Liberal MP says ‘Oh, f*** this’ next to Malcolm Turnbull

A Liberal MP muttered the f-word under his breath as Malcolm Turnbull was asked about women in parliament.

Luke Howarth was standing next to the prime minister when his frustration got the better of him.

‘Oh, f*** this,’ he muttered during the Brisbane media conference on Thursday.

This is the awkward moment Luke Howarth said ‘oh, f*** that’ behind the prime minister

The source of his frustration was a journalist pointing out that Mr Turnbull would not be meeting with any female Liberal Party politicians during his visit to Queensland. 

‘On your trip to Queensland yesterday you were with a male MP Trevor Evans,’ the reporter said.

‘Now you’re with a male federal MP and a state MP. Then later today you’re going to another event with two male MPs. 

‘Would you like to see more females along LNP ranks in Queensland?’

Luke Howarth (centre) toured a motorway upgrade with Malcolm Turnbull and Queensland Liberal National Party leader Tim Nicholls

Luke Howarth (centre) toured a motorway upgrade with Malcolm Turnbull and Queensland Liberal National Party leader Tim Nicholls

Luke Howarth (left) said a rude word in the presence of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (centre) and Queensland Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls

Luke Howarth (left) said a rude word in the presence of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (centre) and Queensland Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls

The prime minister appeared to be oblivious to his backbench colleague’s annoyance as he also swore in the presence of Queensland Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls.

‘Well we all look forward to seeing more women represented in parliament,’ Mr Turnbull said.

Mr Howarth, a former businessman, confessed later to saying a rude word. 

Liberal MP Trevor Evans (left next to Malcolm Turnbull) replaced a female MP in 2016. He was mentioned in the media conference question that so annoyed Luke Howarth

Liberal MP Trevor Evans (left next to Malcolm Turnbull) replaced a female MP in 2016. He was mentioned in the media conference question that so annoyed Luke Howarth

Luke Howarth defeated Yvette D'Ath in 2013 to become the member for Petrie in Brisbane

Luke Howarth defeated Yvette D’Ath in 2013 to become the member for Petrie in Brisbane

‘I said it under my breath because I was frustrated at the question so I’m guilty. I’m sorry if people heard it,’ he told News Corp.

‘I guess I was just frustrated that someone asked a question like that. Even though I wasn’t in front of the microphone I shouldn’t have said it.’

Mr Howarth became the member for Petrie in Brisbane’s north in 2013 by defeating a female Labor MP Yvette D’Ath, who is now Queensland Attorney-General.

Mr Evans replaced a female Liberal MP Teresa Gambaro at the 2016 election to become the member for Brisbane. 

However, there are several female MPs in Queensland in the Turnbull Government, including Jane Prentice who holds the inner-Brisbane seat of Ryan and Michelle Landry who is the member for Capricornia in Rockhampton.