LAPD opens a new investigation into Roman Polanski

Jane Doe # 1 – 1969, aged 10 

Jane Doe # 2 – 1969, aged 16 

Jane Doe #3 – 1972, aged 9 

Renate Langer – 1972, aged 15 in Gstaad

German actress Renate Langer in 1978 aged 21

German actress Renate Langer claimed on October 3 that she was attacked by him in Gstaad in 1972. Swiss police are investigating her accusation. 

She revealed how he attacked her in an interview with The New York Times, admitting that she was too afraid to tell her parents about it at the time. 

‘My mother would have had a heart attack. 

‘I felt ashamed and embarrassed and lost and solo.’ 

Ranger spoke out this year after her parents’ deaths.

Police in Switzerland, which has no statute of limitations laws, are now investigating her claims. 

Mallory Millet – 1970, aged 29 in New York and a second time, unclear when

The struggling actress was invited out to dinner with the director and her friends at the Plaza Hotel in New York.

She was warned ahead of time the director was on LSD 

‘We went up to Roman’s suite to have some after-dinner coffee and drinks but (friends) Michael and Minda left and I was suddenly left on my own with Roman.’

‘When I had first arrived they told me that Roman was tripping on LSD and he had started behaving quite strangely – whereas I was very sober – so I thought it was time to leave anyway.’

‘But as I tried to leave he wouldn’t let me and he attempted to rape me very, very forcefully.’

‘He would not take no for an answer and he tried to have forcible intercourse with me.’ 

She said despite the alleged encounter, Polanski met up with her again and apologized for his behavior.

‘I ended up alone with him, he tried to put his arms around me and hold me down and I had to flee for a second time.’

Robin ‘M’ – 1973, aged 16 in California 

In August, a woman who identified herself only as Robin M. claimed at a press conference that she was attacked by Polanski when she was 16 in 1973. 

She said the incident happened in southern California but would not go into further detail. 

She is not suing him but offered to testify against him to stop his 1978 arrest warrant from being dropped. 

Robin M, another of his accusers, came forward in August to say Polanski molested her when she was 16 in 1973. She is pictured with her lawyer Gloria Allred holding up a picture of herself as a teenager 

Robin M, another of his accusers, came forward in August to say Polanski molested her when she was 16 in 1973. She is pictured with her lawyer Gloria Allred holding up a picture of herself as a teenager 

At her press conference, Robin said she told one friend after the attack but did not confide in anyone else because she feared her father would kill Polanski and end up in jail.  

‘The day after it happened, I did tell one friend that Mr Polanski had done that to me,’ she said, reading from a prepared statement.

‘The reason, with this exception, that I kept it to myself is that I didn’t want my father to do something that might cause him to go to prison for the rest of his life,’ she said  

Marianne Barnard – 1975, aged 10 in Malibu

Barnard, an artist, said her mother arranged her meeting with Polanski when she was 10 in order for her to have her photograph taken. 

‘At first I had the understanding I was just going to the beach with my mom. We were there for a little while by ourselves, and then he was there. 

Last month, Californian artist Marianne Barnard claimed he molested her when she was 10 in 1975

Last month, Californian artist Marianne Barnard claimed he molested her when she was 10 in 1975. She is pictured as a child

Last month, Californian artist Marianne Barnard claimed he molested her when she was 10 in 1975. She is pictured as a child, right 

”First, he was taking pictures of me in the bikini, then it was with the coat then he said take off the bikini top, which I was comfortable with as I was only 10 and I often ran around with no top on. 

‘But then he wanted me to take my bikini bottoms off – I started to feel very uncomfortable. 

‘Then at some point I realized my mom had gone.

 ‘I don’t know where she went and I didn’t really register her leaving but she was no longer there … Then he molested me

Jane Doe #4 – 1976, aged 15 in Gstaad

 The unidentified woman said she was 15 when she was at a dinner party with Polanski, Jack Nicholson, his girlfriend Angelica Huston, and her parents who worked in the film industry. 

She told the website ‘I sat on my left side, put his hand on my leg. 

‘He then proceeded to touch my genitals and tried to squeeze and rub it with his hand, all that under the table in front of my father’s face,’ she said.

Jane Doe # 5 – 1976, aged 12 

Samantha Geimer – 1977, aged 13 in Hollywood 

Geimer is the most well-known of those who have accused Polanski of sexual assault. In 1977, he gave her Quaaludes before raping and sodomizing her at Jack Nicholson’s house in Los Angeles. 

She was just 13 at the time. Polanski was arrested and was due to go to jail the following year after pleading guilty to a lesser charge but he fled the country at the last minute in fear that prosecutors had lied to him. 

Samantha Geimer in 2013. She was raped by Polanski in 1977

Samantha Geinmer aged 13

Samantha Geimer (left in 2013) was raped by Polanski when she was 13 in 1977 (seen that year, right) but has since forgiven him. He fled the country to avoid being jailed for it in 1978

He has been on the run in France, where he is a citizen, and Switzerland ever since. Neither will extradited him to the US. 

Geimer has kept in touch with him and was awarded a $500,000 settlement from him. She has spoken openly of how she has forgiven him and pleaded for a Los Angeles judge to stop the warrant for his arrest which still stands. 

Charlotte Lewis – 1983, aged 16  in Paris

Charlotte Lewis, a British actress, also claims to have been assaulted by Polanski. 

She said he forced himself on her as she auditioned for a role in one of his films in Paris in 1983. By this time, Polanski was already on the run for having raped Geimer six years earlier.  

She reported her accusations to police in Los Angeles but not in Paris where the alleged attack took place. 

British actress Charlotte Lewis says Polanski attacked her in Paris when she was 16. They are pictured above in 1986, three years after the alleged assault, during the presentation of his film Pirates at the Cannes Film Festival 

British actress Charlotte Lewis says Polanski attacked her in Paris when she was 16. They are pictured above in 1986, three years after the alleged assault, during the presentation of his film Pirates at the Cannes Film Festival 

In 2010, she said: ‘Hollywood is giving the wrong message to pedophiles.’ 

‘He sexually abused me and manipulated me in the worst way,’ she claimed. ‘He forced himself upon me.

‘He took advantage of me and I have lived with the effects of his behavior ever since. He has scarred me.’ 

The role was for Pirates, Polanski’s film, and she was given the part. 

Lewis (above in 2010, when she revealed her accusations) said at the time that Hollywood gave pedophiles the 'wrong message' by allowing them continued success 

Lewis (above in 2010, when she revealed her accusations) said at the time that Hollywood gave pedophiles the ‘wrong message’ by allowing them continued success