Labour supporters flood ‘JezFest’ as Corbyn takes the stage after ‘slow start’

Labour celebrated ‘JezFest’ as a great success this evening after fans of the party flooded the festival after a slow start

Despite the event’s north-east London site remaining nearly empty throughout the afternoon, left-leaning ticket holders arrived in droves after 5pm.

Labour earlier insisted the party’s inaugural festival had been a success – despite pictures showing empty fields.


Jeremy Corbyn takes to the main stage at Labour Live to address the crowd

Star attraction: The opposition leader gave his left-leaning crowd a thumbs up

Star attraction: The opposition leader gave his left-leaning crowd a thumbs up

One zealous fan waves a flag with the slogan 'For the man, not the few'

One zealous fan waves a flag with the slogan ‘For the man, not the few’

Jeremy Corbyn prepares to take to the stage at Labour Live

Jeremy Corbyn prepares to take to the stage at Labour Live

The crowd swelled as the event continued, much to the relief of the event's organisers

The crowd swelled as the event continued, much to the relief of the event’s organisers

Labour Live's organisers said thousands had attended to watch speeches, listen to music and discuss socialism

Labour Live’s organisers said thousands had attended to watch speeches, listen to music and discuss socialism

However, as the afternoon went on the site in White Hart Lane in Tottenham began to fill. 

Intended to recreate the spirit of supporters chanting of ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’ at last year’s Glastonbury festival, Labour Live was billed as a ‘must’ for party members. 

Labour told MailOnline 13,000 tickets had been sold before gates opened today, despite claims only 3,000 of a possible 20,000 had been shifted.  

Prices were cut from £35 to £10 in a last-minute bid to attract more festival-goers.  

Labour activist Owen Jones sent a message to the naysayers who said the event would fall flat.

‘They said Labour Live wouldn’t work. They sneered at it. They mocked it,’ the Labour darling tweeted.

‘Thousands came, listened to music, heard speeches, discussed politics and will leave inspired.’

Labour is insisting its inaugural Labour Live festival in north London is a success

Labour is insisting its inaugural Labour Live festival in north London is a success

The sun goes down over Eddie Izzard's performance on the festival's main stage

The sun goes down over Eddie Izzard’s performance on the festival’s main stage

'Oh Jeremy Corbyn': A dedicated Labour supporter is pictured in a mask resembling the party leader 

‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’: A dedicated Labour supporter is pictured in a mask resembling the party leader 

Unite The Union leader Len McCluskey was spotted handing out ice creams to festival-goers as the weather remained overcast this afternoon

Unite The Union leader Len McCluskey was spotted handing out ice creams to festival-goers as the weather remained overcast this afternoon

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn arrived at the festival later in the afternoon and is pictured talking to singer Rae Morris who said she wanted to inspire young people to get into politics

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn arrived at the festival later in the afternoon and is pictured talking to singer Rae Morris who said she wanted to inspire young people to get into politics

Corbyn also chatted to Amy Winehouse Foundation worker Rowan Carnihan today 

Corbyn also chatted to Amy Winehouse Foundation worker Rowan Carnihan today 

Tottenham MP David Lammy is pictured speaking at the event in his constituency today  

Tottenham MP David Lammy is pictured speaking at the event in his constituency today  

Comedian Eddie Izzard is pictured addressing crowds at Labour Live, which is taking place today at White Heart Lane Recreation Ground 

Comedian Eddie Izzard is pictured addressing crowds at Labour Live, which is taking place today at White Heart Lane Recreation Ground 

Singer Rae Morris performed to crowds, which were meant to be 20,000-strong 

Singer Rae Morris performed to crowds, which were meant to be 20,000-strong 

Festival attendees dance in the front of the festival's main stage

Festival attendees dance in the front of the festival’s main stage

Inside the festival this afternoon, the queue for the vegan food van appeared larger than the crowd watching performances on the main stage. 

But MPs and Momentum supporters remained positive about the turnout, claiming the ‘Solidarity Tent’ at the White Heart Lane Recreation Ground in Tottenham was ‘packed’.

Speakers included MPs David Lammy, shadow development secretary Kate Osamor and comedian Eddie Izzard, accompanied by performers Levi Roots, Rae Morris and Clean Bandit.

The Magic Numbers, Sex Pistol Glen Matlock and Reverend and the Makers also took to the stage later in the day. 

Unite The Union leader Len McCluskey was spotted handing out ice creams to festival-goers as the weather remained overcast this afternoon. 

