London’s Drama accused of charging black clubbers more for entry

A nightclub loved by celebrities has been accused of racism amid claims staff have been charging black and mixed race clubbers double the price.  

Drama Park Lane in London’s popular Soho district has been branded ‘racist and rude’ by partygoers charged more on entry to the venue. 

Club bosses denied allegations of racism but did not respond when contacted by MailOnline.

A Twitter user who says they handle the press and marketing for the venue told MailOnline to ‘go away’ when he was contacted by telephone this afternoon.

Celebrity haunt: Actress Lindsay Lohan partying at Drama Park Lane in 2014 

Accusations: Club bosses at Drama Park Lane in London have been branded 'racist' amid claims black and mixed raced women are being charged more upon entry 

Accusations: Club bosses at Drama Park Lane in London have been branded ‘racist’ amid claims black and mixed raced women are being charged more upon entry 

Yesterday a mother spoke out about the alleged treatment her daughter faced at the weekend when she was charged £20 for entry while white women were let into the club for half the price.

Posting to Twitter, Nadine Marsh-Edwards said: ‘My daughter went to a club in the west end last night. Black girls got charged £20 entrance fee- white girls £10… London life right now.’

The tweet quickly gained traction, with local Labour councillor Pancho Lewis branding the club ‘disgraceful’.  

And this is not seemingly not an isolated incident, according to the club’s TripAdvisor reviews which are littered with accusations of racism and racial bias. 

A user called AmbiAmbi 2018, who reviewed the club on Saturday, claimed her and her four friends were asked to pay £20.  

'Racist, don't even attempt': Ambibambi2018 claimed Drama Park Lane charged white women £10 while she and her three friends 'of mixed ethnicity' were charged £20 

‘Racist, don’t even attempt’: Ambibambi2018 claimed Drama Park Lane charged white women £10 while she and her three friends ‘of mixed ethnicity’ were charged £20 

'Obnoxious': Lulia B from Zurich, Switzerland, described the venue as 'racist' in a review left over a year ago 

‘Obnoxious’: Lulia B from Zurich, Switzerland, described the venue as ‘racist’ in a review left over a year ago 

‘A group of white girls who were in front of us were told to pay £10 or were taken straight through,’ claimed AmbiAmbi 2018.

While another reviewer George P from Liverpool described how his wedding anniversary was ruined after he was refused entry at the nightclub but his wife, who he described was white, was allowed in. 

Posting to TripAdvisor just over a week ago, he alleged doorstaff told him the club was ‘full’ when there was around seven people inside.

He claimed that another bouncer said his wife could enter but he couldn’t because ‘that’s the way it is here’. 

'Stay away': TripAdvisor user George said his wife was left in tears after she was allowed in the club but he was refused entry on their anniversary weekend in London 

‘Stay away’: TripAdvisor user George said his wife was left in tears after she was allowed in the club but he was refused entry on their anniversary weekend in London 

George said he and his partner had travelled down from Liverpool for the weekend to mark the special occasion and ‘made sure’ they did everything right before turning up to the venue.

He wrote: ‘we put our names on the guest list, we dressed sart and arrived super early with IDs. There were around six to seven people in front of us when the doors opened who were all allowed in. When we got to the front, the girl with the clip board asked if we were on the guest list. She didn’t even ask to check she just said, “We are full, please step aside.” 

He continued: ‘Bearing in mind there were just six to seven people inside at this point. I approached a different bouncer to find out their reason. He said my wife could go in but not me. I asked why and he said, “That’s just the way it is here”. My wife was in tears on our anniversary. I felt so bad having arranged the weekend in London and picked the venue. I can’t believe this is still happening in 2018.’ 

The Soho nightclub was co-founded three years ago by Nick House, Tom Eilenberg and Ryan Bish, reported the Evening Standard.

'They will judge you': Alexandra D left a review in March 2018 accusing the staff of 'turfing away' women who were 'black or from another ethnic minority' 

‘They will judge you’: Alexandra D left a review in March 2018 accusing the staff of ‘turfing away’ women who were ‘black or from another ethnic minority’ 

'Different prices': XMariemx described the unfair pricing system which saw some customers being charged more than others 

‘Different prices’: XMariemx described the unfair pricing system which saw some customers being charged more than others 

Celebrities such as Leonardo Di Caprio, musician Drake, Rhianna, model Naomi Campbell and British tennis star Andy Murray have partied in the glitzy establishment. 

In a statement, Drama denied told The Star it discriminated against clubbers or people of different ethnic minority backgrounds.

A spokesperson for Drama said: ‘Thank you for alerting us to this serious allegation, which we are urgently investigating.

‘We operate a non-discriminatory policy and we place a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion.

‘We do not tolerate any form of discrimination against any individual or group.

‘The standard door charge at Drama Park Lane is £20.

‘Promotions are offered for various reasons, but never on the grounds of discrimination of race, colour or national origin.’