Launceston woman Jess Hoyle is suing over claims she ‘has a sexual relationship with her cat’

A Tasmanian woman says accusations she has a sexual relationship with her cat were the result of her feeling pressured to make a crude confession at a hen’s night meaning she ‘made up bulls**t’. 

Jess Hoyle, 24, is suing the female administrator of a Launceston Facebook group and a man who she claims defamed her on the page with posts claiming ‘she sexually abuses her pets’ in 2020.

Ms Hoyle told Daily Mail Australia that during a hen’s night in 2020 at the male defendant’s Launceston house in northern Tasmania the gathered women were making explicit sexual confessions and she felt the need to say something similar. 

‘I had to listen to everybody talk about what they do with their man,’ Ms Hoyle said. 

Jess Hoyle is suing over Facebook claims she sexually abused her cat, which she says comes from feeling pressure to make a crude confession during a hen’s night where she ‘made something up’

Ms Hoyle said before her turn she was told one of the women had ‘sex with their toothbrush’. 

‘This is what it was about. I had to listen to that,’ Ms Hoyle said.

‘I thought “what am I going to do? Because I’m gay, what am I going to say?

‘”Oh, I’ll make up something,” I thought.

‘So I said “I don’t have a man but I have a cat and I play with his balls”.’

‘The funny part about this is that Bruce (her cat) doesn’t have any balls.’

‘I made it up. It was bullsh*t.’

‘What was I going to say? Nothing and be the odd one out?’ 

Bruce is Ms Hoyle's 15-year-old cat, seen here with Ms Hoyle at her home in Launceston

Bruce is Ms Hoyle’s 15-year-old cat, seen here with Ms Hoyle at her home in Launceston

The case was heard at Launceston Magistrates Court on Thursday with the court told the subsequent posts made by the male defendant, who was in the house but in a different room, were in response to Ms Hoyle advertising a protest related to the death of US man George Floyd in May 2020. 

‘The woman (and I wish I were joking) sexually abuses her pets,’ the man wrote about Ms Hoyle.

‘Her “man” is actually her pet cat.’

The man also claimed he had ‘personally heard’ Ms Hoyle say she has a ‘sexual and spiritual relationship with her cat,’ the court heard.

Ms Hoyle says the claims that she sexually abuses her cat have caused her acute mental distress

Ms Hoyle says the claims that she sexually abuses her cat have caused her acute mental distress

Ms Hoyle believes the man’s sources were those who heard her ‘made up’ confession at the party. 

‘The fact that these people who have been accusing me of this and they haven’t been to my house, they haven’t met my cat and they don’t know me from a bar of soap,’ she said.

‘Why don’t you go look at Bruce and see he hasn’t got any balls?’

Ms Hoyle says her cat was desexxed in 2008 shortly after she got him as a kitten.

She said a doctor told her to get Bruce, who is now 15, to help deal with depression. 

‘He’s been a good cat over the years,’ Ms Hoyle said.

‘He’s never been abused. I have never hurt him. I have never played with his balls because he doesn’t have any.

‘He’s been so loyal to me, such a good cat. I don’t know what I would do without him. He’s been in my life since I was 20.’

Ms Hoyle says the defendants in the case reported her to both the RSPCA and the police, but neither gave the claims any credence.

‘It didn’t go anywhere because everyone knew it wasn’t true except for them,’ she said.

Ms Hoyle says Bruce has been a 'loyal' cat and she would never harm or abuse him in any way

Ms Hoyle says Bruce has been a ‘loyal’ cat and she would never harm or abuse him in any way

Ms Hoyle claimed the posts accusing her of bestiality have caused her mental distress. 

‘I’ve had that many breakdowns because of what he put up,’ she said.

‘It made me really upset and depressed. I had to go to the doctor to get on some drugs because I wasn’t eating and I wasn’t drinking I was vomiting all the time.

‘I had to try to settle my stomach down.’

 Ms Hoyle is seeking an apology from the defendants and for her legal bills to be paid.   

‘I hope the magistrate realises those accusations were defamatory because they weren’t based on any fact,’ she said. 

‘To accuse someone of bestiality you’ve got to have facts and they don’t have any. It’s based on hearsay and the hearsay was made-up bullsh*t.’

The case was heard at Launceston Magistrates Court last Thursday, where the male defendant told the court his Facebook statements were ‘contextually true’.

The man said he believed Ms Hoyle when she said she had a sexual relationship with her cat at the hen’s night.

‘At hen’s nights people tell deep secrets about themselves,’ he told Magistrate Simon Brown.

‘I didn’t believe she was joking.

‘I think it is deeply wrong and concerning.’

Ms Boyle categorically denied the allegations during the hearing. 
