Kratom strains and their different colors

Guide for Choosing the Right Strain

If you’re new to the world of kratom, you probably feel lost when it comes to what strain works best for you. Well, this article is here to help you out with just that, so that you won’t have to worry about it. Generally speaking, there are 3 kinds of strains, as you can find out from Sacredkratom. They are as follows: red, green and white and each one has its own world of benefits. Let’s explore this aspect together.


If we only had to use one word to describe white maeng da, or this entire strain in general, it would be focus. Essentially, if you have a particularly difficult task to complete, and you need to be able to concentrate on it, then this is the strain for you. In addition, it works beautifully if you’re looking for something to boost your energy level. To get this, you can add a bit to your morning coffee, or smoothie. Some people also love this strain for its mild euphoric effect.

There are loads of different types, but a great example is the one that was already mentioned, Maeng Da, which is known for delivering an amazing mental output. The typical dosage for it is around 4 grams. White vein Borneo is another example within this particular strain, and it works particularly well for those who have issues with focusing. A good typical dosage with this one is 5 grams.


The strain is many people’s favorite, making it one of the most popular ones out there. If you’re looking for something to help you relax, then this is the strain for you. Whether you’ve had a very difficult day at work, or have loads of family drama to deal with, and you’re finding it hard to disengage with it all, then this strain may just be what you’re looking for. It’s also of great use to those dealing with anxiety. Not only this, but thanks to its relaxing effect, it can help you fall asleep faster. Finally, for those who are dealing with chronic pain, it can act as an analgesic.

A great example in this strain is red vein Bali, which is perfect for those who are dealing with low mood and depression. Not only does it improve your mood, but it can also help with lowering your levels of stress. As far as dosage goes, most people typically go for 5 grams. Another example whose typical dosage is 5 grams is red Vein Thai, which is even better at enhancing the mood than the Bali red vain. It also has pain relieving properties, which is wonderful for those who are suffering from pain.


Finally, the green strain is yet another great way of feeling more energetic. Many users have said that about 15 to 20 minutes after having taken it, they get this amazing rush of energy that stays with them for quite a few hours. In addition, it can also come with anxiolytic effects, and even with pain killer effect. Because of all of these things, it is just the right strain for beginners, since it does offer a bit of every strain’s benefits.

A great example here is Green vein Thai, which helps you achieve balance when you’re dealing with mixed feelings. The most used dosage here is 5 grams. Green vein Malay is another one in this strain that’s just right for those who are dealing with depression, offering truly effective mood boosting effect. Again, the typical dosage for this one is 5 grams.

Exploring Strains

Of course, what works beautifully for one person, may not work quite as well for another. With that in mind, the best thing to do to figure out what it is you need is to try out all these different strains. Consider starting out with the green strain, since, as we already mentioned, it offers amazing overall effects. After trying this one, you can proceed to the following two strains. The key to remember is to start out with low doses, and wait for 45 minutes to see if there is an effect, before getting just a little bit more.

Finding the perfect kratom for you may take some time and effort, but most people would say that it’s worth it. Indeed, if the first one you try doesn’t quite work for you, you shouldn’t despair, since there are not only other strains available, but also other subtypes within each individual strain. As such, simply arm yourself with loads of patience, and you’re on your path to great results. Do make sure that you always start off with low dosages and built your way up from there.