Knifeman stabs multiple people at anti-Islam rally including police officer before being apprehended during YouTube livestream in Germany

A knifeman stabbed several bystanders and a police officer at a political rally in Germany in a frenzied attack that was livestreamed on YouTube this morning. 

The shocking spree unfolded in the city of Mannheim where anti-Islamist campaigner Michael Stuerzenberger was speaking at an event of the Citizens’ Movement Pax Europa (BPE) – a group that advocates against the ‘Islamisation’ of Europe. 

Chaos broke out at the event when a man dressed in a dark hooded jacket and tracksuit tackled a victim – believed to be Stuerzenberger – to the ground and began violently swinging a large blade at him, prompting terrified screams from onlookers.

Other attendees sprinted into help and tried to drag the knifeman away from his victim but the would-be killer wriggled free and dove on top of the bloodied victim to plunge the weapon in for a second time. 

Police descended on the scene almost immediately, but not before the attacker had left two people lying on the floor, blood pooling on the cobblestones. 

One officer who stepped into drag the knifeman away failed to gain control of the blade, allowing the bloodthirsty attacker to plunge it into his torso.

With the knifeman not responding to any orders from police, the officers opened fire from metres away and sent him crashing to the ground. 

The horrific attack was captured in its entirety by a cameraman who was livestreaming the event on the BPE’s YouTube page.

The stream has since been taken down but it concluded with paramedics arriving on scene to administer vital first aid to the victims who had collapsed to the floor.  

Chaos broke out at the event when a man dressed in a dark hooded jacket and tracksuit tackled a BPE member to the ground and began violently swinging a large blade at him

The man believed to be Stuerzenberger (right) tumbles to the ground following the initial attack as other BPE members push the knifeman away

The man believed to be Stuerzenberger (right) tumbles to the ground following the initial attack as other BPE members push the knifeman away

But the attacker broke free and turned his blade on other bystanders, including a police officer

But the attacker broke free and turned his blade on other bystanders, including a police officer

Blood smears are seen on the floor as the knifeman rounds on another victim

Blood smears are seen on the floor as the knifeman rounds on another victim

Bystanders attempt to drag the knifeman away. One of his victims is seen with wounds to his thigh

Bystanders attempt to drag the knifeman away. One of his victims is seen with wounds to his thigh 

The savage blade is clearly seen in this grab from the YouTube live stream

The savage blade is clearly seen in this grab from the YouTube live stream
