Leeds diners spark outrage by barbecuing burgers on top of tombstone

Shameless diners spark outrage by barbecuing burgers on top of a TOMBSTONE in graveyard

  • Passerby saw the three adults and seven children at barbecue in Otley, Leeds 
  • Their gathering was exposed when Mr Howard shared his pictures of it online 
  • The move was branded a ‘disgrace’ with one Facebook user calling adults ‘t****’  

Diners who barbecued food on top of tombstone have been branded disgraceful after a passerby shamed them on social media.

Pictures surfaced on Facebook after a user came across the group in the graveyard at Otley Parish Church in Leeds.

He said three adults and seven children were present and that the cook was even rude to his wife when she challenged him about the gathering in West Yorkshire.

The unnamed man shared the images on Facebook, with a post reading: ‘A lovely afternoon spent at the Otley food and drink festival, followed by a meander home through the Parish Church grounds.

A man posted this picture online after finding a group of people enjoying a barbecue in a graveyard in Leeds

Social media users branded the barbecue disgraceful and disrespectful after the man shared pictures of it online

Social media users branded the barbecue disgraceful and disrespectful after the man shared pictures of it online

‘Imagine the surprise to find three adults with about seven children enjoying a barbecue. The cooking was being done on the raised tomb stone.’

He said that he and his wife went to challenge them, only for the chef to patronise his partner.

The passerby wrote: ‘My wife remonstrated with the men. The “Chef” patronisingly said “Thank you for you input, I’ve taken note.”

‘So I took a photograph! Over trots the guy in blue and demands I delete the photographs. In any case I was taking photos of him barbecuing on a tomb in sacred ground.’

The church in West Yorkshire (pictured) wast he site of a barbecue as a group dined in its graveyard 

The church in West Yorkshire (pictured) wast he site of a barbecue as a group dined in its graveyard 

The posts sparked outrage from social media users, with one branding it: ‘The most shocking, disrespectful and dishonouring thing I have seen in a long time!! Utter disgrace!!’

Another wrote: ‘Wow this is so bloody disrespectful, I can’t believe anyone would even consider doing this, absolutely disgraceful.’

A third branded the adults t****, adding: ‘How is this in any way ok?’



Read more at DailyMail.co.uk