Lloyds Pharmacy owner Aurelius Group joins suitors circling The Body Shop

Lloyds Pharmacy owner Aurelius Group joins suitors circling The Body Shop

The owner of the Lloyds Pharmacy chain has joined suitors circling The Body Shop.

Aurelius Group is among the businesses eyeing the cosmetics company, which has been put up for sale by its Brazilian owner Natura.

Others eyeing The Body Shop are thought to include private equity firm Epiris and Elliott Advisors, which owns Waterstones, according to Sky News

Once deemed a trailblazer, The Body Shop has become the latest High Street chain to struggle. It has seen sales diminish in recent quarters as the rising cost of living hits consumers in the pocket.

Sales fell by 12 per cent to £130million in the second quarter of 2023.

Struggles: The Body Shop has become the latest High Street chain to struggle. It has seen sales diminish in recent quarters as the rising cost of living hits consumers in the pocket 

This followed a 9.4 per cent drop in the first quarter of 2023.

Natura, which also owns Avon, has said a sale was not guaranteed. The Sao Paulo-based personal care cosmetics group bought The Body Shop for £880million in 2017 from L’Oreal. 

Richard Hunter, head of markets at Interactive Investor, said: ‘Body Shop was a brand which was well ahead of its time, but one where time has now caught up with its ethos, most notably the now commonplace avoidance of animal testing on new products.

‘While ESG [environmental, social, and governance] continues to be a powerful theme, Body Shop’s previous attributes which set it apart have all but evaporated.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk