Lesbian couple conned relative out of thousands of pounds

A lesbian couple who duped a relative with special needs out of thousands of pounds because he was ‘a bit slow’ have walked free from court.

Joanna Owen, 46, and her then-fiancee Julie Eaton, 40, stole Anthony Owen’s bank card and then used it to withdraw £300 a time out of his account.

The 62-year old victim, who is Owen’s brother, lost £3,600 in what was described as a ‘distasteful, disgusting and appalling crime’.

The pair were only caught out when staff at a Barclays bank reviewed Mr Owen’s statements and discovered large amounts of cash being taken from his account. 

Joanna Owen (right) and her then-fiancee Julie Eaton (left) stole Anthony Owen’s bank card and then used it to withdraw £300 a time out of his account

CCTV footage was played back and the two women were seen carrying out the illicit transactions.

Earlier this year the pair, from Peel Hall, near Wythenshawe, Manchester, admitted theft and were told to back the money within five months – or face a possible jail term.

Yet this week when they came back for sentencing it emerged only £1,500 had been paid back to Mr Owen. Despite him being out of pocket the two women escaped with suspended jail terms.

Manchester Crown Court heard Eaton had a history of dishonesty and had made several previous attempts to steal from former work colleagues when she worked as a care assistant.

The earlier hearing was told how Eaton said in her police interview that the victim was a ‘bit slow’

Prosecuting, Alison Heyworth said: ‘Owen’s brother is vulnerable and a man with significant learning and communication deficiencies.

Julie Eaton (left) and Joanna Owen leaving Manchester Crown Court

Julie Eaton

CCTV footage was played back and the two women (seen arriving at court) were seen carrying out the illicit transactions

‘The thefts took place between the end of 2014 and 2015 by way of these defendants obtaining his bank cards and withdrawing money from cash machines. The sentence was deferred with the intention for the defendant’s to repay all of the money they took from Mr Owen.

‘Eaton was suggested to be the ring leader – but the money had not been paid, he has not been recompensed and is still out of pocket.’

But for Owen, Stella Massey said: ‘£1,500 has been gathered and the pair have sold various items such as a fridge freezer and washer and have now obtained cleaning jobs and are putting money aside.

‘They have a plan to put away £300 a month to pay the full amount and considering they have been on benefits they have raised a considerable amount. I would ask the court to impose a suspended sentence as well as a compensation order so they can pay the remainder of the money.

Julie Eaton (right) and Joanna Owen together

Julie Eaton (right) and Joanna Owen together

Mitigating for Eaton, Ian Ridgeway said: ‘She has managed to get work as a cleaner for 10 hours a week and receives job seekers allowance on top of that. She is a lady who has gone from being out of work to raising £1,500 in six months.

Sentencing Judge Michael Leeming said: ‘The two of you appeared for sentence in June this year having plead guilty on the day of trial alleged of theft of cash from the account of your brother Owen, he a man with learning difficulties and who is vulnerable.

‘These were mean and nasty offences commissioned over a protracted period of time and you obtained his bank cards without his permission and withdrew cash which the two of you spent together.

‘Had you appeared before me I would have sentenced you straight to prison but the judge who saw you in June saw it fit to defer sentence for six months for you to pay back £3,600 to the victim. You have both now obtained employment and I order you to pay that £1,500 in the next 14 days.

‘It appears you have stayed out of trouble and have steps to meet the repayment. You are still £2,000 short but you are both now earning.’

Owen was sentenced to 10 months suspended for two years whilst Eaton was sentenced for 13 months suspended for two years.

They are also subject to a compensation order which requires them to pay back £150 a month until the balance is repaid.

The pair were only caught out when staff at a Barclays bank reviewed Mr Owen's statements and discovered large amounts of cash being taken from his account.

The pair were only caught out when staff at a Barclays bank reviewed Mr Owen’s statements and discovered large amounts of cash being taken from his account.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk