Lawn prawns: Woman stunned after thousands of rose gold ‘alien-like’ creatures invade her home

Woman grossed out after thousands of rose gold ‘alien-like’ creatures invade her home – so do you know what they are?

  • A woman has taken to Facebook t help identify ‘alien like creatures’ in her home
  • The creatures were quickly identified as lawn prawns, they live under leaf litter
  • They are cousins of the sea creature however experts don’t recommend eating

A woman has revealed her home has been taken over by thousands of uninvited guests in an attempt to work out what the alien-like creatures really are.

The woman posted photos of the rose-gold creepy crawlies on a Byron Bay community page and other locals were quick to reveal their identity: lawn prawns.

Also known as lawn shrimp and land hoppers the lawn prawns are in fact cousins of the sea creature.

A woman has revealed her home has been taken over by thousands of uninvited guests in an attempt to work out what the alien-like creatures really are

In her original post the woman described them as ‘looking like insects but also tiny crabs’ and said ‘almost all of them were dead’.

‘They seem to be getting into the house all the time and are usually close to the windows. Anyone know what this is and why they are all dying?’ she said.

One person had answers to both of her questions.

‘They are lawn prawns, they try and get to dry land when it’s been raining but then they die because it’s too dry for them,’ they said.

Unhelpful answers included conspiracy theories about the creature being sent from the government to gather information. 

Some joked that she should eat it, and while you can it isn’t advised as they are small and ‘not tasty’.

The woman posted photos of the rose-gold creepy crawlies on a Byron Bay community page and other locals were quick to reveal their identity: Lawn Prawns

The woman posted photos of the rose-gold creepy crawlies on a Byron Bay community page and other locals were quick to reveal their identity: Lawn Prawns

‘Anyway, like I was saying, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sauté it. There’s shrimp kebabs, shrimp creole […] shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, stir fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp […] shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich,’ one person wrote.

The lawn prawns are native to Australia and typically live under leaf litter. 

‘They are not usually noticed until they enter homes in large numbers and promptly die,’ according to a bug identifications site.

The lawn prawns don’t have a waxy exoskeleton which means they die when conditions become too dry – but it also means they become too waterlogged if submerged.

The unprecedented wet conditions along the east coast are causing the lawn prawns to seek new habitats, as the ground is often too wet for them following large downpours. 
