Labour investigates Clive Lewis over groping claim

Clive Lewis MP is under investigation by the Labour party following an official complaint that the MP had groped a woman at the party’s annual conference just weeks ago.

A party member said that the incident happened in a room full of people when she had met Mr Lewis. 

The female complainant, aged 39, said Mr Lewis had given her backside ‘a big squeeze’ when the pair met at around midnight at Momentum’s World Transformed event in Brighton.

The former Labour frontbencher has strongly denied the claims, but is alleged to have taken place at the same event where Mr Lewis was recorded saying the phrase ‘get on you knees b****’, which he has since apologised for.  

Clive Lewis MP is under investigation by the Labour party following an official complaint

The complainant said before the incident on September 26, she had thought Mr Lewis was a ‘good guy’ who ‘stuck up for good left-wing values’.

‘We had a hug and while we were having a hug he gave my bum a big squeeze,’ the woman told the Independent.

She added: ‘My friend who was there, a fellow [constituency party] delegate… me and him looked at each other and our eyebrows went “whoaaa”.’

‘You kind of jump. I didn’t feel grossed out. I definitely laughed. It felt like if you are hugging a mate. I don’t know. It was over familiar. I had never met him before.’

The woman’s friend backed up her claims, saying Lewis put his arm around her ‘then he put her hand on her bum’. 

He said: ‘I know she will find it tough, because there will be people in her local party who will say, ‘you are exaggerating. It’s happened a million times to other people, you’re making a mountain out of a mole hill’. But it’s not ok.’

The 39-year-old alleged victim said that she carried on talking to Mr Lewis about politics and even danced with him after.

She did not report the incident because it was a ‘shock’ but decided to lodge a formal complaint with the party in the following days after some consideration.  

It comes amid mounting allegations of sexual harassment within Westminster which has seen Labour MP Kelvin Hopkins suspended from the party. 

Mr Lewis denied the allegation, saying: 'I wouldn’t do that to someone. It’s not what I do, it’s not my style, it’s not how I roll. I do not do that.'

Mr Lewis denied the allegation, saying: ‘I wouldn’t do that to someone. It’s not what I do, it’s not my style, it’s not how I roll. I do not do that.’

Hopkins is alleged to have ‘rubbed his crotch’ on a female party activist, something which he has ‘absolutely and categorically’ denied.  

Mr Lewis denied the allegation, saying: ‘I wouldn’t do that to someone. It’s not what I do, it’s not my style, it’s not how I roll. I do not do that.

‘They have made the allegation and I totally refute it. If someone hugs me, I hug them back. I would completely deny it.’

He later told BBC News: ‘I don’t as a rule at packed Labour Party conferences grope people’s bottoms when I greet them. It’s just not how I roll, it’s not what I do.

‘All I know is that I would not deliberately do that, do what’s alleged. I completely deny that.

‘I’m feeling pretty taken aback by it all. It’s not been a great week for Parliament. It’s been a pretty tough fortnight.

‘I think lots of people are kind of aghast. Sat there thinking: “Whose turn is it next? Will it be me? Is it someone from five years ago, 10 years ago?”‘

Asked if he would continue hugging in public places, Mr Lewis said: ‘I’m afraid to say now I will think twice about it. There’s no two ways about it.

‘I’m a friendly person, I’m someone who enjoys the company of people. It saddens me that I perhaps now will have to think about standing back, about being more formal, and that is a shame.

‘I just feel it’s sad but I think if I was at the event next year, if I’m at future events, I think most politicians now will be thinking, I don’t want to put myself in a situation where those misunderstandings, those accusations can be made. I think a lot of politicians will err on the side of caution.

‘Some politicians will say that’s the right thing to do, some will say that’s sad.’

A Labour Party spokesperson said: ‘The Labour Party is investigating a formal complaint made today against Clive Lewis.’