Larissa Beilby’s friend opens up about night of hotel room sex and drug-taking with accused killer

‘We smoked ice and drank fantasy’: Tattooed friend of ‘murdered’ 16-year-old Larissa Beilby recalls nights of wild hotel room sex and drug-taking with the teen and her accused killer

  • Larissa Belby’s body was found rotting inside a barrel on the back of a ute
  • Her friend, 24, opened up about a night of sex and drug-taking 
  • Larissa’s accused killer is her 36-year-old boyfriend Zlatki Sikorsky 

A friend of body-in-barrel victim Larissa Beilby has recalled nights of hotel room sex and drug-taking with the teen and her accused murderer to a Queensland court.

Larissa’s battered body was found rotting inside a barrel on the back of a ute abandoned at a residential complex on the Gold Coast on June 28 last year.

On Wednesday, Rachelle Pilon, 24, gave evidence at a Beenleigh Magistrates Court committal hearing about two nights she spent with the 16-year-old and her alleged killer Zlatko Sikorsky.

Larissa Beilby’s (pictured) battered body was found rotting inside a barrel on the back of a ute abandoned at a residential complex on the Gold Coast on June 28 last year

Rachelle Pilon (pictured), 24, gave evidence at a Beenleigh Magistrates Court committal hearing about two nights she spent with the 16-year-old and her alleged killer Zlatko Sikorsky

Rachelle Pilon (pictured), 24, gave evidence at a Beenleigh Magistrates Court committal hearing about two nights she spent with the 16-year-old and her alleged killer Zlatko Sikorsky

Sikorsky, 36, is accused of murdering and torturing the teen on June 23, with one witness telling the hearing he wanted to ‘knock’ her because she knew too much.

‘We smoked ice, pure and drank some fantasy,’ Ms Pilon said.

‘There were sexual acts that obviously went on.’

Ms Pilon didn’t allege Sikorsky had sex with the teen.

Asked by defence lawyer Tim Ryan why she had taken the drugs, Ms Pilon said she felt intimidated by Sikorsky following an earlier incident when she had attempted to caution him about his relationship with the teen and he reacted adversely.

Sikorsky’s former housemate Scott Thompson has given evidence at the hearing about the hours leading up to Larissa’s death.

Sikorsky (pictured), 36, is accused of murdering and torturing the teen on June 23, with one witness telling the hearing he wanted to 'knock' her because she knew too much

Sikorsky (pictured), 36, is accused of murdering and torturing the teen on June 23, with one witness telling the hearing he wanted to ‘knock’ her because she knew too much

He said after hearing a scream in the backyard of their Buccan home, Sikorsky told him it was Larissa and she was ‘not in a good way’.

‘I could hear noises from (his) car … then we had a conversation with him saying something about “that chick is (going) insane”,’ he said.

‘He said “her face was in a bad way and it was getting infected and she was rubbing shit all over her face and she’s a bit crazy”.’

‘I knew he’d punched her in the face.

‘I said “just drop her to hospital” (but) he was saying he wanted to knock her.

‘He said “no, she knows too much”.’

Mr Thompson said he didn’t check on Larissa because he was afraid of Sikorsky, who was allegedly high on drugs and carrying a gun.

The hearing continues.

Asked by defence lawyer Tim Ryan why she had taken the drugs, Ms Pilon said she felt intimidated by Sikorsky following an earlier incident when she had attempted to caution him about his relationship with the teen and he reacted adversely

Asked by defence lawyer Tim Ryan why she had taken the drugs, Ms Pilon said she felt intimidated by Sikorsky following an earlier incident when she had attempted to caution him about his relationship with the teen and he reacted adversely