Lizzie Waley from Sundae is behind ‘whipped cream’ body wash collection in Priceline and Woolworths

Lizzie Waley, is the face behind Sundae, a bodywash company which aims to inject fun into shower time

The entrepreneur who created a popular whipped-cream style body has been unmasked a year after her dessert-themed products hit the shelves and sales exploded.

For 12 months Lizzie Waley, from Melbourne, politely declined to be publicly linked to her company, Sundae.

‘I wanted the product to speak for itself and I am a bit of a quiet achiever, I like to keep things ticking over in the background,’ the 30-year-old told FEMAIL.

‘Only my close circle of friends and immediate family knew about it,’ she laughed.

But ‘being outed’ feels good, she admitted, because she now has the ability to connect with the men and women who can’t get enough of her quirky range.

‘I have had quite a lot of really nice DMs since I was convinced to ‘come out’ as the face of Sundae, it has actually felt really nice to get recognition,’ she admitted.

Although she said it makes ‘getting things done’ more difficult.

‘I like being out there with the community, but after a recent trip to Sydney I had 106 emails to go through, so being the face of the business does take time,’ she said. 

Lizzie started the company a year ago but wanted to stay out of the limelight and let her products stand on their own - which they have

Lizzie started the company a year ago but wanted to stay out of the limelight and let her products stand on their own – which they have

The 30-year-old started the business with her best friends Andrew Simmonds, 36, a hospitality worker, after they agreed shower time to be nothing but a mundane chore

The 30-year-old started the business with her best friends Andrew Simmonds, 36, a hospitality worker, after they agreed shower time to be nothing but a mundane chore

Lizzie has always dreamed of starting a business with her best friend Andrew Simmonds, 36, who is a silent partner of the company, mostly dealing with the accounts side of things.

‘We have been tossing around ideas for years – and it always came back to Sundae,’ she said.

‘We would reminisce on how good bath time was as kids, and how somewhere along the line it turned into a chore, and you’d aim to spend as little time in the shower as possible,’ she explained.

Which explains the whipped-cream, dessert theme which has captured the hearts of her loyal customers ‘inner children’.

‘We decided it was time someone injected fun into body care – making a mundane moment a joyful one,’ she explained.

The body wash can looks like a whipped-cream can, right down to the lid which Lizzie found out requires a special machine to ‘get just right’.

The aerosol technology means the body wash comes out of the can looking just like cream. 

In fact it is so realistic there has been some confusion.

Only Lizzie's closest friends and family knew she was the co-founder of the company which scored major deals with Priceline and Woolworths before it was even launched

Only Lizzie’s closest friends and family knew she was the co-founder of the company which scored major deals with Priceline and Woolworths before it was even launched

‘One Woolworths store accidentally stocked us in the fridge aisle, and some customers have asked if it is edible.

‘It isn’t, well I mean nothing in there is going to hurt you if you did eat it, but it wouldn’t taste very nice,’ she laughed.

The aim of the product is also to look good in the bathroom – to have a body wash you are proud to display.

‘We actually reverse engineered all of our products,’ she said.

‘We started with the cans and cream theme, then we decided which colours we needed in the collection before coming up with the flavours.

‘Every new flavour started with a can colour, something we thought was missing from the line up,’ she said.

Lizzie expected to be able to run Sundae as a side hustle – she loved her job in marketing and didn’t want to give it up – but before her brand had even launched she realised it would be impossible to do both.

‘Before we launched we were already in Woolworths and Priceline, so suddenly we had an order for 50,000 cans before our website was live, it started huge.

‘I realised this wasn’t some cute side hobby and I didn’t want to restrict it’s growth, it was all happening so naturally,’ she said.

So after working on the company in the evenings for 18 months she ditched her day job.

A year on she has no regrets and finally feels confident being the face of Sundae.

‘I have even taken my Instagram off private and put Sundae in my bio,’ she said.

Adding the reaction from friends outside of her most sacred circle was incredible.

‘So many people messaged me to tell me they use it,’ she said. ‘They were shocked it was mine.’

Before that some had found out by word of mouth, or from her inner circle.

‘I wasn’t keeping it a secret I just wasn’t telling anyone,’ she said.

‘But when people asked me what I do at dinner parties my friends would cut in and tell them about Sundae.’ 

The entrepreneur said her close friends would happily boast about her and her connection with Sundae - while she prepared to 'get stuff done' in the background

The entrepreneur said her close friends would happily boast about her and her connection with Sundae – while she prepared to ‘get stuff done’ in the background

Australian Crawl guitarist Simon Binks is among one of Lizzie's biggest fans - and couldn't be prouder to be her dad

Australian Crawl guitarist Simon Binks is among one of Lizzie’s biggest fans – and couldn’t be prouder to be her dad

Meanwhile Lizzie’s top supporter, her mum, has become a pro at checking the aisle at her supermarket, never failing to give her daughter the heads up.

‘She is always disappointed when the shelf is well-stocked, our launch into supermarkets was a learning curve.

‘We realised people are more likely to reach for one of the pink flavours, and are buying it based on its appearance.

‘When we first went into Woolworths it was with out more subdued colours,’ she said.

The flavours have been reverse engineered - after Lizzie designed the can and colours for the range first

The flavours have been reverse engineered – after Lizzie designed the can and colours for the range first

Both Woolworths and Priceline are looking to extend their product lines as Sundae continues to expand.

Their most recent flavour, green tea, is already proving very popular with their most loyal customers excited by the inclusion of AHA’s which act as an exfoliator.

The whole range can be seen on the Sundae website. The company is expanding into markets in the UK and America, after making a very colourful splash in Australia.
