Lily Allen moans she can’t move back to her flat

  • Singer moaned on Twitter that she could not move back to her London-based flat
  • She said her tenants would not move out and are claiming ‘diplomatic immunity’
  • She incurred the wrath of fans and once said she was a ‘Champagne socialite’ 

In the tweet Ms Allen wrote that she was unable to move back to her London flat because her tenants are claiming diplomatic immunity 

Lily Allen has taken to Twitter to moan that she is unable to move back to her London flat she owns because her tenants are claiming ‘diplomatic immunity’.

In the tweet Ms Allen wrote: ‘Meant to be moving back into my flat this week, but my tenants just dropped that they can’t find anywhere to go up to their standards.

‘Then they said they’re diplomats and have diplomatic immunity and there’s nothing I can do about it. 

‘So, who fancies a family of 3 for Xmas?’

But her message – which had now been deleted – risked incurring the wrath of the 32-year-old’s fans and followers.

One of them even accused her of being a ‘Champagne socialite’.

She later tweeted and then deleted that ‘private equity managers, tax experts and hedge funders been looking’ at her situation. 

Ms Allen attended fee-paying schools, that included Prince Charles’ prep school, Hill House School, as well as Bedales and Millfield. 

But her message - which had now been deleted - risked incurring the wrath of the 32-year-old's fans and followers

But her message – which had now been deleted – risked incurring the wrath of the 32-year-old’s fans and followers

She later tweeted and then deleted that 'private equity managers, tax experts and hedge funders been looking' at her situation

It comes after it was revealed Ms Allen was selling her £4.2 million Cotwolds mansion after she was hit by a hefty tax bill

She later tweeted and then deleted that ‘private equity managers, tax experts and hedge funders been looking’ at her situation

Earlier this year the singer sparked controversy when she apologised to Calais jungle migrants on Britain’s behalf. 

At the time, she insisted that she would ‘100 per cent’ take a migrant child home with her. 

It comes after it was revealed Ms Allen was selling her £4.2 million Cotwolds mansion after she was hit by a hefty tax bill.