Land’s End’s or Lands End? Official spelling is confirmed after debate

Land’s End or Lands End? Official spelling is confirmed after a 90 minute council debate – and it will keep its apostrophe

Apostrophes – and their misuse – can drive grammar pedants round the bend.

But for years there has been confusion over where to put it in Land’s End – or whether it should exist at all.

Not any more.

Businesses in the most westerly point in England have a variety of spellings, including ‘Lands’ End’

Even the post which marks the spot has been pictured with different spellings

Even the post which marks the spot has been pictured with different spellings

After a 90-minute debate on new ward names, Cornwall Council has officially declared that from now on, the punctuation mark will come between the d and s.

Land’s End is the most westerly point in England, and a popular tourist attraction.

If you type ‘Land’s End’ into Google, it currently asks: ‘Did you mean Lands End’, and businesses in the area have a variety of spellings, including ‘Lands’ End’ 

The vote to officially add the apostrophe was proposed by Councillor Sue James who said she was no expert but had taken advice from historian Craig Weatherhill, who has published books on west Cornwall.

The move was unanimously supported by the council.
