Labour bosses slammed for appointing Gordon Nardell to investigate anti-Semitism

Party bosses have hired Gordon Nardell QC, who is Jewish, as their new in-house legal counsel to help deal with the backlog of anti-Semitism cases (file pic)

Labour is facing a fresh anti-Semitism storm after it emerged the lawyer hired to investigate the scandal has ties with activists caught up in it, it was today reported.

Party bosses have hired Gordon Nardell QC, who is Jewish, as their new in-house legal counsel to help deal with the backlog of anti-Semitism cases.  

But his appointment has sparked criticism following reports he was Facebook friends or had met with activists caught up in the scandal. 

According to The SunOnline, these include Tony Greenstein, who was reportedly expelled by Labour after allegedly claiming that ‘Zionists collaborated with the Nazis’.

It also reportedly includes Elleanne Green – the founder of the controversial Palestine Live Facebook group where some members made allegedly anti-Semitic posts. She is currently under investigation by Labour.

Ms Green voiced her delight at his appointment in a post online, describing him as ‘a non-Zionist Jew’ and ‘a brilliant mind’, according to the website Jewish News. 

She also described the long-time Labour supporter as ‘a man I like and trust’, according to the website.

Mr Nardell also reportedly worked on Mr Corbyn’s campaign to be Labour leader and was supported in his own attempt to become an MP by John McDonnell.

Mr Nardell has now closed down his Facebook page. 

Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), a group which represents dozens of MPs, have questioned his appointment.

An LFI spokesman said: ‘We are concerned that, given his apparent sympathies with Jeremy Corbyn’s world view, far-left associations and the endorsement he has received from those behind the appalling Palestine Live Facebook group, Mr Nardell may not be best placed to oversee the effort to rid the Labour party of anti-Semitism.

‘Swift and tough action against the many anti-Semites who appear to have made Labour their home will help to dispel those concerns.’ 

But Labour defended Mr Nardell as being ‘highly respected’ and ‘bound by professional standards’.

The Labour leadership has faced a barrage of criticism amid claims it has willfully failed to tackle anti-Semitism among members.

Jeremy Corbyn has been dogged by criticisms that he has failed to do enough to tackle anti-Semitism after becoming Labour leader

Jeremy Corbyn has been dogged by criticisms that he has failed to do enough to tackle anti-Semitism after becoming Labour leader

Labour MPs – including several Jewish parliamentarians – have slammed their leadership and told how they have received death and rape threats after daring to speak out.

Labour’s new general secretary Jennie Formby has promised to finally crackdown on the problem and promised to clear the backlog of disciplinary cases by July.  

And Richard Angell, director of Progress – Labour’s centre-left movement – branded the QC’s appointment a ‘joke’.

He told The Sun: ‘Please do not tell me this is Jennie’s first big appointment and someone in whom she expects anyone to have any faith deal with Labour’s antisemitism issues. What a joke.

‘Enough is enough – Labour taking this issue seriously is long over due.’    

A Labour source said: ‘Gordon Nardell is an eminent and highly respected QC.

‘He will continue to be bound by his professional standards and obligations of the Bar Standards Board Code of Conduct.’ 

MailOnline contacted Mr Nardell’s Chambers for comment and was directed to the Labour Party’s statement.