Shadow Secretary of State for International Development Kate Osamor stood in front of a screen on which her name had been spelled wrong

Shadow Secretary of State for International Development Kate Osamor stood in front of a screen on which her name had been spelled wrong

Conserative supporters mocked the event on Twitter saying it was 'for the few not the many'

Conserative supporters mocked the event on Twitter saying it was ‘for the few not the many’

Supporters gathered near the stage to listen to singer Rae Morris as she performed today 

Supporters gathered near the stage to listen to singer Rae Morris as she performed today 

Labour supporters have a nap between performers at Labour Live in north London

Labour supporters have a nap between performers at Labour Live in north London

A Momentum supporter sports his Jeremy Corbyn mask at Labour Live in north London 

A Momentum supporter sports his Jeremy Corbyn mask at Labour Live in north London 

One Momentum supporter looked transfixed as he watched a speaker at Labour Live 

One Momentum supporter looked transfixed as he watched a speaker at Labour Live 

Labour members are pictured waiting to listen to speakers at the north London festival 

Labour members are pictured waiting to listen to speakers at the north London festival 

Volunteers at Labour Live looked cheerful as they handed out flags at the event today 

Volunteers at Labour Live looked cheerful as they handed out flags at the event today 

Labour supporters are pictured with Rowan Carnihan (centre right) of the Amy Winehouse Foundation who works to support young people battling drug addiction 

Labour supporters are pictured with Rowan Carnihan (centre right) of the Amy Winehouse Foundation who works to support young people battling drug addiction 

Critics have mocked ticket prices on Twitter, posting pictures of a price list that includes £15 for a T-shirt and £12 for a reusable cup. 

Theresa May taunted Labour over the festival plans during Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday.

She told MPs that shadow chancellor John McDonnell and the Magic Numbers are among those appearing at the event, adding: ‘Just about sums them up.’ 

Twitter users fun at the party’s manifesto slogan saying the event was ‘for the few not the many’.

One person joked there was ‘standing room only’. 

Meanwhile Labour supporters took to Twitter to praise the event, saying: ‘Ok well there’s already 50 times more people in a single tent at Labour Live than made it to the whole of Tory Glastonbury last year. you are winning!’ 

Reusable cups for £15 and a £6 manifesto: Labour Live’s left-wing merchandise stall

Labour Live featured merchandise stalls selling left-wing clothes, badges and manifestos – much of which featured Corbyn’s face.

T-shirt’s in the party’s signature red were emblazoned with the slogan ‘solidarity, tolerance, respect’.

A copy of Labour’s manifesto cost £6 while an ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’ scarf set punters back £15.

Straight into Labour's coffers: Punters pick up something to remind them of the event at White Hart Lane, Tottenham 

Straight into Labour’s coffers: Punters pick up something to remind them of the event at White Hart Lane, Tottenham 

Also on offer was a Labour teddy bear and a reusable eco cup for £12.

Despite it only being June, Christmas cards saying ‘Have a very Corbyn Christmas’ were also on sale.

And in the ‘World Transformed’ tent a selection of satirical t-shirts were available, with one bearing the tweaked slogan: ‘Get rich of try sharing’.

One social media user, Joseph Gellman, was critical of Labour’s attempts to flog merchandise, tweeting: ‘Selling Corbyn merchandise for £15 (Marx rolls in his grave)’.

Another user added: ‘Love how the party that hates capitalism is trying to cash in (badly) with a festival and is also flogging merchandise’.


Crowds watch performers and speakers at Labour's inaugural festival in north London 

Crowds watch performers and speakers at Labour’s inaugural festival in north London 

Party supporters are pictured wearing Jeremy Corbyn T-shirts and smiling with pints of beer as they get ready for a day at Labour Live at White Heart Lane Recreation Ground 

Party supporters are pictured wearing Jeremy Corbyn T-shirts and smiling with pints of beer as they get ready for a day at Labour Live at White Heart Lane Recreation Ground 

A Unite The Union ice cream van is pictured at Labour Live in north London this afternoon

A Unite The Union ice cream van is pictured at Labour Live in north London this afternoon

'One Socialism': A picnic blanket calls for a more united left

‘One Socialism’: A picnic blanket calls for a more united left

A crowd of two watch celebrity chef Levi Roots, creator of Reggae Reggae sauce

A crowd of two watch celebrity chef Levi Roots, creator of Reggae Reggae sauce

Staff at the event's merchandise stall selling posters and t-shirts appear to lose interest

Staff at the event’s merchandise stall selling posters and t-shirts appear to lose interest