Lawyer for Peter Strzok says he’s willing to testify to Congress WITHOUT pleading the fifth

A senior FBI agent who remains employed by the Bureau despite telling his lover in 2016 that they could together ‘stop’ Donald Trump from becoming president is willing to testify before Congress, his lawyer said Sunday.

For supporters of the president, Peter Strzok’s name has become synonymous with institutional bias at the Justice Department and a ‘deep state’ of anti-Trump collaborators whose influence runs through the agency’s highest levels.

But attorney Aitan Goelman told The Washington Post that Strzok ‘wants the chance to clear his name and tell his story.’

‘He thinks that his position, character and actions have all been misrepresented and caricatured, and he wants an opportunity to remedy that,’ the lawyer said.

FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, who infamously texted his lover that the two of them could ‘stop’ Donald Trump from becoming president, is willing to testify before Congress voluntarily, his lawyer said Sunday

Attorney Aitan Goelman wrote to House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte, who was preparing to subpoena  Strzok, to say his client would testify before any congressional committee that invites him

Attorney Aitan Goelman wrote to House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte, who was preparing to subpoena Strzok, to say his client would testify before any congressional committee that invites him

President Donald Trump sees Strzok and his lover Lisa Page as emblematic of a Justice Department with deep-seated biases against him, and has said he would prefer to see Strzok fired instead of keeping his senior job

President Donald Trump sees Strzok and his lover Lisa Page as emblematic of a Justice Department with deep-seated biases against him, and has said he would prefer to see Strzok fired instead of keeping his senior job

Goelman promised the Post that Strzok would answer questions without invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, a tantalizing guarantee for Republicans who have already been drafting a subpoena to drag him to Capitol Hill.

Text messages between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, both of whom worked on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, have given Republicans ample fodder to question the ongoing investigation.

Strzok was a respected, veteran counterintelligence agent who helped lead the 2016 probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. That operation ultimately cleared her despite the presence of classified material among her messages and a conclusion that some of that material was accessed by foreign agents.

Strzok was removed from the Russia probe in the summer of 2017 after the Justice Department found out about the texts.

Texts between him and Page included observations about the 2016 election and criticism of Trump using words like ‘idiot,’ ‘loathsome,’ ‘menace’ and ‘disaster.’

Peter Strzok

Lisa Page

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were both working on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe when their texts came to light; they commiserated in 2016 about Trump’s rise to power but decided they could ‘stop’ him

The amorous pair confided in each other their views about Trump, using words like 'idiot,' 'loathsome,' 'menace' and 'disaster' – apparently not realizing that their cellphones and wireless accounts were subject to search by government investigators

The amorous pair confided in each other their views about Trump, using words like ‘idiot,’ ‘loathsome,’ ‘menace’ and ‘disaster’ – apparently not realizing that their cellphones and wireless accounts were subject to search by government investigators

In one August 2016 exchange, Page wrote Strzok: ‘(Trump’s) not ever going to become president, right? Right?!’

Strzok responded: ‘No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.’

House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte was preparing to subpoena Strzok when the FBI agent's lawyer told him it would be 'unnecessary'

House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte was preparing to subpoena Strzok when the FBI agent’s lawyer told him it would be ‘unnecessary’

A DOJ inspector general report released Thursday found that exchange ‘is not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, implies a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects. This is antithetical to the core values of the FBI and the Department of Justice.’

Trump weighed in on the exchange on Twitter Friday morning, tweeting: ‘Doesn’t get any lower than that!’

Still, investigators said they did not find ‘documentary or testimonial evidence’ that the bias affected the probe – a point echoed by Goelman last week.

‘The IG concluded that there is no evidence that the political views of Special Agent Strzok and others in the FBI impacted the handling of the Clinton email investigation,’ he said in a statement.

Republican lawmakers remain at varying points along the spectrum from skeptical to outraged.

President Trump has pulled no punches in criticizing Strzok and Page on Twitter, mocking them as 'the great lovers' who put their thumbs on the scales of the Clinton email probe and then conspired to ensnare him in a post-election Russia probe

President Trump has pulled no punches in criticizing Strzok and Page on Twitter, mocking them as ‘the great lovers’ who put their thumbs on the scales of the Clinton email probe and then conspired to ensnare him in a post-election Russia probe

House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte, a Virginia Republican, on Friday told his Democratic counterpart, New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, that he planned to subpoena Strzok. That triggered a two-day waiting period before a subpoena could be issued.

Goelman wrote to Goodlatte on Sunday, saying a subpoena is ‘unnecessary.’

Strzok ‘intends to voluntarily appear and testify before your committee and any other Congressional committee that invites him,’ he pledged.

Goelman told CNN on Sunday that ‘Pete is central to this story. We should let the American people see who he really is.’ 

Trump tweeted his anger at Strzok and fired FBI director James comey on Saturday.

‘The IG Report totally destroys James Comey and all of his minions including the great lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who started the disgraceful Witch Hunt against so many innocent people,’ he wrote. 

‘It will go down as a dark and dangerous period in American History!’