Leicester man is attacked by a ‘mystery’ animal at home

An elderly man was left with huge cuts over his body after he was attacked by a mystery animal which crept into his home in the middle of the night.

Shocking photographs show the deep lacerations on his arms which were covered in blood following the incident. 

The man, who is in his 80s and has not been named, was asleep in his bedroom in Leicester when he was savaged in the early hours of yesterday morning.

His family said the room in his bungalow was dark at the time so he has not been able to say what kind of animal caused the injuries.  

The lacerations on his hand were particularly deep

The man, who is in his 80s, was left with huge cuts and deep lacerations following the shocking attack  

They believe the animal got into his bungalow through an open window.

Councillor Teresa Aldred, who represents the area and knows the family, is urging people, particularly the elderly, to keep their windows shut at night.

She is also taking advice from the city council about whether action should be taken to trace the animal.

She: ‘It’s not good to know that there is something out there that can do this kind of thing.

‘There are a lot of bungalows in this area and a lot of elderly people. That’s why I’m saying to people they should keep their windows shut.

‘People are worried and saying, ‘What would have happened if it had been a child?’.

‘There’s no doubt it came through his window into his bedroom and the injuries are awful.’

It is believed the animal crept into his bedroom in Leicester after the elderly man left his window open during the night 

It is believed the animal crept into his bedroom in Leicester after the elderly man left his window open during the night 

People have suggested on social media that the creature could be a dog, a panther or even a raccoon.

However, it is believed the animal was probably a feline which is not used to humans. 

The elderly man has cats of his own, and it is possible the creature which entered the man’s home was looking for a mate.

The man’s family contacted Leicestershire Police about the incident because they feared there could be a dangerous animal on the loose.

Cllr Aldred said: ‘We just don’t know what it was, although the police are saying they think it was probably a feral cat.

‘This is an elderly man and I know he has a good family around him who will do everything to take care of him.

‘He’s also receiving a lot of support from the community.’ 


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