearly an organised kidnapping which has had a detrimental effect on not only the victim but also his family.’