Little girl’s meltdown when father sings pop song in car

This toddler certainly changes her tune – especially when dad starts trying to sing her favourite song.

Little Alexia Rologas is obsessed with Kelly Clarkson’s hit ‘Since U Been Gone’ and her face is a picture of delight when her dad George, 32, starts to play it on the car’s stereo.

But her joy quickly turns to anguish as her dad tries to join in the singing.

The three-year-old quickly screws her face up and begins to scream to get her dad to shut up.


This toddler certainly changes her tune – especially when dad starts trying to since her favourite song (pictured)

Little Alexia Rologas is obsessed with Kelly Clarkson's hit 'Since U Been Gone' - but her joy quickly turns to despair when her dad starts singing (pictured)

Little Alexia Rologas is obsessed with Kelly Clarkson’s hit ‘Since U Been Gone’ – but her joy quickly turns to despair when her dad starts singing (pictured)

After several seconds George asks ‘can’t daddy sing’ only to get a very firm ‘no’ from his daughter.

Hilariously, each time George gives up Alexia immediately settles back into her car seat satisfied.

George, from Broadview, Australia, said: ‘Every time, without fail, my little girl turns psycho when I start singing along to her favourite song.

The three-year-old quickly screws her face up and begins to scream to get her dad to shut up (pictured)

The three-year-old quickly screws her face up and begins to scream to get her dad to shut up (pictured)

George, from Broadview, Australia, said: 'Every time, without fail, my little girl turns psycho when I start singing along to her favourite song' (both pictured)

George, from Broadview, Australia, said: ‘Every time, without fail, my little girl turns psycho when I start singing along to her favourite song’ (both pictured)

‘She has always loved that song and doesn’t seem to like anyone else singing it. So she goes crazy if someone starts singing along with her. 

‘I love her face when I play the song, that shows she loves it.

‘She was so happy… until I started singing. As you can see the difference in her reactions from when she first heard it to when I start singing is huge. 

'She has always loved that song and doesn't seem to like anyone else singing it. So she goes crazy if someone starts singing along with her,' her father continued

‘She has always loved that song and doesn’t seem to like anyone else singing it. So she goes crazy if someone starts singing along with her,’ her father continued

‘I actually like the song myself, so part of me was playing with her but part of me genuinely did want to sing along.

‘She wasn’t happy for a while but eventually she forgot about it and we had a fun day.’

He concluded: 'She wasn't happy for a while but eventually she forgot about it and we had a fun day'

He concluded: ‘She wasn’t happy for a while but eventually she forgot about it and we had a fun day’

The pair (pictured together) are from Broadview in South Australia 

The pair (pictured together) are from Broadview in South Australia