Leicester husband ‘strangled his ex-wife to death’

Ashwin Daudia, 51, is accused of killing mother-of-two Kiran Daudia, 46, (pictured) and leaving her remains in an alleyway just yards from their home

An ‘always happy’ mother-of-two was strangled by her ex-husband with her own scarf and ‘trussed up in a suitcase’, a court has heard.

Kiran Daudia, 46, was discovered on January 17 last year close to some rubbish bins, a day after the incident allegedly took place.

The jury at Leicester Crown Court heard her former husband, Ashwin Daudia, who still shared the same house, assaulted her and ‘quite deliberately’ killed her between 2.20pm and 3.30pm.

It was claimed he stuffed her body in a suitcase and then wheeled it to a neighbouring street where he dumped it in an alleyway behind two homes.

Daudia, now 51, from Leicester, denies murdering her and previously told police ‘I haven’t killed her’. 

The pair had been through an arranged marriage in India in 1988 but subsequently divorced in 2014 because their relationship ‘was not a happy one’.

The court heard that, despite the troubled relationship, they lived separate lives under the same roof, with their two sons, now aged 17 and 25, choosing to ‘side’ with their mother and having relatively little to do with their father.

Opening the case against Daudia, who followed proceedings through a Gujarati interpreter, prosecutor William Harbage QC said: ‘(Kiran Daudia’s) body was discovered trussed up in a suitcase on the day after she disappeared.

‘The person who murdered her and then disposed of her body was her former husband, this defendant, Ashwin Daudia.

‘There was an argument between the defendant and Kiran Daudia. There was a struggle in which he assaulted her. 

‘The defendant then, quite deliberately, killed his former wife by strangling her with some sort of ligature, probably her own scarf.’

Ashwin Daudia, 51, is accused of killing  Kiran Daudia, 46

Ashwin Daudia, 51, is accused of killing  Kiran Daudia, 46

Ashwin Daudia, 51, is accused of killing Kiran Daudia, 46, and then stuffing her body in a case

Mr Harbage said Daudia, a machine operator, then ‘crammed Kiran’s dead body’ into a suitcase and wheeled it out into the yard where his son Shivam would not see it.

Daudia allegedly cleaned up the scene and stuffed the cleaning materials into another suitcase along with Kiran’s coat, scarf, boots and bag.

After his son had returned home Daudia allegedly made several trips out of the house – first to dispose of his wife’s mobile phone, which was found on the roof of a nearby tyre business, then the suitcase containing the cleaning materials and clothes, which was never found. 

Mr Harbage continued: ‘Had this been some sort of domestic incident which had got out of hand and the defendant immediately regretted what had happened, one might have expected the defendant to have raised the alarm and called for an ambulance or the police.

‘He did nothing of the sort – instead, showing remarkable coolness in the circumstances, he tried to cover up what he had done.’

Mrs Daudia was an avid Leicester City fan (pictured: watching the Foxes at Manchester United)

Mrs Daudia was an avid Leicester City fan (pictured: watching the Foxes at Manchester United)

Mrs Daudia, 46, was discovered on January 17 last year close to some rubbish bins, a day after the incident allegedly took place

Mrs Daudia, 46, was discovered on January 17 last year close to some rubbish bins, a day after the incident allegedly took place

Mr Harbage told the jury Mrs Daudia had wanted her ex-husband out of the house for some time and agreed to sell it to her sister for £140,000 on the day she was killed, which would have allowed her to stay as a resident and Daudia to move on.

It was claimed this would give him ‘no legal right to remain’ and had left him ‘effectively homeless’. 

The court heard Kiran, who had worked for Next in Leicester for 17 years, was a ‘popular, happy person who liked to be well turned out, and have nice hair and nails’. 

Mr Harbage added: ‘After the divorce, Kiran joined a dating agency and had started to meet other men. That may also have been a source of tension or resentment for the defendant.’ 

The trial continues. 

The couple had divorced three years previously and sold their property in Evington, Leicester, (pictured) to Mrs Daudia’s sister, Preti Jethwa


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