Lisa Wilkinson knew about accusations against Don Burke

  • Lisa Wilkinson knew about accusations of sexual harassment against Don Burke 
  • For 25 years the broadcaster heard rumours of women claiming crude behaviour
  • She said anyone who tries to speak up can be locked out, especially in the media
  • With an exciting new venture for 2018 she is looking forward to seeing change

Lisa Wilkinson has revealed she knew about accusations of sexual harassment against Don Burke for 25 years.  

‘It was an open secret, and it was commonly known that women and co-workers claimed they had been bullied or harassed by Burke,’ Wilkinson said at a Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Of Commerce Christmas lunch.

‘That was really well known, but it takes bravery to come forward knowing there could be ramifications. 

Lisa Wilkinson (pictured) says she knew about accusations of sexual harassment against Don Burke

For 25 years the broadcaster heard rumours of women claiming crude behaviour against Burke (pictured)

For 25 years the broadcaster heard rumours of women claiming crude behaviour against Burke (pictured)

‘When you come into a culture that’s well established, everybody has this unspoken set of rules, (such as) this behaviour is acceptable, and there’s not a lot that isn’t, as long as it’s kept under wraps.’  

She said anyone who tries to speak up can be locked out, especially in the media industry because people will make sacrifices to ‘make out’. 

‘The insidious and omnipresent boys’ club,’ she said. ‘You can take it from me that boys’ club well and truly exists, but it has to stop.

She said anyone who tries to speak up can be locked out, especially in the media

She said anyone who tries to speak up can be locked out, especially in the media

Wilkinson is sure she feels a change coming though as women around the world are coming together and seeking change. 

She warned the ‘Harvey Weinsteins’ of the world can no longer hide themselves as women band together and prove they are good enough. 

With her exciting new venture for 2018 just around the corner, Wilkinson says she looks forward to change as courage is found and women rise up.