Lion’s mane makes him the main attraction at Czech Zoo

When it comes to being the mane attraction, there is no cat in town that can match the luscious locks of Leon the lion at Labem Zoo in the Czech Republic.

Leon’s locks have made him ‘the Samson of the Zoo’ and the star tourist attraction.  

Male lions usually start to grow manes from around the age of two, which signals the onset of sexual maturity.

It can be a mixed blessing because once they appear, it more often than not means the rest of the pride will throw out a dangerous young pretender. 

Leon the lion’s mane at Labem Zoo is his pride and joy – his flowing locks have made a tourist superstar at one of the most popular zoos in the country

But when you have such a fine head of hair, it's also possible when it's breezy to have a bad hair day and not escape the photographers

But when you have such a fine head of hair, it’s also possible when it’s breezy to have a bad hair day and not escape the photographers

All the attention Leon gets for his mane sometimes goes over his head as he grows accustomed to being the star of the show at the Czech zoo

All the attention Leon gets for his mane sometimes goes over his head as he grows accustomed to being the star of the show at the Czech zoo

Sometimes it's nice just to soak up the sun, concentrate on the bare necessities  and forget about your worries and your strife

Sometimes it’s nice just to soak up the sun, concentrate on the bare necessities  and forget about your worries and your strife

But just in case anybody thinks you're too much of a cozy soft touch, it may also be necessary to assert yourself with the occasion ear-shattering roar

But just in case anybody thinks you’re too much of a cozy soft touch, it may also be necessary to assert yourself with the occasion ear-shattering roar

Leon the lion and his spectacular mane

Leon the lion

Sometimes Leon appears to find all the attention on his mane a little bewildering, but that’s the price you have to pay when you’re so blessed by nature

At other times it's just downright boring and the best thing to do is lie down, have a yawn, ignore the tourists  and carry on regardless

At other times it’s just downright boring and the best thing to do is lie down, have a yawn, ignore the tourists  and carry on regardless

Maybe the best thing is to have a doze, let your hair down and let all the adulation go straight over your head

Maybe the best thing is to have a doze, let your hair down and let all the adulation go straight over your head