Lisa Wilkinson’s book ‘fails to mention’ $500,000 contract with vitamin brand

Lisa Wilkinson’s upcoming book, It Wasn’t Meant to Be Like This, reportedly fails to mention an important detail about her departure from Channel Nine in late 2017.

Two months before her exit, the former Today show host, 61, signed a separate $500,000 contract with vitamin company Vitaco that caused a major headache for the network.

Wilkinson’s deal with Vitaco – which included TV adverts and Instagram posts – was problematic for Nine because it meant the station ‘did not have full access to her for a range of duties’, reports The Australian.

Selective memory: Lisa Wilkinson’s upcoming book, It Wasn’t Meant to Be Like This, reportedly fails to mention an important detail about her departure from Channel Nine in late 2017

Her commercial deal with the now-defunct website HuffPost Australia caused similar issues because it limited how Nine could use Wilkinson on its digital platforms.

By contrast, her co-anchor Karl Stefanovic – whom Wilkinson accuses of earning more than double her salary, prompting her to demand a pay rise that ultimately led to her sacking – had agreed to not sign any external contracts. 

The alleged omission of this detail challenges Wilkinson’s narrative that Nine fired her because she’d asked for pay parity with her male colleague.

In reality, Stefanovic may have been paid more because Nine was able to use him exclusively across various platforms, while Wilkinson’s outside contracts prohibited this. 

Remember this? Two months before her exit, the former Today show host signed a separate $500,000 contract with vitamin company Vitaco that caused a major headache for Nine

Remember this? Two months before her exit, the former Today show host signed a separate $500,000 contract with vitamin company Vitaco that caused a major headache for Nine

Spanner in the works: Wilkinson's deal with Vitaco was problematic for Nine because it meant the network 'did not have full access to her for a range of duties', reports The Australian

Spanner in the works: Wilkinson’s deal with Vitaco was problematic for Nine because it meant the network ‘did not have full access to her for a range of duties’, reports The Australian

Meanwhile, the Vitaco deal also caused PR issues for Nine at the time.

The health claims made by the company in regard to the Nutra-Life brand Wilkinson was spruiking – namely that aged garlic extract ‘may help to support healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels’ – were questioned by scientific experts.

Wilkinson’s deal was even featured on an episode of ABC’s Media Watch.

The program highlighted a 2016 segment from the Today show featuring Wilkinson in which Dr Penny Adams said vitamins were ‘probably a big waste of your money’.

Key difference: By contrast, her co-anchor Karl Stefanovic (left) - whom Wilkinson (right) accuses of earning more than double her salary, prompting her to demand a pay rise that ultimately led to her sacking - had agreed to not sign any external contracts

Key difference: By contrast, her co-anchor Karl Stefanovic (left) – whom Wilkinson (right) accuses of earning more than double her salary, prompting her to demand a pay rise that ultimately led to her sacking – had agreed to not sign any external contracts 

Limited options: In reality, Stefanovic may have been paid more because Nine was able to use him exclusively across various platforms, while Wilkinson's outside contracts prohibited this

Limited options: In reality, Stefanovic may have been paid more because Nine was able to use him exclusively across various platforms, while Wilkinson’s outside contracts prohibited this 

Wilkinson’s autobiography doesn’t hit store shelves until next month, but her sensational account of her sacking from Nine in 2017 is already being disputed.

Readers have had glimpses of the book in extracts published by News Corp papers, but several claims she makes have been challenged by industry insiders, who accuse her of omitting key facts and embellishing the truth.

Here are all the disputed claims from the memoir, allowing readers to decide for themselves whether it should be categorised under ‘fact’ or ‘fiction’.

Challenged: Wilkinson's book doesn't hit store shelves until next month, but her sensational account of her sacking from Nine in 2017 is already being disputed

Challenged: Wilkinson’s book doesn’t hit store shelves until next month, but her sensational account of her sacking from Nine in 2017 is already being disputed 

Claim 1: Lisa says Karl snubbed her wedding. Fact: The guests didn’t know it was a wedding

Wilkinson’s claim that Stefanovic intentionally ‘snubbed’ her vow renewals with husband Pete FitzSimons has been disputed by guests who attended the ceremony. 

The Sunday Project host says Stefanovic’s no-show at the October 2017 event was the final straw for their troubled relationship – even going so far as to imply he refused the invitation because he knew she was about to get sacked from Nine. 

