Kilmarnock nurse scammed model for photos in catfish con

Adele Rennie, 27, was jailed for 22 months after using invented aliases to carry out a series of stalking and sexual offences

Victims who were duped by a nurse who used male aliases to harass and threaten them have spoken out about her sinister cyber-stalking campaign.

Adele Rennie sent victims nude pictures of a man via social media and dating sites, begging for explicit images in return, which she then threatened to share if they tried to end the online relationship.

The 27-year-old was jailed for 22 months and placed on the sex offenders register on Monday after she admitted committing 18 offences between 2012 and 2016.

Rennie, a nurse at Crosshouse Hospital in Kilmarnock, called her victims using a voice changing app that made her sound male as they shared sexually charged conversations.

One victim said she was scared to go outside in case she bumped into the ‘Walter Mitty figure’, saying she ‘didn’t know what Rennie was capable of’.

Another said Rennie used photographs of her own nephew, claiming he was dying of cancer before posting images of a funeral and grave, suggesting he had died.

A 27-year-old victim told The Sun Rennie used a male alias to stalk and intimidate her. 

Rennie was finally exposed when she attempted to seduce model and former Miss Scotland finalist Abbie Draper, who had visited the hospital where Rennie was working to see her dying grandfather.

Ms Draper told The Sun today how Rennie was ‘always hovering’ around her family, and would follow them to the gym and supermarket.

She added: ‘My grandad was in the care of this unhinged woman.’

The 27-year-old used this photograph to convince her victims that she was a male doctor

Her web of lies was finally revealed after she attempted to woe model Abbie Draper, who sent an angry barrage of texts to Rennie - who maintained that she was a real 'f****** doctor' despite the hospital and the NHS not recognising the name

Rennie used this photograph (left) to convince her victims that she was a male doctor. Her web of lies was finally revealed after she attempted to woo model Abbie Draper, who sent an angry barrage of texts to Rennie (right)

Speaking after the sentencing, Ms Draper (pictured) told of her relief that Rennie was behind bars

Speaking after the sentencing, Ms Draper (pictured) told of her relief that Rennie was behind bars

Rennie used images of male model Craig Dunn (pictured), taken from his Facebook account in an attempt to snare the women

Rennie used images of male model Craig Dunn (pictured), taken from his Facebook account in an attempt to snare the women

Ms Draper, 27, was contacted on Facebook by Rennie, who was posing as a fake doctor at the hospital by the name of David Graham.

But a friend of Ms Draper became alarmed after seeing they had become connected on the social media site as the same account had been used to contact another friend.  


As she jailed her for 22 months, Sheriff Elizabeth McFarlane told Rennie: ‘I hoped your reports would shed some light into your incredibly strange and abusive behaviour — unfortunately it hasn’t.

‘I’ve no idea why someone from a good family, job and education would throw it all away inexplicably.

‘This was planned with astonishing precision in a cold, calculated manner.

‘This caused harm and humiliation to multiple victims, who did not deserve this.’

Some of Rennie’s victims received flowers from her aliases, which she hand delivered.

Rennie used the names David Graham, David Crolla and Davie, Marco and Matthew Mancini and often reused the same storyline and characters.

And she used images from male model Craig Dunn’s Facebook account without his knowledge or permission, in an attempt to snare the women. 

She would arrange to meet her victims and then cancel at the last moment, often with the excuse that close family were very ill, the court heard.

She also accessed the medical records of one of her victims in an attempt to obtain further details.  

Rennie was jailed for 22 months at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court after admitting using a host of invented aliases to carry out a series of stalking and sexual offences, a breach of the data protection act and attempting to pervert the course of justice. 

Sheriff Elizabeth McFarlane said Rennie’s offences were the ‘most astonishing’ she had ever heard.  

Rennie admitted attempting to pervert the course of justice by concealing a mobile phone in a bathroom during a police search of her home.

She also admitted attempting to delete an Instagram account, sending a victim a fake identification card she had made in a bid to prove one of her aliases was a real person and disposing of a mobile phone in a bin.  

Rennie was jailed for 22 months at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court after admitting using a host of invented aliases to carry out a series of stalking and sexual offences, a breach of the data protection act and attempting to pervert the course of justice

Rennie was jailed for 22 months at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court after admitting using a host of invented aliases to carry out a series of stalking and sexual offences, a breach of the data protection act and attempting to pervert the course of justice

Abbie Draper

Rennie’s victim Abbie Draper (pictured) said: ‘I’m just so glad it’s finally over. She’s harmed and humiliated so many people and I’m glad she’s going to prison for it’

An earlier hearing also heard how Rennie fooled a colleague into believing she was having a five-month relationship with one of the male doctor aliases she had created.


Rennie pleaded guilty to 18 charges when she appeared at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on November 13. 

On Monday she was sentenced to 22 months in prison and was made the subject of a non-harassment order and placed on the sex offenders register. 

She was charges with ten counts of stalking, four of sexual coercion and four of indecent communication. 

She also pleaded guilty to three charges of coercing someone to look at an indecent image, one of computer misuse, two of attempting to pervert the course of justice and one count of breaching bail conditions. 

She sent her co-worker a barrage of messages and calls posing as a doctor and persuaded her to send naked photographs. 

When the colleague became suspicious Rennie’s alter ego ‘David Graham’ threatened to expose the explicit photos.  

While on bail, Rennie accessed a number of dating and social media sites and contacted one of her victims. 

Laura Mundell, procurator fiscal for North Strathclyde, added: ‘I welcome the conviction and sentence of Adele Rennie.

‘Her campaign of stalking and harassment and the invasion of the personal lives of her victim’s was wholly unacceptable and caused significant anxiety and alarm.

‘Stalking can have a devastating and lasting impact on the lives of victims and we will continue to prosecute stalking offences effectively and appropriately, and use the full powers of the legislation available to us.

‘We would encourage anybody who is the subject of this type of behaviour to have no hesitation in reporting what is happening to the police and to be reassured that police and prosecutors take such offences extremely seriously.’ 

This is another one of the photos the former nurse used to con her victims on social media

This is another one of the photos the former nurse used to con her victims on social media


Adele Rennie pleaded guilty to 18 charges against ten women when she appeared at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on November 13.  


Rennie used voice-changing technology to pretend to be men named David Crolla and David Graham. She followed her victim, took photos of her car and sent them to her.


She sent a letter and parcel containing what she claimed were painkillers, sent sexually explicit texts and solicited naked photos.


Rennie sent pictures of a naked man ‘David Graham’ and told her victim to go to a house where she claimed Graham lived.


She accessed the medical records of one of her victims in an attempt to obtain further details, then blackmailed her using photos of the victim’s injuries.


Rennie followed a victim, asked for naked pictures and warned her not to go to police, while posing as ‘Matthew Mancini’.


She had sexually-charged conversations with the victim.