LA Times columnist slammed for Sarah Sanders remarks

A political reporter for the Los Angeles Times is under fire for making sexist remarks about White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders in his latest anti-Trump column.

In the article ‘Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the right mouthpiece for a truth-twisting president’ published Wednesday morning, David Horsey compared Sanders to a ‘chunky soccer mom who organizes snacks for the kids’ games.’

Horsey criticized Sanders, who was appointed the role back in July, for not meeting up to Trump’s standards, as he suggested the aide ‘does not look like the kind of woman (he) would choose as his chief spokesperson.’

Los Angeles Times political columnist, David Horsey, (pictured above) is under fire for making sexist remarks about White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sander is pictured during a news conference October 30 in Washington, DC. Horsey compared Sanders to a 'chunky soccer mom'

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sander is pictured during a news conference October 30 in Washington, DC. Horsey compared Sanders to a ‘chunky soccer mom’

The columnist further suggested the aide 'does not look like the kind of woman (Trump) would choose as his chief spokesperson'

The columnist further suggested the aide ‘does not look like the kind of woman (Trump) would choose as his chief spokesperson’

While the columnist pointed out positive aspects of Sanders’ part in the Trump administration following the leave of Sean Spicer – Horsey veered into the misogynist comments.

He said: ‘Rather than the fake eyelashes and formal dresses she puts on for briefings, Sanders seems as if she’d be more comfortable in sweats than running shoes.’

Then added: ‘Yet, even if Trump privately wishes he had a supermodel for a press secretary, he is lucky to have Sanders.’ 

Early on in her career, Sanders, now 35, worked under the George W. Bush administration as part of the Department of Education, according to the Kansas City Star, where she was born.

The White House aide was also appointed key roles in ‘both of her father’s presidential campaigns, as well as former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s.’

On Friday, Twitter users expressed their distaste for Horsey’s outlandish comments.

Sanders, formerly the White House Deputy Press Secretary, is shown speaking to reporters in Washington DC May 9, 2016. LA Times columnist Horsey said: 'Even if Trump privately wishes he had a supermodel for a press secretary, he is lucky to have Sanders'

Sanders, formerly the White House Deputy Press Secretary, is shown speaking to reporters in Washington DC May 9, 2016. LA Times columnist Horsey said: ‘Even if Trump privately wishes he had a supermodel for a press secretary, he is lucky to have Sanders’

California resident, Claire Adida, said: ‘Hey, @latimes and @davidhorsey, you can do better. How about you focus on what she says rather than how she looks?’

While Adam Serwer, Senior Editor for The Atlantic, wrote: ‘Genuinely confused as to how this column got past an editor.’

Teen Vogue columnist Lauran Duca further added: Things that are true at the same time: 1) Sarah Huckabee Sanders is an unabashed enemy of the truth 2) This profile of her is sexist trash.’

Horsey, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, has since removed the offensive remarks from the column, and issued an apology to readers and Sanders.

‘I want to apologize to Times readers — and to Sarah Huckabee Sanders — for a description that was insensitive and failed to meet the standards of our newspaper,’ he wrote atop the column.

‘It also failed to meet the expectations I have for myself. It surely won’t be my last mistake, but this particular error will be scrupulously avoided in my future commentaries. I’ve removed the offending description.’