Dispute: Wilkinson's claim that Stefanovic intentionally 'snubbed' her vow renewals with husband Pete FitzSimons has been disputed by guests who attended the ceremony. Pictured together at the TV Week Logie Awards in Melbourne on Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dispute: Wilkinson’s claim that Stefanovic intentionally ‘snubbed’ her vow renewals with husband Pete FitzSimons has been disputed by guests who attended the ceremony. Pictured together at the TV Week Logie Awards in Melbourne on Sunday, May 3, 2015

Claim: The Sunday Project host says Stefanovic's no-show at the October 2017 event was the final straw for their troubled relationship - even going so far as to imply he refused the invitation because he knew she was about to get sacked from Nine. Pictured: Wilkinson and her husband Peter FitzSimons at their vow renewal ceremony on October 6, 2017

Claim: The Sunday Project host says Stefanovic’s no-show at the October 2017 event was the final straw for their troubled relationship – even going so far as to imply he refused the invitation because he knew she was about to get sacked from Nine. Pictured: Wilkinson and her husband Peter FitzSimons at their vow renewal ceremony on October 6, 2017

But this narrative has been disputed by guests who attended the ceremony, many of whom told The Australian they didn’t know it was a wedding until they arrived.

If this was the case and Stefanovic hadn’t been told ahead of time the event was to celebrate Wilkinson and FitzSimons renewing their vows, then his decision to pull out at the last minute arguably wasn’t the snub Wilkinson is making it out to be.

It’s unclear if Stefanovic was made aware his co-anchor and her husband of 25 years were planning to renew their vows, or if he was simply told it was a party.

Regardless of what he knew, Wilkinson took Stefanovic’s last-minute cancellation to heart, and it effectively marked the end of their personal and professional relationship. 

Riddle: This narrative has been disputed by guests who attended the ceremony, many of whom told The Australian they didn't know it was a wedding until they arrived. (Wilkinson and FitzSimons are pictured at the ceremony with their children, Billi, Jake and Louis)

Riddle: This narrative has been disputed by guests who attended the ceremony, many of whom told The Australian they didn’t know it was a wedding until they arrived. (Wilkinson and FitzSimons are pictured at the ceremony with their children, Billi, Jake and Louis)

Snub? If this was the case and Stefanovic hadn't been told ahead of time the event was to celebrate Wilkinson and FitzSimons renewing their vows, then his decision to pull out at the last minute arguably wasn't the snub Wilkinson is making it out to be. Pictured in June 2007

Snub? If this was the case and Stefanovic hadn’t been told ahead of time the event was to celebrate Wilkinson and FitzSimons renewing their vows, then his decision to pull out at the last minute arguably wasn’t the snub Wilkinson is making it out to be. Pictured in June 2007

Claim 2: Karl was paid more than Lisa. Fact: Lisa was actually paid more than him for years

Lisa’s book includes a chapter dedicated to her sacking from Channel Nine and falling out with Stefanovic over a pay dispute.

She alleges Stefanovic proposed in August 2015 they join forces to renegotiate their Nine contracts – not unlike how the cast of American sitcom Friends famously worked together to broker better deals with NBC.

But she claims he ended up ditching this idea and instead played rival networks Nine and Seven off against each other in order to secure a better deal for himself.

Bombshell: Lisa's book includes a chapter dedicated to her sacking from Channel Nine and falling out with Stefanovic over a pay dispute

Bombshell: Lisa’s book includes a chapter dedicated to her sacking from Channel Nine and falling out with Stefanovic over a pay dispute

‘Weeks later… the media became awash with stories that Stefanovic was restless at Today and looking for greener pastures – and more civilised working hours – at Channel Seven,’ she wrote.

Stefanovic was soon at the centre of a bidding war between Nine and Seven that resulted in him re-signing a five-year deal with Nine worth at least $2million per year.

Wilkinson’s deal was worth significantly less, about $780,000 a year, and was only for two years.

‘There was no doubt about it: Karl certainly knew the art of the deal,’ she wrote, adding that the resulting pay disparity between them ‘was so off the charts that no-one would have believed it’. 

However, this allegedly doesn’t tell the full story. reported last week Wilkinson had in fact earned more than Stefanovic for years when they first joined forces on Today, and it was only at the end of their partnership that the roles reversed.

Money matters: This allegedly doesn't tell the full story, with reporting last week Wilkinson had in fact earned more than Stefanovic for years when they first joined forces on Today, and it was only at the end of their partnership that the roles reversed. The article, by journalist Samantha Maiden (pictured), reportedly sent the book's publisher into a major spin

Money matters: This allegedly doesn’t tell the full story, with reporting last week Wilkinson had in fact earned more than Stefanovic for years when they first joined forces on Today, and it was only at the end of their partnership that the roles reversed. The article, by journalist Samantha Maiden (pictured), reportedly sent the book’s publisher into a major spin

Rescinded: Harper Collins demanded a preview copy of the memoir be returned by the news website following publication of the story, well-placed sources told Daily Mail Australia

Rescinded: Harper Collins demanded a preview copy of the memoir be returned by the news website following publication of the story, well-placed sources told Daily Mail Australia 

This article – which challenges Wilkinson’s most significant claim about her exit from the Today show – reportedly sent the book’s publisher into a major spin.

