Loose Women viewers slam the idea of renaming Father’s Day as Brenda Edwards calls for name change

A Loose Women panellist has baffled viewers by suggesting that Father’s Day should be renamed, out of sensitivity to those who struggle with the occasion. 

Appearing on the ITV show, singer Brenda Edwards suggested calling the annual day of celebrating dads Fatherly Day instead, to be ‘more inclusive’.

The West End star and former X Factor contestant, 45, said she finds such occasions challenging, having lost her parents in a car crash when she was just a baby.

But Carol McGriffin, 59, hated the idea of calling it something different, saying:’I don’t think you have to rename everything for god’s sake.’

Viewers agreed, with many taking to Twitter to criticise Brenda’s suggestion. 

Brenda Edwards, 45, supported the idea of renaming Father’s Day to be something more ‘inclusive’, having lost both her parents in a car crash when she was a baby 

Panelist Carol McGriffin passionately disagreed, and said she was fed up with 'renaming everything'

Panelist Carol McGriffin passionately disagreed, and said she was fed up with ‘renaming everything’

One wrote:’ No it’s Father’s Day, simple as that! Some don’t have dads and some do. Stop trying to change it!’

They continued: ‘My kids have a fantastic stepdad but never look at him as a stepdad but as their real dad.’

Meanwhile another commented: ‘Absolutely not, and we shouldn’t rename Mother’s Day either. Another example of PC nonsense.’ 

Carol introduced the topic by explaining that some people think Father’s Day should be renamed to ‘Fatherly Day’ or ‘Appreciation of men in your life day.’

Many viewers took to Twitter to express their outrage about renaming the day, with many saying they were upset by the suggestion

Many viewers took to Twitter to express their outrage about renaming the day, with many saying they were upset by the suggestion 

And Brenda seemed to appreciate that idea, saying that she’d struggled growing up without a father after her parents died in a car crash when she was a baby. 

She said that she’d found it hard in school when encouraged to make a Father’s Day card, as she never knew who she was meant to write one for.

She explained: ‘Because I didn’t have my father growing up, when Father’s Day comes out and Mother’s Day comes out, I see cards in the shop that I want to buy.

‘My grandmother always said anyone can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad.’

Brenda and Carol clashed over the idea of renaming Father's Day with both opening up about their experience of losing parents

Brenda and Carol clashed over the idea of renaming Father’s Day with both opening up about their experience of losing parents 

Brenda admitted she'd struggled in school having lost her father to know who to write a Father's Day card for

Brenda admitted she’d struggled in school having lost her father to know who to write a Father’s Day card for 

She went on: ‘I think it would be nice to have something other than just “father”. It’s just nice to be more inclusive of everyone i think.’  

The panelist added: ‘I quite like having something that includes everyone.’

But Carol couldn’t help but jump in and express her concerns, saying: ‘I don’t think you should rename it though. 

‘Even if you don’t have a mum or a dad, it’s a day when you probably remember them more. 

But Carol suggested that Father's Day was still a nice day to remember a dad, even if he wasn't with you anymore

But Carol suggested that Father’s Day was still a nice day to remember a dad, even if he wasn’t with you anymore

‘I definitely think about my mum more on Mother’s Day. Of course you do.’

She added: ‘I don’t think you really need to rename everything, for god’s sake. I mean you can’t ban everything. Let’s just ban every day ending in Y!’  

Viewers appeared to agree with Carol, and took to Twitter to express their concerns.

One wrote: ‘Christ alive, do we have to rename everything?’ 

Many viewers slammed the idea on Twitter, with some pointing out that shops stock a variety of cards for different circumstances

Many viewers slammed the idea on Twitter, with some pointing out that shops stock a variety of cards for different circumstances 

Another commented: ‘Are the ones who want to rename Father’s Day the same ones who want to rename Mothering Sunday?? Or is it just Father’s Day they want to rename?’  

Some pointed out that there were already a range of cards in shops for those who may not have a ‘conventional’ father in their life.  

One wrote: ‘They make cards that say, ‘to whom has been like a father to me’.

Another commented: ‘There are variants if you care to look stepdad, granddad etc. Went shopping for my kids dad yesterday and saw it.’    

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk