Despite having been in the Love Island villa for weeks, fans of the show paid attention to Josh Denzel’s tattoos for the first time on Wednesday night.
And of most note was the resemblance one of them appears to have to a particular part of the male anatomy.
Flocking to Twitter with grabs from the episode of Josh lying on the day bed with his tattoo on full display, fans of the show posted tweets to the tune of: ‘I legit thought Josh had a penis tattoo on his arm for a sec!’
What is THAT? Despite having been in the Love Island villa for weeks, fans of the show paid attention to Josh Denzel’s tattoos for the first time on Wednesday night – with one looking particularly phallic
Another concurred: ‘Is it just me or is that a tattoo of a penis on Josh’s arm (legit! I’ve rewound. Paused. Stared up close. Rewound. Paused. Stared up close etc etc…..!!??)’
A third asked: ‘Does Josh have a penis tattooed on the back of his arm? What on earth is it?’
‘Josh has a tattoo on the back of his arm that looks like a penis and it cracks me up every time!’ another eagle-eyed viewer wrote.
This isn’t the first time this has caught the attention of viewers, with someone tweeting earlier in the week: ‘Am I the only person to notice that Josh has a penis tattooed on his arm?’

Tat’s embarrassing: Of most note was the resemblance one of the tattoos appears to have to a particular part of the male anatomy

Awkward: Flocking to Twitter with grabs from the episode of Josh lying on the day bed with his tattoo on full display, fans of the show posted tweets to the tune of ‘I legit thought Josh had a penis tattoo on his arm for a sec’
The actual inking is in fact of Saint Christopher – the patron saint of travellers, athletes and sports – walking through the Nile carrying a child.
During the episode, the couples were seen throwing themselves head first into life as ‘parents’, with some of them proving themselves fully prepared for the job, while others – particularly Josh – struggled.
Taking on the infamous baby challenge, Josh and partner Kaz felt the strain as Josh struggled to bond with their doll baby, Prince Kavana Joshua Denzel, leading to his make-up artist girlfriend calling him ‘an absent father’.
While some of the Islanders were taking to parenthood swimmingly, Josh was clearly struggling to bond with Prince – much to his adoring girlfriend’s chagrin.

Tat’s not good: This isn’t the first time this has caught the attention of viewers, with someone tweeting earlier in the week about the same thing

Mix up: The actual inking is in fact of Saint Christopher – the patron saint of travellers, athletes and sports – walking through the Nile carrying a child

Father material? During the episode, the couples were seen throwing themselves head first into life as ‘parents’, with some of them proving themselves fully prepared for the job, while others – particularly Josh – struggled

Deadbeat dad? Kaz and Josh felt the strain of the challenge as he struggled to bond with their doll baby, Prince Kavana Joshua Denzel, leading to his make-up artist girlfriend calling him ‘an absent father’
He said: ‘How have I got a headache already? I’ve not had one headache since I’ve been here. A baby comes along and I’ve got a booming headache. Keep the babies as far away from me as possible, especially when they cry.’
Showing his attitude was not going missed, a rather perturbed Kaz called Josh out on his behaviour, saying: ‘I’m really enjoying it, I’m so happy. You’ve been running away, I don’t think you’ve held him once.’
He defiantly insisted he has been on-hand however was struggling with his son’s incessant crying: ‘I’ve held him a few times. It’s just he cries, a lot.’
After Kaz branded her beau ‘an absent father’, Josh said in the Beach Hut: ‘I don’t know how people do it, it’s literally been half a day, and I’m a broken man’.