Harper Collins Australia demanded a preview copy of the memoir be returned by the news website following publication of the story, sources told Daily Mail Australia.

In the piece, written by respected political journalist Samantha Maiden, sources at Nine disputed Wilkinson’s claims that Stefanovic was ‘paid double’ what she earned. 

In fact, they claim it was Wilkinson who was paid much more than Stefanovic for ‘many years’ after the pair first teamed up on Nine’s breakfast flagship in 2006. 

‘ understands that when she first signed with Nine in 2006 she was earning more than $700,000. The fresh-faced Stefanovic, who had just returned from a reporting stint in Los Angeles, earned less than half that amount for years as the TV couple co-hosted Nine’s breakfast TV program,’ the article states.

It was only several years later that Stefanovic would negotiate his way into a now-infamous pay rise that saw his salary explode to $2million a year. 

Falling out: Wilkinson claimed Stefanovic had given her the cold shoulder in the weeks prior to her sacking, which was prompted when she asked for a significant pay rise

Falling out: Wilkinson claimed Stefanovic had given her the cold shoulder in the weeks prior to her sacking, which was prompted when she asked for a significant pay rise

Claim 3: Karl didn’t ask about her wedding on her last day on Today. Fact: Footage from the broadcast shows he did ask  

In her book, Wilkinson claims Stefanovic gave her the cold shoulder in the weeks prior to her sacking, which was prompted when she asked for a significant pay rise.

She alleged she and FitzSimons had invited Stefanovic and his partner, Jasmine Yarbrough, to attend their 25th anniversary vow renewal ceremony in October 2017.

Two days before the event, however, Stefanovic supposedly contacted FitzSimons to say they wouldn’t be attending because they’d extended their overseas holiday.

No-show: She alleged she and FitzSimons had invited Stefanovic and his partner, Jasmine Yarbrough (right), to attend their 25th anniversary vow renewal ceremony in October 2017

No-show: She alleged she and FitzSimons had invited Stefanovic and his partner, Jasmine Yarbrough (right), to attend their 25th anniversary vow renewal ceremony in October 2017

Flaking: Two days before the event, however, Stefanovic supposedly contacted FitzSimons (right) to say they wouldn't be attending because they'd extended their overseas holiday

Flaking: Two days before the event, however, Stefanovic supposedly contacted FitzSimons (right) to say they wouldn’t be attending because they’d extended their overseas holiday

‘In the ten days since [the ceremony] Karl hadn’t contacted me, his co-host of almost eleven years, at all. No phone message, no text, no apology, not even a simple congrats. Just complete silence,’ Wilkinson alleged.

After returning to work, she claimed Stefanovic did not ask her about her holidays, nor did he apologise for being a ‘no-show at the wedding’.

‘For the next two hours, I exchanged not a single word with Karl outside of what was scripted – because for the first time, I just didn’t trust myself to “play nice”,’ she said.

However, her recollection of her last show has also been challenged, with resurfaced footage showing Stefanovic had in fact said to her: ‘It’s a big welcome back to Lisa. Nice to see you again. How was your honeymoon?’ 

Allegation: After returning to work, she claimed Stefanovic did not ask her about her holidays, nor did he apologise for being a 'no-show at the wedding'

Allegation: After returning to work, she claimed Stefanovic did not ask her about her holidays, nor did he apologise for being a ‘no-show at the wedding’

Tale of the tape: However, her recollection of her last show has also been disputed, with resurfaced footage showing Stefanovic had in fact said to her: 'It's a big welcome back to Lisa. Nice to see you again. How was your honeymoon?'

Tale of the tape: However, her recollection of her last show has also been disputed, with resurfaced footage showing Stefanovic had in fact said to her: ‘It’s a big welcome back to Lisa. Nice to see you again. How was your honeymoon?’

Claim 4: Lisa says Karl dominated the interviews and segments on her last day. Fact: Documents suggest they equally participated

Wilkinson also recalled feeling frustrated and ‘quietly fuming’ during her last day on air because ‘nearly every interview that day was being done by Karl alone’.

‘For two hours, I sat there feeling completely useless. The Today Show was now The Karl Show. What was the point of me even being there?’ she wrote.

