Lara Bingle’s facialist Melanie Grant shares day on plate

When it comes to great skin, countless professionals and facialists will say it’s all about lotions and potions, and serums and moisturisers.

But according to one celebrity-backed pro, while these things are important, it’s what you eat that’s key.

Sydney-based facialist, Melanie Grant – who looks after the luminous skin of Jessica Gomes and Lara Worthington (nee Bingle) among others – recently revealed her day on a plate. 

Melanie Grant (pictured) – who looks after the luminous skin of Jessica Gomes and Lara Bingle among others – recently revealed her day on a plate

Dubbed the 'skin whisperer', Ms Grant is most famous for her celebrity client, Lara Worthington (pictured)

Dubbed the ‘skin whisperer’, Ms Grant is most famous for her celebrity client, Lara Worthington (pictured)

Speaking about her day on a plate, Ms Grant (pictured) said she tries to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, because she finds it works for her skin and body

Speaking about her day on a plate, Ms Grant (pictured) said she tries to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, because she finds it works for her skin and body

Speaking about her day on a plate, Ms Grant said she tries to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, because she finds it works for her skin and body.

This means no gluten or wheat, no dairy and no refined sugar.

‘When I wake, I drink a cup of hot water, and then maybe 500ml of room temp alkaline water,’ Ms Grant explained on her blog.

The facialist added that she’ll try to infuse her water with cucumber, lemon or ginger – to boost it full of nutrients and ensure she drinks plenty.

'When I wake, I drink a cup of hot water, and then maybe 500ml of room temp alkaline water,' Ms Grant explained - she infuses it with fruits and vegetables (pictured with Jess Gomes)

‘When I wake, I drink a cup of hot water, and then maybe 500ml of room temp alkaline water,’ Ms Grant explained – she infuses it with fruits and vegetables (pictured with Jess Gomes)

Ms Grant has also worked with the likes of Bambi Northwood-Blyth (pictured)

She also looks after Jodi Gordon's skin (pictured)

Ms Grant has also worked with the likes of Bambi Northwood-Blyth (left) and Jodi Anasta (right)

Next, like many women around the world, Ms Grant said she’ll have a coffee.

However, unlike many of us – who grab and go on the way to work – she tries to mix it with her own homemade almond milk. 

‘For breakfast, it’s always a smoothie with baby spinach, blueberries, plant-based protein and all of my powders from sun potion, I-glutamine, bone broth and Natren pre and probiotics with water and ice,’ she explained. 

'For breakfast, it's always a smoothie with baby spinach, blueberries, plant-based protein and all of my powders from sun potion, I-glutamine, bone broth and Natren pre and probiotics with water and ice,' Ms Grant (pictured) said

‘For breakfast, it’s always a smoothie with baby spinach, blueberries, plant-based protein and all of my powders from sun potion, I-glutamine, bone broth and Natren pre and probiotics with water and ice,’ Ms Grant (pictured) said

For lunch, it's wild salmon with brown rice or half an avocado - she said she also infuses everything with bone broth

For lunch, it’s wild salmon with brown rice or half an avocado – she said she also infuses everything with bone broth

As for dinner, the 'skin whisperer' is all about chicken or fish with salad or vegetables

As for dinner, the ‘skin whisperer’ is all about chicken or fish with salad or vegetables

Melanie Grant’s day on a plate 

* FIRST THING: A cup of hot water, and 500ml of room temp alkaline water. Coffee with homemade almond milk.

* BREAKFAST: Smoothie with baby spinach, blueberries, plant-based protein and all of the powders from sun potion, I-glutamine, bone broth and Natren pre and probiotics with water and ice.

* LUNCH: Wild salmon with brown rice or half an avocado.

* SNACKS: Activated nuts, English breakfast tea and peppermint tea.

* DINNER: Chicken or fish with salad or vegetables. Ms Grant puts bone broth in everything. 

If her breakfast sounds somewhat tricky to replicate, thankfully Ms Grant’s lunch is somewhat more simple – wild salmon with brown rice or half an avocado.

‘I never eat salads during the day, however, I probably eat way too many nuts. But they are activated!,’ she said.

As for dinner, the ‘skin whisperer’ is all about chicken or fish with salad or vegetables:

‘I try and put bone broth into almost everything that I cook, it’s so good for you!,’ she said – confessing that she is a huge fan of the slow cooker to save her time at the end of a busy day.

Finally, when it comes to snacks and supplements, Ms Grant said she likes nuts, English breakfast tea and peppermint tea.

She also takes probiotic supplements, tonics, fish oil and zinc among other things. 

To read more from Melanie Grant, you can visit her blog here