Kim Kardashian DELETES Instagram post with morning sickness pill

Kim Kardashian posted and then quickly deleted an Instagram post promoting morning sickness pills years after being reprimanded by the FDA for endorsing the ‘risky’ medication.

The 37-year-old reality star has come under fire in the past for promoting another drug, Diclegis, in August 2015, April 2017 and July 2017 without mentioning the side effects.

Researchers published a landmark medical report in 2017 that concluded Diclegis is ineffective and a waste of money. 

In her new post, Kardashian was holding a bottle of Bonjesta, recently approved by the FDA to treat morning sickness and made by the same company that makes Diclegis. Bonjesta is a new formulation of Diclegis that is supposed to work faster and last longer.

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star deleted her picture about an hour after she posted it, although its unclear why. 

Kim Kardashian deleted an Instagram post promoting a new morning sickness pill called Bonjesta (pictured) years after being reprimanded by the FDA for endorsing the ‘risky’ medication

Diclegis, made by the same company, became more popular when Kardashian told her 44 million Instagram followers in August 2015 that she used it for morning sickness 

Diclegis, made by the same company, became more popular when Kardashian told her 44 million Instagram followers in August 2015 that she used it for morning sickness 

In April 2017, she endorsed  Diclegis again, this time sharing the side effects and a link to the FDA's website 

In April 2017, she endorsed Diclegis again, this time sharing the side effects and a link to the FDA’s website 

In her latest post she wrote: ‘#Ad You know how sick I was while pregnant; I could barely get out of bed. That was before I found a safe & effective med to treat my morning sickness when diet & lifestyle changes didn’t help.

‘I hear there’s a new formulation of the drug combination I took that’s made to work faster & longer. 

‘If you’re pregnant & feeling sick & changing your diet & lifestyle doesn’t work, ask your doctor about Bonjesta® (doxylamine succinate/pyridoxine HCl). Most common side effect is drowsiness. for info.’

As many as 90 percent of women suffer from morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy.

For a long time, Diclegis was the only FDA-approved drug on the market to treat it.

No doubt it became more popular when Kardashian told her 44 million Instagram followers in August 2015: ‘OMG. Have you guys heard about this? As you know my #morningsickness has been pretty bad.’ 

In July 2017, she promoted the drug yet again, despite critics saying she should not be using her influence to advertise medication

In July 2017, she promoted the drug yet again, despite critics saying she should not be using her influence to advertise medication

In April 2017 and July 2017, the reality star promoted Diclegis on Instagram. Despite including side effects with these two posts, experts believed she should not be using her influence to advertise medication  

The original 1970s clinical trial that the FDA and the federal department used to approve Diclegis had flaws in it, according to a paper published in January 2017.

Known as Diclegis in the US and Diclectin in Canada, millions of women have taken the drug since it was developed in the 1970s.

An older version of the medicine with an additional ingredient has been used as far back as the 1950s.

Kardashian was first slammed by the FDA after her original post about Diclegis did not mention the medication’s array of potential side effects.

In the 2017 study, researchers reviewed data from a decades-old trial and found little evidence that the medicine is effective, said study co-author Dr. Navindra Persaud, a researcher at St. Michael’s Hospital and the University of Toronto in Canada.


  • An early version of the drug with an additional ingredient was first introduced in the 1950s 
  • In the 1970s, Benedictin became an FDA-approved drug to treat morning sickness
  • It was voluntarily taken off the market in 1983 after several lawsuits claiming it was associated with birth defects
  • In 2013, Diclegin became approved by the FDA to treat morning sickness
  • The controversy surrounds the combination of the ingredients doxylamine and pyridoxine – said to increase the risk of birth defects
  • The original 1970s study was also incomplete with participants dropping out and unincluded data

In the mid-1950s, the combination of the ingredients doxylamine and pyridoxine was approved by the FDA for the treatment of morning sickness.

Sold under the name Bendectin, a series of lawsuits followed 20 years later claiming the drug was associated with birth defects.

The medication was voluntarily withdrawn from the American market in 1983.

Then, ‘this company Duchesnay applied to start selling the same two active ingredients under the name Diclegis,’ Dr Persaud said.

Reviewing thousands of pages from the original study, the researchers found that 2,300 pregnant women participated in the original trial at 14 clinics in the U.S.

All of the women were experiencing nausea and vomiting in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Dr Persaud said: ‘We now have more information about this 1970s study that should make us question whether this medication should have been approved and whether it was ever proven to be effective.’

In the study, women were randomly assigned to eight treatment groups. One group received a placebo pill and seven received a variety of drugs including the combination currently sold as Diclectin.

Each participant was asked to take two tablets a day at bedtime and one additional pill in the afternoon as needed for one week.

The drug was first sold under the name Bendectin (Pictured, Kardashian, October 2015)

But a series of lawsuits followed 20 years later claiming the drug was associated with birth defects (Pictured, Kim Kardashian, October 2015)

The drug was first sold under the name Bendectin but a series of lawsuits followed 20 years later claiming the drug was associated with birth defects. Pictured: Kim Kardashian, left and right, October 2015)

As many as 90 percent of women suffer from morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy (Pictured, Kardashian, November 2015)

But a landmark medical report in 2017 concluded Diclegis is ineffective and a waste of money (Pictured, Kardashian, November 2015)

As many as 90 percent of women suffer from morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy. But a landmark medical report in 2017 concluded Diclegis is ineffective and a waste of money. Pictured: Kardashian, left and right, November 2015

Participants were 14 percent more likely to report treatment was moderate or excellent with Diclectin than with placebo, the new analysis found.

But, the analysis noted that this finding may not be reliable because the final study results aren’t available and 37 percent of participants in the placebo group dropped out before the study ended.

Researchers say the original trial did not make clear how physicians scored symptoms.

Additionally, data for 30 patients recruited in the original trial were excluded from analysis by regulators because there were data recorded without a record of patient visits.

Dr Persaud wasn’t able to contact any of the original researchers, and many of them may have died.

Still, he said, women prescribed this drug should stop taking it and speak to their doctors about other options to treat morning sickness.

Not every doctor agrees however.

Dr Siripanth Nippita, a researcher at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston said: ‘Studies that have been done since this trial was completed in the 1970s show that doxylamine and pyridoxine are an effective treatment for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.

‘Based on research involving over 200,000 women, we can say that doxylamine and pyridoxine are safe to take during pregnancy,’ Nippita, who was not involved in the new study, added. ‘They can be an important part of treatment for nausea and vomiting.’