However, The Australian has disputed this claim. 

Angry: Wilkinson also recalled feeling frustrated and 'quietly fuming' during her last day on air because 'nearly every interview that day was being done by Karl alone'

Angry: Wilkinson also recalled feeling frustrated and ‘quietly fuming’ during her last day on air because ‘nearly every interview that day was being done by Karl alone’

Rundown: The Australian obtained internal documents showing 'an almost equal split' between Wilkinson and Stefanovic's roles 'in the key segments and interviews' during her last day on air

Rundown: The Australian obtained internal documents showing ‘an almost equal split’ between Wilkinson and Stefanovic’s roles ‘in the key segments and interviews’ during her last day on air

The publication obtained internal documents showing ‘an almost equal split’ between Wilkinson and Stefanovic’s roles ‘in the key segments and interviews’ during her last day on air.

Respected entertainment reporter Peter Ford echoed The Australian’s report during his segment on Wednesday’s 6PR Breakfast. 

‘I’ve got the rundown [from Wilkinson’s last day on Today] in front of me, and she didn’t get the lead story that day… but the rest of the show is a very even spread between Karl and Lisa.’

‘What she’s saying doesn’t stack up, and there’s actual evidence,’ he added. 

Evidence: Respected entertainment reporter Peter Ford (pictured) echoed The Australian's report during his segment on Wednesday's 6PR Breakfast. 'I've got the rundown [from Wilkinson's last day on Today] in front of me, and she didn't get the lead story that day... but the rest of the show is a very even spread between Karl and Lisa'

Evidence: Respected entertainment reporter Peter Ford (pictured) echoed The Australian’s report during his segment on Wednesday’s 6PR Breakfast. ‘I’ve got the rundown [from Wilkinson’s last day on Today] in front of me, and she didn’t get the lead story that day… but the rest of the show is a very even spread between Karl and Lisa’

Claim 5: Lisa says Airlie Walsh read the early morning news report on her last day; Fact: It was Kate Creedon 

Another factual error in Wilkinson’s book, albeit minor, is her recollection of arriving at the Channel Nine studios on what would be her last day at the Today show.

She recalled arriving to work ahead of the 5.15am live news cross, which she claimed was read by reporter Airlie Walsh.

However, footage shows it was actually reporter Kate Creedon who read the bulletin.

Detail: Another factual error in Wilkinson's book, albeit minor, is her recollection of arriving at the Nine studios on what would be her last day at the Today show. She recalled arriving to work ahead of the 5.15am live news cross, which she claimed was read by reporter Airlie Walsh. However, footage shows it was actually reporter Kate Creedon who read the bulletin

Detail: Another factual error in Wilkinson’s book, albeit minor, is her recollection of arriving at the Nine studios on what would be her last day at the Today show. She recalled arriving to work ahead of the 5.15am live news cross, which she claimed was read by reporter Airlie Walsh. However, footage shows it was actually reporter Kate Creedon who read the bulletin 

Discussing this discrepancy on 6PR Breakfast, Ford said: ‘[Wilkinson] described in her book extract where, at quarter past five in the morning, Karl threw to Airlie Walsh – and Airlie Walsh wasn’t reading the news that day.

‘So, I know that’s a little thing, but if you’re going to get little things wrong people are going to start to doubt the entire thing.’

Meanwhile, leading TV commentator Rob McKnight said Wilkinson’s book had ‘backfired’ after several of its claims were challenged.

Speaking out: Ford tweeted of Wilkinson's book on Wednesday: 'I've obtained more exclusive "alternate facts" about Lisa's last day at Today. Increasingly more and more of what she claims simply didn't happen'

Speaking out: Ford tweeted of Wilkinson’s book on Wednesday: ‘I’ve obtained more exclusive “alternate facts” about Lisa’s last day at Today. Increasingly more and more of what she claims simply didn’t happen’ 

McKnight, a former Nine executive, told Daily Mail Australia last week: ‘To be honest, I reckon we’ve heard the juiciest stuff [in extracts].

‘The fact is she used that to sell it and it’s so backfired. She’s lost control of the narrative. She was really trying to use gender inequality and it’s really backfired.’

Lisa Wilkinson’s It Wasn’t Meant to Be Like This is released on November 1

'She tried to use gender inequality and it's really backfired': TV commentator Rob McKnight (pictured) said Wilkinson's book had 'backfired' after several of its claims were challenged

‘She tried to use gender inequality and it’s really backfired’: TV commentator Rob McKnight (pictured) said Wilkinson’s book had ‘backfired’ after several of its claims were challenged